The Pod Files - Thursday September 29 2022

The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) The Comfortable Spot - (0:57) March 27 2022: Ken chats with historian Tristan Hughes. During the discussion the subject of authenticity in films comes up, such as Alexander The Great, Gladiator, and Spartacus. They also talk about games such as Age Of armoured. Tristan does the podcast The Ancients for the History Hit network, a network started by Dan Snow. Tristan is written the book The Perdiccas Years, 323-320 BC, which interestingly looks at the aftermath of the death of Alexander The Great. On The Night Train - (0:01) August 9 2022: Trailer… During a group chat recording on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I said that there were probably podcasts about trains, so of course I looked. This is a drama podcast to do with trains, so let’s check it out, eh? This show is from The Merry Beggars productions. Anatomy Of Murder - (0:03) September 22 2020: trailer Phase Zero - (0:33) bonus episode 14:...