
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Pod Files - Sunday February 26 2023

  The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) Bridgewater - (0:32) season 2 episode 5: February 3 2023: “Chapter 15 The Seekers - A visitor in town brings answers and more questions with them as a local group provides an unexpected set of allies.”   Bridgewater - (0:44) season 2 episode 6 February 10 2023: “Chapter 16 The Howler - Peyton Blake has difficult news to share with Jeremy, Anne, and Thomas, while Olivia shares difficult news of her own with her mother.”  Daily Dad jokes - (0:04) February 22 2023: world yoga day  Blood On The Tracks - (0:33) season 1 episode 10: October 7 2020: “chapter 10 Phil Spector and Phil Spector - As Phil Spector faces the rest of his life in prison for the murder of actress Lana Clarkson, the memories in his head swirl around in a perfect storm of confusion, resentment, misguided anger, and petty entitlement. The words of Lenny Bruce, Ronnie Spector, Keith Richards, Ike Turner, Leonard Cohen, Debbie Harr...

The Pod Files - Saturday February 25 2023

  The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) Bill reads bad reviews - (0:35) episode 73: February 25 2023: finally, a new episode from Bill. Boy, have I missed my guy. Bill has had no reviews coming about the show again. Get them sent in! This time he is speaking about the film 13 going on 30, starring Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. It would’ve made a good horror movie? What? Andy Serkis. Sweetly adorable. Sorry, sweetly believable? “Huzzah, good job!” Drawing the line at thriller! “Why has someone not taken this woman to a doctor?”  Daily Dad Jokes - (0:05) February 20 2023: President’s Day  Vintage rock pod - (0:06) February 23 2023: Paul looks at celebrities birthdays and events from this day in history. Today’s main topic is the song God Gave Rock ‘n’ Roll To You by Argent, released on this day in 1973.    Paul chats with Rod Argent about the cover version of the song by Kiss.  Get Happy Headlines - (0:07) February 2 2023: “S...

The Pod Files - Friday February 24 2023

  The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) Bridgewater - (0:35) season 1 episode 4: January 27 2023: “Chapter 14 Borrowing Trouble” what to say that won’t spoil it? Katy is finally informed about something that she needs to know, and there are repercussions from the incident. Family secrets are unbound.  Daily Dad Jokes - (0:06) February 18 2023  Cabinet of Curiosities - (0:11) episode39: November 6 2018: “Bird Brain - Science is on full display in the Cabinet of Curiosities today. Whether its the creation of something new, or the reevaluation of something old, it's amazing what can come out of the laboratory.”  Audio Poem of the Day - (0:03) episode 1100: February 23 2023: Harold Norse says… by Tyler Raso.  Naked Scientists In Short - (0:05)  episode  955:  February 23 2023: Does our language affect our decision making? Rich and Jimmy Do A Panto - (0:12) January 13 2023: church yard, scary, Patricia the cow, innuendo. M...

Not The Pod Files

  Life as we know it. I’ve not written any blogposts that aren’t about my podcast listening for a while.  There is a lot going on. As hinted at in a hashtag on a Twitter post, my mum has finally been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s . Members of the family, including myself, have thought this for a few years, but have been told that it wasn’t so.  Now it’s been diagnosed as such, and finally something is being done about it. It’s a long road ahead, and it’s not going to be easy in any way.  It’s going to be incredibly painful and difficult for everyone. My dad hasn’t been well either, and is in hospital at present.  That too is something that’s on my mind a lot, even if I don’t show it very much.  I’m someone who often tries to hide emotions, which isn’t a good thing I suppose.  However, sometimes emotions need hiding in my book, because when I was younger I had an awful temper, which I feel that I control by holding emotions back. I only seem to have two em...

The Pod Files - Thursday February 23 2023

  The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) The Icarus Complex - (0:45) season 5 episode 4: February 21 2023: “chapter 54 Emma part three - A blast from a rather difficult past reaches out, leaving Liam with some soul searching to do and an impromptu meet up causes tension between Elena and Liam.” I love the soul music at the end of the episode.  Merriam Webster’s Word Of The Day - (0:02) February 22 2023: rectify  Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:11) episode 426: February 21 2022: We review the book "This Little President A Presidential Primer" by Joan Holub. This Goose Is Cooked - (0:04) February 19 2023  Grammar Girl - (0:06) episode 129: August 25 208: Assure Versus Ensure Versus Insure  Create Magic - (0:05) Episode 178: October 3 2022: Seekers of Strange Somethings “Devilish Monday fun for y'all! Todays inktober prompt is from the Season of The Bad Guys List and is mashed up with inspiration from todays Cryptnaut podcast episode! Check ...