Open The Pod Bay


Monday January the 25th 2021

Woke up once because of neighbours banging the door going out. Got back to sleep eventually, but still woke up about an hour before I had intended to get up. 

I started writing ready for my part in a new magazine style show that I’m a part of, which I’ll give more details out for when I can. I also made sure that I’m ready for getting shows edited ready for the new season of Pods Like Us coming out on Monday February 1st - all four already recorded shows are in the editing software ready for me to work on, including the first bit of the Trio Of Pods show with Dave & Gill, which we’re doing more for the is Thursday afternoon. Two other recordings set up this week as well at present, which gives me six episodes in the can to edit and master!

I forgot to mention that on Sunday I talked to my mum for about fifteen minutes just before I left for work, which was nice. I’ll ring her again on Tuesday.

Podcast listening -

Robby The Robot’s Waiting- up to date watching an episode released that day! Presented by Dave Bradley, Rich Edwards & Tanavi Patel.  Idiot that I am, I forgot to take notes straight away. The discussion about the future of film and television is fascinating, in that franchises dominate the landscape. Nice to put a voice to the face and writing of Jayne Nelson, who has written for SFX Magazine for such a long time, which as I’ve said before is a magazine that I’ve read since issue one in 1995! Paloma Faith as Bet Lynch? Special look at the fifteen seasons of Supernatural, a show that I think I gave up on after a couple of episodes. I know one of the actors was on the series Dark Angel before this, which was how we were introduced to actress/businesswoman Jessica Alba. Amazon Prime bringing out a serial in the Middle Earth franchise. Dave says “in times of crisis, people turn to fantasy”, and he’s absolutely right! 

2 Legs: A Paul McCartney Podcast - Tom & Andy are joined by Joe Mayo to discuss the McCartney III set, with respect I think to the different versions released. They first of all acknowledged Phil Spector’s passing. My name mentioned at around 33:15 or so! Actually really interesting stories behind each of their purchases, such as searching different stores for specific versions. They mention that they foresee a deluxe edition, which I’ve wondered about! 

This Week In Marvel - Ryan & Lorraine telling us what’s going in the multimedia empire that is Marvel! Includes a very short snippet of an interview with Paul Bettany. Not Marvel related, but the original The Muppets series coming to Disney+, which I watched as a kid. Lorraine did her “British kitty in the city” again! Still the funniest fake British accent since Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins! They interview the comic writer Evan Narcisse, and in a twist from the norm Lorraine is included in the interview as well as an interviewee talking about the podcast Marvel Declassified, which is about the history of Marvel! Evan writes a series of comics that I read personally in the shape of the Return Of The Black Panther comics.

Reelblend - no interview in this episode of the show, but there’s still so much for Sean, Kevin, and Jake, along with the occasional punch-in from producer Gabe, to talk about. Films coming out this year, the Snyder cut of Justice League (is it a four-part serial or a four hour film), and the adverts that are now in the show seem to just appear. Is there a way that Sean can announce they’re going into a break? Obi-Wan series apparently three seasons worth of story. They discussed the possibility of Chris Evans returning to the MCU. Here’s a suggestion - Black Panther might have been intended to lead the Avengers at some point, but since Chadwick died, they have to bring a new Black Panther into the frame. Apparently there’s a Willy Wonka prequel. Kevin asked a good question - “WHY?” They did the aforementioned #Blendgame, WhichWasAllAboutFilmDogs.NotThatTheyReadItOut,OrThatIEvenGotInTouchBeforeTheyRecordedTheShow,ButIWasABitStuckBetween,LetMeThink,DugIntheFilmUp, And I’m trying to think of some more film dogs... Oh, hooch from Turner and hooch, and the dog from canine. The next game is all about Denzel Washington, so I had better get a shift on and think about what my favourite Denzel Washington film is... It could actually be the film glory?

Xander & Stone Podcast - a short mini episode about a man named Johannes Cuntius (yes, a real person) who was said to have made a pact with the devil to never die. An episode with just Xander therein. Apparently after he actually died people said he had returned as an incubus preying upon women - “for God’s sake warm your hands when touching women, Cuntius!” “Pretty weird shit” that included a Catholic Church. When they got to his tomb they said he was there with eyes opening and closing, making him a vampire of course. 

Take care and stay safe


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