Saturday March 27th 2021


Saturday March 27th 2021

Got in from work at ten past seven in the morning, and it took until nearly 10 to fall asleep. I’d been tired earlier, but somehow had gone past tiredness.

I woke up before three in the afternoon, and was fighting tiredness all night long (all night).

I started work on what I was planning to release as the Wednesday March 31st episode of Pods Like Us, but in the night I decided to switch it for a different episode instead. The wonder of having five episodes in the bag to edit.

Had an alarm at one site caused by a spider on the sensor itself. 

Podcast listening -

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - we need a guide to Nick’s nerd voices! Are fans of Lord Of The Rings more nerdy than Star TrekNick & Rob would break a tangentimeter! So many tangents... DC vs Marvel, Star Trekvs Star Wars. “Why fight? Just enjoy what you enjoy!” They’re looking at the episodes The Nagus and Vortex. Course corrected the Ferengi. “I didn’t think you had the lobes!” #KnownQuantity Schitt’s CreekScrubsBreaking BadParks & Recreation... at 50:23 Nick gets another Battlestar Galactica mention in! 

The Corona Diaries - Steve “H” Hogarth and Ant ShortH has had his tooth repaired! 🦷  A bigger job because of the whole Covid lockdown thing. A torque wrench or an Opal Fruit/Starburst - “make your mouth water!” The making of Season’s End and the beginning of H being in Marillion. Recording at Hook End Manor with room service, catering, and chauffeur services. “Flounce about the place in a big white shirt like Lord Byron!” Police turned up to serve the other four with a writ from Fish to stop recording of a new Marillion album. Barn fire advice. Making hot air balloons with candles and dry cleaning bags. Diary - Sheffield gig, tea and cake at Clifton, Apollo gig. Socks, fireworks, and a can of beans! 

Comicbook Nation - KofiMatt & Janell presenting with special guest actor Joe Manganiello. Interesting talk after this about Zack Snyder’s Justice League and what could have been. “I could do this all day!” The guys are angry about the push for Black Widow for it to be a Cinema and online release at the same time! Matt talks about comics. Following this Matt chats with Justice League comicbook artist David MarquezMatt’s sound is very quiet in the interview. 

I Know I Know - first episode of my friend Hudson’s podcast, which he calls Crackerbox Podcast (not a bad title) in the opening. Here he’s having a quick look at the Beatles’ album Abbey RoadHudson’s two favourite songs on the album are the two written by George Harrison - Something & Here Comes The Sun. The mix on this episode is incredibly quiet. I’ve had to put it on the full van volume of 30 as opposed to the usual 16 or 18! Then again, I have to do that for Antony’s voice on Glass Onion as well! I hate mentioning these things, but this is why I couldn’t listen to this until tonight, because my earpiece doesn’t reach a loud enough volume to hear it. Maybe it’s my hearing after over ten years of having an earpiece in my ear for 70 hours a week, and having to use earplugs every time I go to bed? 

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - JamieRichard & Chris. Fab facts - season eight Dr Who Jon Pertwee Blu-ray episode Colony In Space has the F-19 plane originally from Joe 90, as well as the sonic screwdriver which is made from two props originally in Thunderbirds. Interesting message from fan Tony Clark about his design work using homages to the Anderverse. Lots of new merch now available according to the news section. Part two of the interview between show producer Ben Paige and writer David Hirsch. “They’re coming to take me away!” Not sponsored by Pellegrino Flavoured Water! Message from Phil Steer of the Phil Steer PodcastChris’s randomiser episode is Thunderbirds episode Lord Parker’s Holiday. “The sun always shines in Monte Bianco!” “The English are always prepared for rain!” “BINGO!” Chris has never seen any of the 2015 Thunderbirds CGI series other than the opening two parter! #EricsBadBreath 

The Night’s End - Jimmy reads Scarecrow Road by Lionel Ray Green

2 Legs - Andy & Tom joined by Antony Rotunno to continue a chat about the relationship between Paul McCartney and John Lennon during the 1970’s. I like the song Dear Friend by Paul, but agree that it’s too long! It’s true what Antony says that in some way the Beatles did as much in one year as others would give in five year! I’ve always thought that John was really good at self-promotion, much more so than Paul was. There are times where Paul would make errors that way, possibly more than the times that John did. There is so much discussed in this episode that it’s like fifteen years worth of things happened in three years. 

Snap Shots - Blaine Desantis. Nice friendly housekeeping at the beginning. March 10 1948 - John Mazareckdied. Disagreements about whether it was suicide or murder. March 14 1958 - Perry Como gets the first ever gold disc in the US. He was in his fifties at the time and he had worked as a barber before his fame hit, even cutting the hair and shaving Kirk Douglas to prove that he could still do it. March 3 1903 - Laurence Whelk born. March 8 2021 - Asian Olympic Fiasco. 

Take care and stay safe.


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