Oh Podder, Where Art Thou

 Thursday the 28th of January 2021

Recorded the half hour pick-up with Dave, but then when I started the next pick-up for the show with both Dave & Gill there was no sign of Gill, so me and Dave carried on talking and we’ve ended up with three hours of footage between that and Tuesday, which we will use for each other’s shows, because Dave asked me some questions as well! Clever clogs. 

Really busy shift at work. 

Podcast listening -

The Delta Flyers - Garrett and Robbie talked about season one episode three of Star Trek Voyager.

Comicbook Nation - Kofi, Matt & Janell discuss all things cool in comics, film, games and wrestling, with Jim Viscardi jumping in during the talk about Godzilla Vs Godzilla, lol.  Talking about comics reminded me that I can’t get my comics at present due to Ground Zero Comics in Mansfield being closed, so that makes me sad. I’m a comic guy, which stems from childhood! At around 42 minutes Connor Casey showed up to talk wrestling, who has gotten over covid. Good news there! 

NOTE - I was actually really busy, so other than these I just listened to a short bit of the show that I’ve got coming out on Monday. Sounding cool so far! 

Friday January the 29th 2021

So Friday was, as always, busy.  Short less than nine hour gap between getting home in the morning from work to going back again, and then the usual busy Friday set of jobs at work to do...

Some great listening though, in contrast to Thursday! I started by finishing the listen through for my own show, before I put it out there!

Podcast listening -

Pods Like Us S2 E1 - wow, that’s a great edit for the most part... I messed up trying to cover a use of the word “shit” by George once, but a great job of removing that same word twice more, as well as my used of the word “pissed”. I don’t particularly want bad language in the podcast, because I’m trying to make it friendly for all. I don’t know why, because I’m not sure how many people under 18 would be listening. Getting it to the just under 1:45 time is a good job, editing out about 40 minutes at the most I think. I might have to go back to the source and do a better job of that once instance, and I realised listening after that I could have responded better, because when George mentions the music of Dio, I could have mentioned the albums Dream Evil, Sacred Heart and Last In Line as classic albums by him!

Beatles Books - Joe take with author and critic Chris Power about the must own Beatles book Revolution In The Head by Ian Macdonald.

Film Bug - Martine talking with filmmaker Rachel Benjamin about her career, especially looking into the film The Missing Piece. Coming from Haiti, Rachel going into filmmaking was seen as a faux pas, as it’s not seen as the arts are frowned upon! Rachel was inspired by the short story because author Edwidge Dandicat is herself from Haiti, and the story resonated with her. Finding a Haitian lead actress was so difficult, as well as crew! 

Adam & Craig’s Guilty Pleasure Cinema - talking about the fabulous Alien 3, directed by David Fincher, and based inside a prison full of men, with Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver, battling the prisoners, the staff, and the alien killers as well, in an incredibly tense claustrophobic thriller! That’s my bit before pressing play! How did I do from an almost twenty year old memory? So, straight away the show is great as Craig gives us his ranking of the apparently 12 Alien related films! Oh, he’s put Predator at 3? Is that an Alien film? His list gets crazier the further it goes! I think Alien 3 is far better than Alien Resurrection, which goes against his ranking. Predator wise I’ve only seen the first two, and Alien wise I’ve seen 1-redirection, and Promethius. A toy range for Aliens?!?!?! Huh? “Best shot in the whole franchise...” Absolutely! Note - Terminator models - Arnold Schwarzenegger is a T-101, and Robert Patrick is a T-1000. 

Live Life Loud The Decibolic Podcast - great info about the Motu M4, there’s a tribute to a passed friend Shawn Scruggs, as well as Tim Bogert bassist for Vanilla Fudge, Cactus and Beck Bogert Appice. Final part of interview with Ampeg boss Dino Menoxelos. 

Fans On The Run - Ethan talks with author Paul Salley, who’s written the forthcoming biography Little Wing: The Jimmy McCulloch Story. 

Bad Counsel - three guys giving advice that’s not what you expect to hear. Online dating games - “okay, that’s not what I look like all of the time...” “I don’t want the look of disappointment in someone’s eyes that my parents gave at my report cards at school...” “are you f***ing serious? You’re not even the same person on the photo!” “I think they’re counting on the fact that they’ll overlook them looking nothing like their picture after the great time they have”  “Lie!” Keeping it real. Meeting someone in Corona times. “Throw caution to the wind!” Apparently there was a groom in India who was exhibiting some symptoms of COVID-19, but he didn’t want to let his family down and cancel the wedding. However, apparently 79 members of the bride and grooms family died soon after from the virus! Bloody hell! Then they follow that bit of information, by saying “with things the way that they are, how about using things like zoom, to get to know people first before you actually meet up in person. Build a relationship first that you can then try and work from while we are in these difficult times.” Pseudo sexual encounters behind glass! Midnight Express reenactment! Mmkay! “Do not bleach your weed deliveries!” “Clearly not smoking it enough if you’re asking what do with your weed delivery.” Great first episode guys! 

Take care and stay safe


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