The Pod Files - Saturday 28 October 2023
Ah, the wonder of clocks changing - the clocks went back, so an extra hour at work unpaid. “You’ll get it back when they go forward…” No I won’t, because I won’t be around when that happens! The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember (Changed tactic now where starred dialogue denotes quoting from the show’s own notes) The Rise of King Asilas - (0:32) Episode 9: 12 March 2018: Falling Dominoes [no episode descriptions now, so as to avoid spoilers.” Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:05) 1 September 2023 7 Good Minutes - (0:08) 12 October 2023: * The Art of Balancing Ambition & Self-Care: Escape the Overachiever's Trap - In today's episode of 7 Good Minutes, we tackle the hidden traps that often ensnare overachievers. While ambition and drive can propel you to great heights, they can also lead you into pitfalls you never saw coming. We're here to give you the inside scoop on how to chase excellence without sacrific...