Weird Thoughts

I’ll apologise for this before I even start...

Sometimes I go to work and hope that something will happen.  I hope that I will arrive at a site just to do a general check, only to get smacked around the back of the head by someone hiding around a corner silently, because I’ve interrupted them with a randomly timed site check, careful not to repeat the same schedule and times as other shifts that I do.

I don’t think like this all of the time, and I actually know that it’s not right to think this way! It’s just that sometimes these thoughts are there, and they are so strong! 

Luckily it’s only happened once where an incident was taking place, but then I was sort of warned of it because the alarm was sounding there as I arrived.  That sort of sane part of me kicked in, although I did still stupidly just go on site on my own calling the police as I was walking around there, with the police even saying “why are you walking around there if you think people might be on there?” Back then I don’t know, because that was about seven or so years ago, and I wasn’t exactly the same at that time.  Perhaps it was an adrenaline thing back then?

Who knows?

I do know that a mind is a strange thing to understand, and sometimes it brings up all kinds of weirdness!

I try to control these urges, I really do!

Take care and stay safe.


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