The Pod Files - Sunday February 26 2023

The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) Bridgewater - (0:32) season 2 episode 5: February 3 2023: “Chapter 15 The Seekers - A visitor in town brings answers and more questions with them as a local group provides an unexpected set of allies.” Bridgewater - (0:44) season 2 episode 6 February 10 2023: “Chapter 16 The Howler - Peyton Blake has difficult news to share with Jeremy, Anne, and Thomas, while Olivia shares difficult news of her own with her mother.” Daily Dad jokes - (0:04) February 22 2023: world yoga day Blood On The Tracks - (0:33) season 1 episode 10: October 7 2020: “chapter 10 Phil Spector and Phil Spector - As Phil Spector faces the rest of his life in prison for the murder of actress Lana Clarkson, the memories in his head swirl around in a perfect storm of confusion, resentment, misguided anger, and petty entitlement. The words of Lenny Bruce, Ronnie Spector, Keith Richards, Ike Turner, Leonard Cohen, Debbie Harr...