The Pod Files - Saturday 27 April 2024

The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember (Changed tactic now where starred dialogue denotes quoting from the show’s own notes ) Mortalverse - 26 April 2024: *Arrow/Canary PART 8 "Clash of the Gods" - At their lowest point yet, Oliver Queen and the Suicide Squad may have their best chance of survival. But what will it take to earn it? [this is how to end a story! The whole story has developed well, with great narrative, and really good dialogue/characterisation. The finale leaves us in a place that leads us nicely into another story to look forward to. Not spoiling, but it could be enlightening.] Daily Dad Jokes - 27 April 2024 Merriam Webster’s Word of the Day - 26 April 2024: homage Composer’s Day - 26 April 2024: Serebrier assists Stokie (and Ives) The Daily Quiz Show - 24 April 2024: Art and Literature Sounds Profitable - 24 April 2024: *UK Podcast Adspend Growth, Avoiding Marketing Fatigue, & More - Here's what you need to...