Saturday April 24 2021


Saturday April 24th 2021 - 

The blurb -

I got up just before 12:30, which wasn’t the intention originally, but I’d woken up about fifteen to twenty minutes earlier due to the (not so) Little Drummer Boy next door going at it!

*deleted naughty word*

Finished my blog, posted it up, and went out to do a couple of chores, which then gave me about forty-five minutes at home before going out to work...

Sod it, I’ll have a coffee and leave a little later! 

Alarm straight away, which I had to respond to after I did a site lock-up. When leaving that first alarm I had a second one to go to. The shape of things to come perhaps?

Second alarm I was dumbfounded until I suddenly spotted a white spider on a white motion sensor - sneaky little beggar!

Nothing much happened after these, but they still held me back for the rest of the shift, especially the first distant alarm.

Saturday April 24th 2021 -

The ‘casts -

Talk More Talk - Tom, Kit, Ken & Joe. News at the beginning read by Ken. Not so many notes as I’m driving a 70mph road to an alarm. The main subject of the episode is Ringo’s new ‘EP Zoom In. The Queen’s knowledge for backing vocalist on Tango song! Tom’s question about autotune - it’s intended to be subtle, but then Cher used it in Believe in an extreme way on purpose for an effect. 

Bad Counsel - Tim, Gregg, Jack & Katy. Gregg with the Tyson/Kaufman manoeuvre. Jack mentions Joe. Three shows recorded the week before, including Xander & Stone. Gregg & Katy need to watch better British tv than Love Island! 1. Listener’s girlfriend left him because of a haircut. What can he do to get back with her? 2. A guy’s wife objects to watching porn. What should he do? Gregg doesn’t like the idea of snacks in the toilet. I wonder why? 🤔 Gregg’s sex talk with his dad. 3. Guy with new girlfriend. Before her he was using a dating site where he sexted someone who he now knows is one of his girlfriend’s friends. 4. Erectile dysfunction. Katy: “Jack’s the voice of experience!” 5. Story about Anna Dee’s Nuts’ own experience on a naked bike ride, hahaha!!! The return of #buttdrip! 6. Caller’s husband has bought an X Box and is now on it for eight hours a day. What can she do about it? 7. Is there a way to change the taste of a man’s, erm, deposits? 8. Smelly co-worker. Cool song at the end! 

Tracing Owls - introduction to a new podcast from Darwin of Darwin’s Deviations, which is about peculiar supernatural stuff. This sounds so cool. 

2 Legs - Tom & Andy discussing projects from Paul McCartney that have been mentioned but haven’t been released as yet. 1. Soundcheck album. 2. It’s A Wonderful Life musical songs. 3. High In The Clouds film. 4. Career spanning documentary film. 5. Rick Rubin documentary about Paul. 6. Touring. “It’s our hope of deliverance!” 

The Mindbuzz - Gill chatting with Paige from the podcast Chaotic Neutral. Barney, statues, butts, Chris Simpson. Twilight, Tim Allen, Paige was 6 in 2008. Language, communicating with landlords, Google Translate. More on the butt statue. American Visionary Museum. The last Blockbuster is in Oregon. The book Deeper Than The Dead by Tammy Hoag. Dr Seuss. “Snitches get stitches.” 

Dinner And A... - April 23rd. Blaine Desantis. Food - Philly Cheese Steaks. First dot - America’s Hits 50th Anniversary CD from 2018. Second dot - a tv series called Lupin on Netflix. 

No Fear Finance - Sara looks into costs you may not think about when you have bought a home for the first time. 

Producing The Beatles - episode starts with a message from Jason to say that friends re-recorded the George Martin score for the song this week. Footage of George Martin speaking about using the two different tracks recorded. Main part of this episode is what the second part of Strawberry Fields Forever is made of - tape 26. First part of song from take six/seven. December 8 1966, The Beatles themselves booked studio two recorded percussion instruments on take 25. Ooh, I didn’t know that cool lead guitar was Macca. Jason re-recorded the score with three cellos and four trumpet players. Score in C not Bb, so that they could get the low C on the cello. The music’s shifting key reflects the uncertainty within the lyrics. Edim7 is inserted on the score for the “nothing is real” bit that wasn’t in the original music. Backing vocals from take one were what Martin’s score was based on. December 15th - Martin dubbed orchestration with take 25, then reducing to take 26, also adding George Harrison on swarmandal and the Paul on piano on December 21st. They thought it was done until John said he wanted the beginning of tape seven (in C major) and the ending of take 27.  December 22nd saw George Martin varispeeding the two together. 

iTunes shuffle -

Mercy Street - Peter Gabriel

Talk More Talk - Paul McCartney 

Just Like A Woman - Manfred Mann

Incisor - Oddlogic


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