

I thought that I would write a post about something that I want to bring to people’s attention.

As everyone who follows my social networks will know, I’ve been having fun with creating a podcast show all of my own. 

Pods Like Us is a show that talks about podcasts and podcasting. #Meta 

Back when I started the podcast, I will be honest and admit that it was intended as a show that reflects my love of certain shows that I am an avid listener of, and why I love these shows.

I knew straight away that I would have to stretch the idea out to look at shows that aren’t usually in my field, which I’m happy with, because I am naturally a knowledge nerd!

Initially I asked hosts of shows I was a known listener of to take part, and a very few others, and was surprised with the responses that I got for the most part!

When that 16 show run finished at the end of November, I had already started recording shows for season two, and in December I recorded and posted up three Christmas related bonus episodes.

It was during the editing of these shows that my laptop problems got much worse. I had problems with the second hand laptop since virtually day one, which taught me to never buy another used computer!

I think it was in the period between Christmas and the new year when I used my Christmas and birthday money to buy myself a new laptop.

Then I ended up worried because I needed shows to release, and should already have done so. From the level of being ahead by recording January release shows in November, I was chasing myself!

So, come the beginning of January I think that I had three complete shows recorded, but they obviously needed editing!  What were those episodes?

Fans On The Run, Beatles Books, and G Slade’s Indie Music Showcase.

I also had the beginnings of episodes with Adam & Craig’s Guilty Pleasure Cinema and Cineflek, who were all intended to be a part of the Christmas Film special, but Ethan from Cineflek appeared in the zoom call before anyone else to apologise due to something having cropped up. I had twenty minutes with Ethan on his own to get some basic bits towards a future show to be recorded.

Adam & Craig then both showed up and I got half an hour with them in the hope that others would join.

My laptop switched itself off with no warning, so when I eventually got back to recording the Christmas Films show, I did it on my iPhone, with both Adam & Craig, and my friend Dave Belknap joined in. 

The shows that I started have since been completed, although issues exist with both!

The first of these, with Ethan, features my dialogue speeding up and slowing down, so I’m thinking about re-recording some bits of dialogue, but then that would be obvious with the different equipment. I could also do all of my dialogue again, but then the natural laughter replaced with punched-in laughter would be cringeworthy, or “cringe” as they say on the street!Lazy kids. 

Adam & Craig I finally caught up with last week and added bits to.  I’m not sure which order to release these two shows in, but we will get there!

I’ve done well at getting shows recorded so far this second season, and am still ahead, but I won’t lie...  I am chomping at the bit a little, because I like to have some coals already in the pot just in case, but I have no firm dates as of yet!

As I’ve said, I haven’t had any negative guests so far, with all of them being open and fun. I’m even getting some people now asking to be on the show now, without me even having to ask!

I’m mixing the format up now and then to give it some freshness.  Watch this space, because this past week I recorded a show with non-podcaster, but strong listener, my friend Sam Wheatley. That’s turning the whole thing on it’s head to see what the listeners think as opposed to the podcasters themselves! 

I’ve had nice talks online with people as well, and am looking forward to looking into new avenues there as well. Some people like their sort of anonymity, and I’m respectful of that as well!

All episodes are available on all streaming platforms!

Anyway, roll call;

Season One -

1. Out Of The Blank - Robbie

2. Ben Burrell

3. Paul Or Nothing - Sam

4. Christel Higraff

5. Strange Brew - Jason

6. 2 Legs - Andy & Tom

7. Glass Onion - Antony

8. Group chat - me with Jen & Sam

9. Reelblend - Sean O’Connell

10. TTM Pods - James & James

11. Ant Short

12. The Mindbuzz - Gill

13. Lost & Found & Rewound - Chris, Rick & Jim

14. Spocklight - Liam & Matt

15. When They Was Fab - Ed Chen

16. Group chat - me with Jen & Kit

Christmas Break -

Christmas Music - me with Jen, Tom, Ken & Dave

Christmas Chat - me with Dave & Gill

Christmas Movies - me with Dave, Adam & Craig.

Season Two -

1. G Slade Indie Music Showcase - George Slade

2. Beatles Books - Joe Wisbey 

3. Xander & Stone 

4. Trio Of Pods - Dave & Gill

5. Filmbug - Martine Jean

6. Amalfi Media - Nathaniel Desantis 

7. Fans On The Run - Ethan Alexanian 

8. Group Chat - me with John, Jen & Sam

9. Podcast Radio - Gerry Edwards

10. Songwriters & Original Song - John Nicholson

11. Keeping Up With The Cardassians - Nick, Rob & Joey

12-14 Bitesize 1,2 & 3 - Lonnie Pena

15. Bad Counsel

16. Spyhards

17. Frame By Frame

18. Blaine Desantis 

Finish to release -

The Night’s End 

Adam & Craig’s Guilty Pleasure Cinema 

Bitesize 4 - Sam Wheatley

Live Life Loud: The Decibolic Podcast


Thank you everyone! 


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