Sunday March 28th 2021


Sunday March 28th 2021

I got in from work on Sunday morning at 5:20am, in bed a little after six. I woke up a fair number of times for seemingly no reason whatsoever, eventually getting up at I think 1:30 or 2pm. I don’t remember! 

I had a very quick look at the audio for my chat with Ethan from Cineflek, and it is bad - speeding up occasionally. Not great! If I re-record my dialogue, then it could come across as very static, for want of a better word!

Why on Earth didn’t I record myself with software locally to counteract this possibility? 

That’s actually how I learned to do just that!

My night shift started at 5pm.

I had another alarm call in the shift, received around 20 miles away from the site, where the only way back was twisty turny country roads.  

I finished at 6am.

My Podcast Listening -

The Aud Pod (0:22)- Mike is speaking with Jeff from Just Jeff & The Dazzlingly Uncool. Their show sees him, his brother Rocky & guests share their anecdotes and just talk. What Jeff says about editing is so funny - “after about thirty or forty seconds I’d be like hey, there’s a butterfly!” Jeff listens to trivia podcasts. 

When They Was Fab (1:05) - Ed & Lonnie continue speaking with Professor Greg Marquis, to talk about John, Yoko & Canada. The situation with Al Cap at the bed in. It’s interesting what to Greg says, in that there were no delegates from any of the peace movement in Canada that showed up during any of John and Yoko‘s peace happenings during 1969 in Canada! Canadian radio station set it up so that the programming could all be done from the hotel where John and Yoko were staying at, and it included John and Yoko both speaking advertisements for the station as well! Strawberry Fields Music Festival. At 1:02:20ish lol, hahaha 

Queenpod (1:48) - starts with an advert. Then there’s Ro thanking Queen and the listeners. SuzeSimonJohn & RoQueen moments this week. John saw something on Twitter to do with Queen and Pink Floyd from Turkey. Ro’s moment is being overwhelmed by people following on PatreonSimon says “we want to get to Hot Space!” I certainly do, because I think history has been unkind to it. Anyway, this time they’re talking about Side A of A Day At The Races, released December 10th 1976. Recorded between July & November 1976 at SarmWessex & The Manor Studios. Lovely clips of Freddie with the legendary Kenny Everett. Great story about Freddie & Kenny smuggling Princess Di into a gay bar (the Royal Vauxhall Tavern). Tie Your Mother Down apparently written in 1970. The second song You Take My Breath Away is a masterclass in vocal harmony in my opinion. Ro might not put it in a playlist, but I was thinking of doing just that! I agree with John about the Barcelona project of Freddie with Monsarrat Caballé, I love the album, and I’ve even yeah. Long Away - I obviously agree with John Robbins that John Deacon’s bass playing on this song and the whole album shows brilliantly how he knows when to go for it and where to hold it back. Long Away was released as a single in the US, which makes it the only A side by Queen without Freddie on lead vocals! The intro and outro music was created so that it would sound exactly the same in reverse. It’s what’s called a Shepherd ToneThe Millionaire’s Waltz is up next. I love this song, and I adore John’s bass extravaganza alongside Freddie’s beautiful piano. One of John Deacon’sfavourite Queen songs! I agree with John Robbins in that You And I could have easily been a single in my opinion. Pop greatness! Ro has made a very important point, in that when John Deacon writes songs, they always have a pop pristineness!

The Delta Flyers (1:37) - Garrett & Robbie looking at the episode FacesRobbie is getting a new Winnebago. They’ve also got guest Brian Markinson, who played two characters in the episode. Robbie was on set for scenes he wasn’t in because he was shadowing director Winrich Kolbe learning how to direct. Garrett to Brian “thank you for being glasses half full!” “BUN OF STEEL!!!!” Janeway takes another dangerous risk! “Shower and a hot meal!” 

Things We Said Today (1:24) - Darren’s got no new injuries! KenAllan & Darren are joined by the writers of Its All In The Mind - Inside The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Volumes. Apparently yellow means wisdom and intelligence in Egyptology. The previous released Vol 1 is about the story behind it’s making and release, with Vol 2 being about the philosophy. The film was made based on The Beatles themselves disliking the cartoon not being particularly positive for them. 11 months to make the film including the writing, with the average Disney film taking a minimum of four years. They could only animate the song sequences initially, because there was no script for e voice actors at first, which they need to animate the characters for the story bits. You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) was originally intended for the film! So many long lasting marriages came about because of people meeting up during the making of the film! Finally all of the animators get recognition since they weren’t originally! The Snowman was made by the same team that made Yellow Submarine

Out of the Blank (1:45) - Robbie’s guest Mike from The Amazing Sith Talkers podcast says that you can relate anything in life to Star WarsPokemon GoRobbie got stopped for speeding because he needed a poop! Church of Bacon mentioned again. Same mould for modern He-Man figurines as the original eighties toys. A film called Boss Level. Comparing Wandavision to Repo Man. Very sad listening to Robbie playing back a voice mail he received from his recently passed grandmother. My condolences. This discussion makes me think about the fact that I’m so happy that I have a recording of my granddad playing harmonica on a song in the studio with me and my friend Paul. Mike is right in that if you lose somebody, you don’t get over it! Robbie & Mike mention not getting the vaccine, but some countries are saying that they won’t allow anyone who’s not had the vaccine into their country. Pubs, cafeterias, restaurants, and other places in the UK are also saying that they won’t allow people in without proving they’ve had the jab! Robbie talks about wanting to live in the past. Thomas Edison, hahaha. “Family Guy teaches you shit!” These guys are spoken a few times. Mike sounds like a nice guy. 

Take care and stay safe.


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