The Pods Abilities


Thursday January the 21st 2021

Got up too early for considering the shift that night, and I’ve already written about chatting with Dave & Gill over Zoom.

I got through the night shift okay, with no incidents. That meant that I was able to get my work done.

I did get the chance to start the ball rolling with arranging the recording of more shows for season two of Pods Like Us, while already having three episodes in the bag, albeit needing mixing, but still recorded. 

I actually seem to remember saying to Ethan from Fans On The Run during recording the show with him something about doing pick-ups at some point. I’ve got some ideas there, so I’ll get to that very soon, after I start mixing it. 

I recorded three shows, including that one, for season two back at the end of November/beginning of December. They all need editing and mastering, but with the Trio Of Pods chat show that gives me for shows, and at time of writing this I have two more shows set up for recording so far this coming week, and more being planned, hopefully for this week to give me a good amount to be ahead of the game.

That episode with Ethan was actually booked before the  last three episodes  of season one, as a possible fallback if any of the shows with ‘Lost, Found & Rewound’, ‘Spocklight’ and ‘When They Was Fab’ fell through.

When me and Ethan recorded though, I’d actually recorded those three shows, so we knew where we stood, and that certain plans could be talked about, as they would be spoilers if the episode went out then!

Podcast listening-

Comicbook Nation - Kofi, Matt, Janell & I can’t remember the other person. Writing this up on Saturday, I can’t remember much about the shows I listened to.

Delta Flyers- first part of the inaugural episode where actors Garrett Wang & Robert Duncan McNeill discuss the first episode of Star Trek Voyager, a show they were both main actors on as Harry Kim & Tom Paris respectively. Part one of a chat about pilot episode The Caretaker.

Mission Log - John & Ken discuss original series episode The Naked Time.

Live Life Loud: The Decibolic Podcast - great information about where to stay and things to do in Wisconsin, as well as the final part of Dave’s chat with the man in charge of Ampeg, Dino Menoxialis.

Friday January the 22nd 2021

Another fairly steady night, albeit nicely added to by a surprise chat with Gill. Something new podcast wise is brewing. I won’t go into more detail as yet, but it’s something that I would never have anticipated, although it fits with the whole community of podcasts thing that seems to be building up based on the connections a good few podcasters have built around the shared experience of being on Pods Like Us. I never expected or planned for it, but it’s a great thing that I’ve noticed and been told about a few times.

Podcast listening- 

When They Was Fab - Ed, Lonnie and “young” Ethan discussed the Paul McCartney Cavern performance from 2018.

Phase Zero - Brandon, Jamie & Jim discussing what’s going on in the Marvel world, and have a great talk with legendary comic writer Jim Starlin, creator of Guardians of the Galaxy, Thanos, Shang Chi, and many more. Had to stop at a certain point to continue after I watch episode three of Wandavision, because they were going into spoiler territory.

Xander & Stone - in episode one, the two look at the subject of sleep paralysis, and how it’s seen in different cultures. Stone has been apparently getting grunty in her sleep. From almost romantic to narcolepsy and necrophilia. Wow, they chat about whatever everything don’t they! Just imagine the whole 14 hour time difference between the two hosts! That will be an interesting chat I have with them for Pods Like Us this coming week!

Watchlist - Ben & Tom letting you know what’s going on in the world of television and streaming, including special guest Marvel expert Clair Lim to talk about forthcoming shows from Marvel.

Delta Flyers - second part of the chat about the Star Trek Voyager pilot episode The Caretaker.

Saturday night SHOULD see more podcast listening, as there is more distance between sites, and USUALLY less phone action!

Take care and stay safe.


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