Frustrated Friday


Friday February the 26th 2021

So, I woke up in the afternoon at some point, lol. Great memory there Marv! 

Louise had missed a phone call from our Landlord’s agents, so I rang them back. It must be to do with the gas problem. After the gas inspection the week before, it stopped working the following morning (Thursday). He came back on the Monday, got it back on, and it went off again the next day. I sent him a message and he said he’s come on Thursday.

He came on the Thursday and reported that he was initially flummoxed until he looked into a part of the boiler that collects waste. That’s the problem - that is meant to empty into the drain pipes, but they’re blocked, so someone needs to come and sort the drain pipes out.

So, here on Friday I was calling the agents who said someone would be coming to do the drains on Thursday. Six days later. They said it would have been sooner if they heard from me about the problem sooner, rather than from the gas inspectors. 

So, I didn’t mention it, but our agents have an email address to send our maintenance issues to, and I’ve never once received a response to them, so I contacted the gas worker, because in a pandemic I’m guessing getting a response from a previously I guess unattended email was pointless, just like the game show!

That means that by the time they come to sort those pipes we will have had no heating or hot water for two weeks, and that may not be the end of it.  I’m guessing that the gas people will have to come back in then to sort the boiler back out. 

Here we are in a pandemic washing hands in cold water with no heating, and last night it dropped to minus one centigrade (30 Fahrenheit). 

I’m actually typing this out right now in the cold. 

Perhaps they want us to freeze to death so they can rent it out to some dole sponger whose rent is paid for by the state?

Work on Friday night went by steadily. Andy on mobile two loves to gab, so I didn’t get one of them podcasts listened to that I had planned.

Filmsack now moves to Saturday night.

One of the guys from King Crimson related podcast Frame By Frame contacted me by email to book a chat with them on Thursday. I’ve got two other shows booked for Saturday night. My nine days off are looking to become interesting.

The truth is that I originally tried to book nine days off in February, because of both Valentine’s Day and the FAWM songwriting challenge (February Album Writing Month), but I couldn’t get those days. My participation in FAWM then has been pretty shit as a consequence!

Friday listening plan:

Adam & Craig’s Guilty Pleasure Cinema MID 👍🏻 

Watchlist MID 👍🏻 

Film Sack LONG (moved to Saturday)

Late Fee Cinema MID 👍🏻 

Frame By Frame MID 👍🏻 

Delta Flyers MID 👍🏻 

The Night’s End SHORT 👍🏻 

Snapshots SHORT 👍🏻 

Spyhards MID 👍🏻 

Xander & Stone MID 👍🏻 

Binge Bros MID 👍🏻 

Adam & Craig’s Guilty Pleasure Cinema - talking about Demolition Man. “TEDDY BEAR!”. Craig - “Murder Death Kill is like calling burglary a Robby Pinch Steal!” The world of Demolition Man is like the social distancing of today - no touching, no kissing, no sex... Using cerebro to “make love”.  “Cocteau?” “Cock toe!” “Cockatiel?”

Watchlist - presented by Ben Burrell & Tom Cotton. Big Sky is apparently rubbish! So bad that it made Ben say “it’s f***ing boring!” Guest Eloise Carr from Magic FM says that she’s for a “relaxed sphincter in her neck”, to which other guest Andy Bush from Absolute Radio said he “saw Relaxed Sphincter at Reading in 1993!” Main talk is about crime shows. Andy’s uncle was the man who arrested Dennis NielsenMindhuntersThe InvestigationUnbelievable, and The Jinx: The Life & Death Of Robert Dearst (“The best miked up toilet scene since Police Academy!”), Catching A Killer from Channel FourTom mentions a show about the Golden State Killer (he evaded capture for so long because he committed murders in different states by crossing the boundaries slightly each time), Wild World Cult on Netflix. Great sign off there Tom!

Binge Bros - Presented by Natty and Joey . Top ten pop peeves, the film The Lie, and Wandavision episode 7. As soon as they started mentioning the film The Lie, I realised that I have seen this absolute waste of space film! Good talk about Wandavision episode 7. 

Xander & Stone - season one episode four The End Of The World Pt 1. The first part is talking comets and cults. Rocks spin around the sun that leave the orbit of the sun hit the earth and are called asteroids. It’s suggested that the moon was made from asteroid particles melding together. Stash the cash just in case comets or asteroids destroy the satellites orbiting the Earth! “The order of the solar temple... the creepiest cult you’ve never heard of!” “Do not drink the kool-aid!!!” 

The Delta Flyers - Garrett Wang & Robert Duncan McNeill looking at the Star Trek Voyager episode State Of FluxRobbie’s bought a new mic stand and pop shield. They’re talking about the direct Robert Scheerer, who Robbie says he should know as they were originally an actor from musical theatre like he was. “Beware of a Cardassian in Bajoran clothing!” 

Snapshots - Blaine Disantis with his look at events that happened at this time in the future. Three islands make up New Zealand - North Island, South Island & Stuart Island. Feb 9 1960 - Joanne Woodward gets the first star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. There were already 500 people voted to get them, but this was the first time the stars were placed, and she was the only one to show up for the event. February 18 1894 in Memphis, Tennessee - Paul R Williams was born - the first great black architect. The only black student in the school. He learnt how to do architectural designs even upside down. He designed homes for famous people including Frank Sinatra’s push button home. Lucille BallTyrone PowerLon Chaney. One outstanding one was the L.A.X building. Academy award trivia. Who is the oldest living actress that won an academy award? Hmm, is Jessica Tandy for Driving Miss Daisy or Katherine Hepburn for On Golden Pond? Wow, the silver in dollars at some point was actually worth less than the coin was worth! Announcement - there’s a snapshot so interesting that he’s having an extra bonus episode! February 13 1895 - the Lumiere brothers patented the cinemonograph, the original projector. Blaine’s bookshelf - H W Brands’ The Age Of Gold

Spyhards - Agent Scott and Cam the Provocateur are looking at Men In Black starring Will Smith (agent J) & Tommy Lee Jones (agent K). I love this film! Started in 1990 as a three issue comic. The comics killed witnesses as opposed to having the neutraliser! In the talk with Chris O’Donnell for the role of J, director Barry Sonenfeldmade the film sound problematic to put him off, because he wanted Will Smith, who was only known for The Fresh Prince of Bel Air at that time! The recording stops and then starts again so that Scott to check something that Cam says, and then it returns for Scott to point out that Cam was wrong. 

Frame By Frame - this time Ryan & Avery talk about 21st Century Schizoid Man... Guitar riff written by Greg Lake, and not Robert Fripp. Record on 1st, 20th & 21st of August 1969. Robert Fripp isn’t featured as a writer on two of the album’s songs, whereas Ian McDanald is a writer or co-writer on every song! No mellotron on this song. Credited as music by the whole band and lyrics by Peter Sinfield. Drums by Michael Giles. So many different versions over the years. Kanye West sampled it! 

Late Fee Cinema - Ryan & Carson talk with Cameron Van HoyBurt Reynolds introduced him to Blackadder! Seems to have naturally transitioned from actor to producer to writer and director. 

The Night’s End - Jimmy Horrors reads Last Night’s Memory by Elizabeth Suggs


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