Monday April 26 2021


Monday April 26th 2021 - 

The blurb -

Steady night at work. So much so that I think I got far too relaxed that I even watched a couple of videos in the night on YouTube called 10 Secrets of Deep Space Nine You Didn’t Know - and a 2020 Deep Space Nine panel hosted by Wil Wheaton -

During the latter video, there are beautiful tributes of the late Rene Auberjonois and Aron Eisenberg.

Monday April 26th 2021 -

The ‘casts -

Grumble Goat (0:15) - Mat hates “Oscar films”! I hate to say this, but I’ve thought for years that awards are ridiculous, because it’s always films that the film people love, and yet very few people watch them. Veronique is filming this week as a background actress in Marvellous Mrs Maisel. They mention the recording for Pods Like Us with the fun lightning round of grumbles, or as Mat calls it Grumble ThunderVeronique mentions that she’s watching something about Catherine The GreatMat asks how a film can be an indie film if it’s produced by a major? “Weed through the turkeys!” 

No Fear Finance (0:06) Sara Desantis looks into how credit scores are calculated. Five modes of calculating the scores. Listen to this show, because it’s only six minutes long. Veronique mentions that there should be a Best Casting Director award!

Full Cast & Crew (0:41) - Jason doing an Oscars recap. What is seen as being wrong with the telecast? We can now see these stars on social networks. Second show on the bounce I’m listening to that mentions the need for a best casting director! Apparently they’ve filmed and produced it like a film with action, locations, and camera moves, as well as personalised shots. Jason is a fan of Questlove doing musical segues between awards and advertising breaks. 

Songjerker (0:43) Si & Bri chat with a personal favourite of mine, Nitin Sawhney. I agree with the guys that My Soul featuring Paul McCartney is an absolutely great song. Nitin caught Covid in October. I’m glad he’s okay now. Modest and nice guy. I know a bassist if he needs one 😉 

Frame By Frame (0:35) - Ryan & Avery look at the song The Devil’s Triangle from the album In The Wake Of Poseidon, which started as an original line-up song, and changed in the interim. It uses xenocrony, which was created by Frank ZappaRyan explains Mars from Holst’s The Planets suite, and the theory of the tritone in music (Tritone - Wikipedia). It was known in medieval times as “the Devil’s note”. Black Sabbath used it on the song Black Sabbath as well. “The worst polygon!” I love how Ryan and Avery have differing opinions of this song, and the live interpretations. It’s always interesting when you have opposing points to my mind. Never played live since early ‘72. Interesting point from Ryan in that King CrimsonYes & Genesis all released their debut albums in 1969. 

Winter Of Discontent (0:38) - Nick starts with a quote from Tao Tse Ching, before giving us the low down on what’s happened lately. He suggests reading the book Lennonology. Oh, Nick’s taking a month long break after this, the last episode about the first day of the sessions. George Harrison plays one of his new songs, in the shape of All Things Must Pass, which is based on the aforementioned Tao Tse Ching, pinching some lines wholesale. Nick wonderfully demonstrates the beautiful chords of the song. They don’t go far with the song. Eventually Paulstarts on Two Of Us, which features Paul on acoustic and John on his beautiful Martin D-28 acoustic guitar, plus George on the electric guitar. I agree with Nick that Two Of Us is an underrated and overlooked song from the Let It Be album. Paul is very much leading the song’s arrangement. The tape runs out before the session finishes. 

Mission Log (1:18) - John Champion and Norman Lao look at the Deep Space Nine episode Far Beyond The Stars. I’ve gone to a new episode to see how this podcast has changed. Fascinating background to how the story came about. I agree with John in that Avery Brooks has done an incredible job as director when you take into account that he is acting in every single scene. Great civil rights issue, and the perfect time to base it in the mid 1950’s. Fabulous summary by John of one of the greatest episodes of any television show! I too love how they chose the right actors to portray the characters in this very different story. I hadn’t thought about the fact that the character Benny had written six stories and Deep Space Nine was in season six. The racist and sexist issues broached in this episode of DS9 are wonderfully captured, without banging you over the head! Great Robert Kennedy quote by John. This might be interesting - 

Fan Addicts (0:13) - my podcast service didn’t tell me this had started, even though I subscribed! This is an episode introducing the hosts Clare Kramer (Glory in Buffy The Vampire Slayer) and David Magidoff (NCIS Los Angeles). Great idea for a show - find out what celebrities are fans or collectors of. Nice Cookie Monster t-shirt on David in the show picture. 

The Night’s End (0:20) - episode 23. Jimmy read us the story Fast Forward written by Tommy Ellis. Wow, what a great twist on time travel. 

Reelblend (1:53) - episode 161. SeanKevin & Jake. Intro, housekeeping, listeners choice of who would win best actress, film news. Great interview with Mortal Kombat director Simon McQuoid. Weird thing on the recording at 35-36 minute mark! Oscar predictions after the Mortal Kombat chat. After this is this week’s releases. Michael Giacchino blend. They need your pick for Edgar Wright today! Great information from Kevin after a listener asked for films that would give them a brilliant home cinema experience. 

Darwin’s Deviations (0:18) - First up is an explanation why they’re outside the house in a tent. He’s discussing with his “friends” a type of bat that build tents for cover called the Honduran White Bat. It’s one of a small few that build tents. My favourite character other than Darwin himself is Squishy

Snapshots (0:29) - Listen to the music episode. This time they’re songs about sex. June 30 1979 - Ring My Bellby Anita Ward. July 10 1976 - Afternoon Delight by Starland Vocal Band. Interesting trivia break about a song called 60 minute man”. November 21 1981 - Physical by Olivia  Newton-John spent ten weeks at number one in the US, with Hall & Oates either side with Private Eyes and then I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do). July 4 1992 - Baby’s Got Back by Sir Mixalot. It has a message that says that you don’t have to be a cover girl to be seen as sexy. Blaine’s laughter and spirit are infectious throughout the episode.

Take care and stay safe.

From the Star Trek Deep Space Nine 2020 panel -
Wil Wheaton (top left) speaking with (top) Armin
Shimerman, Alexander Siddig, & Nana Visitor.
(Bottom) producer Ira Steven Behr, Terry Farrell
and Cirroc Lofton. 


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