The Pod Files - Friday August 26 2022 part two


The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)

The Book Realm - (0:15) August 18 2022: come and join DL in the virtual reading room. Discussing the book Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney. Then DL talks about None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marley. 

Depeche Mode: The Podcast - (0:20) August 24 2022: Jon chats about what is known about the forthcoming album, and what the listeners have said about it. 

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - (1:13) episode 88: August 22 2022: Nick likes to push buttons too fast. Later they’re looking at two episodes that “sucked ass.” I forgot about those two episodes. Comedy bits on the second though if I remember correctly? They promote their bonus content on Patreon. She Hulk. Does Nick have a new sound on the podcaster pro? Nick’s prophecy about the future of cinemas. Imagine Royal Oak. Restaurant at a cinema? Guys, there is a place in Lincoln that does that, and I’ve wanted to check the place out. Nick gives Jonathan Frakes “the worst birthday present ever”? Neil Gaiman’s Netflix series The Sandman. Trailer for season five of Cobra Kai. South Park 25th anniversary concert at Red Rock. The app for Paramount Plus -  “it’s sucks!” BREAK WITH NO COMMERCIALS. Mention of my blog posts, and then how difficult it is for them to try and organise me guesting on their show. “Let art be art.” It wasn’t a moan, but just a response to Nick’s comment, guys. Joe responds to Rob having taken his boy to a concert. Oh man, I absolutely hate the expense of merchandise at concerts, and I can’t believe that Joe’s son left the t-shirt behind! The fees for buying tickets! E first episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine they’re looking at is The Prodigal Daughter, an Ezri Dax enteric episode, again! I actually don’t remember this episode. “Audra goes home.” Captain Brooks Avery. BREAK. The second episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine they’re looking at is The Emperor’s New Cloak. I think my opinion of the seventh and final season of Star Trek Deep Space Nine is the later part, as there seem to be more stinkers than I remembers. Nick mentions about the theory of us living on another planet. “Ooh, topic of conversation…” “No offence.” Potential show future - Breaking Up With The Cardassians as an advice show? 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:03) August 27 2022

Sanjida Sayz - (0:04) October 1 2020: Daily Drive 5 “Hey guys hope you like this episode! Today i have a special quote for you and tomorrow a stranger danger special to create awareness about this, especially nowadays. Hope you like this one, and keep smiling people!” 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:10) episode 310: August 27 2022: We review the celebrity book "Cookie Meets Peanut" by Bethenny Frankel

From A To Ziggy - (0:17) February 20 2016: I’ve not listened to this show in a long while. This time Thomas and Travis look at the cover song Alabama Song. 

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:08) episode 299: September 9 2014: bereavement suppresses the immune system

The Slowdown - (0:06) episode 358: April 8 2020: Today's poem is Talent by Layli Long Soldier.

TEDx Shorts - (0:09) July 12 2021: what foods did your ancestors love? 

Naked Scientists: Question of the Week - (0:04) episode 93: February 15 2010: can you make a phone call from a black hole? 

Another great video from Rachel, who is the 
creative genius behind LaurnDakat. 

A Breath Of Fresh Air - (0:52) July 22 2022: Sandy’s family have been battling covid. Her first guest is Verden Allen, founder of Mott The Hoople, and who has now got a new album out. The Rockfield studio. Playing organ for Jimmy Cliff on songs including Many Rivers To Cross and You Can Get It If You Really Want. The band name came from a book. The Cheeks became the basis for The Pretenders. The second guest is Frank Jekyll of the band The 1910 Fruit Gum Company. The third guest and Australian star John Williamson, as requested by sagos listener Ned. 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day -  (0:02) August 27 2022: sensibility 

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:06) episode 300: September 10 2014: EPSRC’s rising stars

One Minute Movie Reviews - (0:03) August 27 2022: Mikey looks at the series Under The Banner Of Heaven. 

Naked Scientists: Question of the Week - (0:05) episode 94: February 22 2010: does ploughing snow cause global warming?

TEDx Shorts - (0:08) July 13 2021: medical clickbait - are we asking the right questions?

Bucket List Careers - (0:24) episode 64: May 26 2022: Christa chats with Jamie from Real Vision TV. “Are you a travel tv presenter?” “Yes, yes I am!” 


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