Friday March 26th 2021


Friday March 26th 2021 -

So I got in from work at about 8:10am, and I got up at 3pm. I’m not sure what I did before leaving for work.

I got to work at about 6:20pm. I purposely get into work late for mobile one on a Friday to avoid the cleaner, because she always parks he car a few inches from the front of the van.

The van...

Once again I’m in the rubbish van that means listening to the podcasts through my Bluetooth earpiece all night. Not the greatest idea considering the danger to my right ear, but needs must. 

I did try to use the Bluetooth speaker, but that was such a scratchy sound that I couldn’t put up with it.

Luckily I’m on Mobile 2 for Saturday and Sunday night, so I’ve got the normal vehicle. I hope I’ve not jinxed myself there!

No call outs for the night, which is good because I felt rubbish all night. I’ve still obviously got side effects from last weekend’s vaccination. 

Podcast suggestions -

Adam & Craig 0:57 šŸ‘šŸ» 

Beatles Books 0:46 šŸ‘šŸ» 

Binge Bros 0:36 šŸ‘šŸ» 

The Aud Pod 0:22 šŸ‘šŸ» 

Court Case 0:56 šŸ‘šŸ» 

Darwin’s Deviations 0:20 šŸ‘šŸ» 

The Night’s End x2 šŸ‘šŸ» šŸ‘šŸ» 

Out of the Blank 0:48 (ep 726) šŸ‘šŸ» 

Producing The Beatles šŸ‘šŸ» 

Dinner and a... šŸ‘šŸ» 

Adam & Craig - “Yippee Kay ay melon farmers!” Die Hard vs Lethal Weapon. Opinions on the Synder Cut. Craig says the Toy Story lasts for 77 minutes, and tells the whole story in as much time as it needs to, which is why to him it is the benchmark for films. Adam gives details on the films, while Craig reminds everyone that he wasn’t born when the films came out! Shane Black “brackets Christmas”! A lot of cast and crew were used in both films as well as both films being produced by Joel Silver, with music by Michael Kamen. They have a discussion about Craig’s script for a potential film, where Adam mentions what he should have done with that script based on a true story. Die Hard was based on a novel by the way! 

The Night’s End - Jimmy reads Night At The Shockplex by Brooke Reynolds. Interesting phrase - “chicken scratch” meaning signature. Interesting take on possible virtual reality... or is it reality? 

Binge Bros - Nat sings us into the show. Hmm, I never expected that. Nickelodeon creating a new series of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Tenet going to HBO Max (in the US). In depth look at The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Natty mentions again about a second season for an MCU series, whereas I think that they are one offs. They all lead into other films and series. There’s no way that they will have all of those different shows’s multiple seasons  running that they’ve got lined up.

Darwin’s Deviations - Darwin and his friends look at the Black Swallower fish (Chiasmodon). Cool that it calls back to episodes one and two even before the opening music! A special that live in tropical and subtropical areas, living up to 2,700 metres under the water. Mouth that opens like a snake’s mouth. Great bit about “butt measurement”.  Ah, a poem...  Not a romantic poem then! Well, it is Darwin! Hahaha. Artifishal, lol. 

The Aud Pod - Mike chatting with Sam about God Dicks & Puns, a podcast about Pathfinder, an edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Mike garners so much information in a short run time. 

Out Of The Blank - Robbie chatting with Chris Stevens, a genealogist and family historian. Like Rob, I would love to have a basement room where I could have a great studio space. Great description from Chris about the difference between a genealogist and an historian. It’s interesting how looking at DNA šŸ§¬ shows us that we can have so much in our genealogy! Robbie pulls up Chris saying “1000%” by saying “I thought it was 100%?” Ass comparison. 

Beatles Books - Joe speaking with Tom Doyle. “Sminking of gin.” Paul came up with the title! Fascinating conversation about Paul’s life from 1970 to 1981. 

Court Case - James Court with Robin Mayhew. Robin wants James to play him in the David Bowie biography. I am against this idea that some people say that Covid-19 is a way to balance nature because of the overcrowding. I find it strange that some older people can just accept these mortality issues. Maybe if I was happier with my life then I’d be that way, but what have I got to be proud of? Robin taught James to play the guitar. Courting with James - secret to a good marriage from Robin is to make sure that family comes first, and to work at it. “Good luck with your court-ing!” James asked Robin about his opinion on depression. Asking someone with a perfect life about depression is like asking the Queen about being poor. Finished with Robin’s own song Katy Katy, which has a modern rockabilly feel to it. 

Tabletop Genesis - Mike Lord, Simon Godfrey, Stacey Godfrey, Ellie Nottinger and Tom Rochet talk about the Spot The Pigeon ‘EP and the live album Seconds Out. So far I’m in agreement with Mike in that Match Of The Day is my least favourite on the ‘EP, and I like the vaudevillian feel of Pigeons (and when in 2008 they gave Phil’s voice an old timey sound it works perfectly). Inside And Out is my favourite from the ‘EP because of Steve’s music. Yes, Inside & Out shows how the group could have carried on had Steve stayed in the band. I love the version of Squonk on Seconds Out. I agree that it’s a good album to show that Phil is great on vocal for the band, in Phil’s second year as lead vocalist. 

Producing The Beatles - Jason looking at the way the band used varispeed (Variable Speed Recording). Wow, the song Rain was recorded with them playing it faster, and it was slowed down for them to add extra instrumentation and the vocals to. The same goes for I’m Only Sleeping! George Martin could use his mathematical knowledge to work out to a fraction exactly what speed the reel needed changing to for adding keyboard instruments at perfect pitch! Rocky Raccoon, Lovely Rita, and You Never Give Me Your Money all featured varispeed piano. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds features John’s double tracked vocals at two different speeds. The backing vocals for Ob La Di were recorded at a speed dropping it by three semitones lower than the song’s recorded speed. 

The Night’s End - Jimmy advertises the show The Creepy Crap Podcast. The story for the episode is Purple Twilight by Ryan Benson. 

Dinner and a... Blaine in France. Chicken Fricasse meal. Music suggestion - Beegie Adair. A jazz pianist. 37 albums, with one being Parissiene Cafe. Film suggestion - The Hundred Foot Journey (we’ve seen this film). 

Take care and stay safe.


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