The Pod Files - Monday August 29 2022 part two

The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) Comicbook Nation - (1:13) August 26 2022: Kofi, Matt and Janell. Breaking news - director Matt Shakman directing Fantastic 4. Shazam 2 and Aquaman 2 pushed. More about the fallout from Batgirl. Kofi sings a soul classic “money money money money…” the Batman 2 is still happening. Reactions about the Game of Thrones spin-off House Of The Dragon (announced with a terrible “English” impression from Kofi). (0:30 in - They are joined by Evan Valentine to discuss Dragonball Super Superhero. She Hulk episode two. When Kofi said that “it’s a tight 22 minutes” I was so pissed off, because I haven’t watched the episode yet, and could have fitted it in the 45 minutes to an hour that I get between getting up and going to work. “Matt’s agenda!” (0:52) Power Rangers merchandise. I’ve seen this on his socials, and it’s so cool. Comics - AXE Judgement, Damage Control, and Detective Comics 1063. The Slowdown - (0:06) episode...