Thursday’s Child


Thursday February 25th night shift

Quiet night, not much happened.

I had to slightly alter my listening for two reasons...

Firstly, I think I was over-stretching with what I thought I could get in, mainly because I’m off for nine days from Tuesday, and I don’t usually listen to podcasts at home.

Secondly, Andy on the Mobile 2 run (I was on Mobile 1) likes to chat on the phone, and I don’t like to be rude.

I didn’t get through the list that I had planned, with me missing two mid length shows. 

Thursday listening plan:

The Gerry Anderson Podcast LONG πŸ‘πŸ» 

Bad Counsel MID πŸ‘πŸ» 

When They Was Fab SHORT πŸ‘πŸ» 

Comicbook Nation MID πŸ‘πŸ» 

Xander & Stone MID (MOVED)

Reelblend SHORT πŸ‘πŸ» 

Out Of The Blank MID πŸ‘πŸ» 

Binge Bros MID (MOVED)

Live Life Loud: The Decibolic Podcast SHORT πŸ‘πŸ» 

The Night’s End SHORT πŸ‘πŸ» 

Grumble Goat SHORT πŸ‘πŸ» 

Yes Music Podcast MID πŸ‘πŸ» 

From An Island SHORT πŸ‘πŸ» 

Gerry Anderson - the model T Ford in Secret Service was reused in UFO, then given to Lew Grade. Interview with the great Richard Harvey, composer and former member of Prog rock band GryphonChris Dale listening and commenting on the Joe 90 “The Birthday” episode. “Do you remember that innocent nice guy who died in an accidental explosion?... More trifle?” 

Live Life Loud - wow, there’s me at the front introducing the show! Fabulous deep drying shower thought! More from Dave’s Canadian travel advice. Third and final part of interview with a Justin Babcock

When They Was Fab - Bonus episode for George’s birthday issue. It could be (1) because of the double hour daylight saving, (2) that he was born before but not registered until after midnight, or (3) that he’s being funny. After all that they picked their top three Harrison music videos. 

Reelblend - bonus episode where they’d stalking with Ludwig Gorannson, composer for TenetBlack PantherThe Mandalorian, and more. 

Grumble Goat - Matt hates the rules of American Football, which is actually handball not football”, four quarters of 15 minutes in a game that lasts for four hours because they stop the clock constantly. I feel like I shouldn’t be typing all of this out as a Brit, although I don’t like actual football either, which the Americans call Soccer! 

Comicbook Nation - Kofi OutlawJanell WheelerMatt Aguilar, and Evan ValentineJanell singing at around 01:50! Waiting on the Spider-Man 3 title. Blue Beetle film in DCULois & Clark out in the US. Loki out on June 11. Matt trying to sing at 25:55! Talking about Wandavision episode 7. Reveal of the Spidey title live - NO WAY HOMEKofi & Evan looking at The Promised Neverland, manga book and not anime series. 43:44 - Matt’s mouth trumpet! Comics rundown. 01:02:27 sees Matt singing “Pokemon!” Deuces!

Bad Counsel - straight away Greg mentions bestiality! Everyone but Tim enjoyed the week away! “Welcome to The Tim Show!” What is The Lizard IlluminatiJack - “a female best friend is like being married without the sex!” 81 people in France were arrested at an orgy for breaking social distancing laws. Greg’s come up with the title for Jack’s autobiography - “when does a threesome become an orgy?” Jack & Greg describe the difference between an ghoster and a stalker! 

Out Of The Blank- Rob chatting with Neil McAlister (known as Chef Turtle), who is a Cannabis infusion chef. Pasta salad, potato salad. Hahaha, the Ninja Turtles get high on a cannabis infused pizza made by Chef Turtle

Yes Music Podcast - Kevin & Mark are looking at the career of Trevor Rabin after leaving Yes, particularly the album Can’t Look Away

From An Island - a very clever and listenable dramatised podcast written by Ben Burrell. Fascinating story of a possible future where an isolated New Great Britain is a policed state, closed off from every other country in the world, and made of messages from those stuck inside the closed off country. 

The Night’s End - Jimmy Horrors reads the story Circle Route by Jamie D Munro

Children Of The Stones - an introduction to a BBC Sounds dramatised podcast based on a story that Chris, Jim & Rick from Lost & Found & Rewound told me about! 

Take care and stay safe.

PS - the title is based on a couple of songs with that title, as well as it being about a Thursday night shift, and the fact that I was born on a Thursday, which makes me Thursday’s Child.


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