Christmas Eve Eve


Wednesday December the 23rd 2020

So, as I said in the previous post, I woke at about a quarter to nine, got me and Louise a drink each, and I had a bowl of cereal.

I didn’t really do much of anything, other than thinking about the fact that I’ve got to somehow afford a new laptop before recording or even editing any more episodes of the show.

I wish that I could condone spending over a grand on a decent machine, but I can’t condone that, much as it would be incredibly useful when coming to doing the show and recording music!

I wrote the previous blog while I was waiting for Louise to get ready.

Finally we got our flu jab, which was free this year because of being fifty. A sign of getting older, but it’s free, unlike previous years.

We then went into town, both for haircuts, looked in WH Smith’s (bought nothing), Works (bought Louise some cookie cutters), and then got us both a hot chocolate each at Costa.

We then went home, before I moved my car, where I took the chance to get milk, bread, and bananas for work, with the intention of not going to any supermarkets until after Christmas Day.

The closer you get to Christmas Day, the longer the queues and the longer it takes to do anything. 

I dropped off for a good while, probably due to being awake relatively early for me.

During our viewing in the night we watched the film Daddy’s Home 2, which we really enjoyed. Louise had seen it before, but it was the first time I’d seen it.  How many films based around Christmas has Will Ferrell been in? Also, how many films have Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg been in together?

Went to bed relatively early.

Take care stay safe.


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