Sunday April 25 2021


Sunday April 25th 2021 - 

The blurb -

I got up at about 2:30pm, and I know that because I thought “oh, that bonus episode of my show Pods Like Us came out half an hour ago!”

I finished the previous blog, posted up about that, as well as posting up about the new bonus episode of my show.

I started work at five, and there were no incidents all night, which suits me, because that allowed me to get through more than eight hours of podcasts during the shift.

It’s strange looking at how much listening I did, because I then think “what did I do for the other five hours of my shift?

Oh, take it back...

I had an alarm at the end of the shift, which meant me doing 13 and a half hours of a shift.

I hadn’t expected an alarm, and put my iTunes on for it to shuffle through some songs. 

Sunday April 25th 2021 -

The ‘casts -

The Gerry Anderson Podcast (0:38) - special Gerry Anderson Day episode from April 14th. I don’t know, bonus episodes. People must think that I’ve nothing better to do than listen to podcasts! Lol. Richard James cushion is a whoopee cushion apparently. First up is a vote by those who were tuned in live to the show. Nice archive interview with Gerry himself. Another vote from the listeners at the end. 

The Gerry Anderson Podcast (0:01) - Trailer.

The Corona Diaries (1:10) - once again it’s Ant speaking with H’s sisters Gilly & Sue. He asks if the family knew that Steve nearly gave up and returned home around the time leading up to the Marillion offer. A little Bush? H on Breakfast telly when the family wanted to know if he met Jason Donovan on the same episode! Postcards from everywhere. “He had big shoes to fill in every sense!” Being crowd-funded has made things easier for the band than being signed to a big record company. Diary - Heathrow fun for flight to Tokyo, Japan. Stone Buddha with red beret and scarf 🧣 “poached egg floating in brown liquid”. Bullet train to Osaka. A lot of sleep. Chat between H and Anthony followed after thediary reading. An explanation of how cymbals are made. Very interesting 🧐 a nice happy radio friendly song they threw away. I want the T-shirt that says we all work for Ian! LOL 

Talk More Talk (0:59) - episode 70 April 9th. Ken Womack & Kit O’Toole discuss their book Fandom & The Beatles. They start this special episode by letting people know what they’re both doing. A fascinating and original book that isn’t about The Beatles as such, but more about how the fandom has stood the test of time, and how that fandom is expressed. 

Bad Counsel (1:18) - April 14th episode. Tim, Gregg, Jack & Katy. Starts with what’s going on with people, and shout outs to other podcasts - Concerts That Made Us, Talking Single & Alone On The Couch. No 1 on improv chart in Latvia. Congratulations! You could do a live show there guys? 1. Dating a new girl that he stopped contacting and now wants to get back with her. Great response from Katy! 2. I’m damn sexy, but can’t find a guy that wants more than that. Katy gives reading suggestion. 3.  Went to a friend’s party and fell out of their window, two floors, into a hedge that I woke up in the morning. Gregg says “isn’t it the Irish Goodbye”? 4. Lady wants advice about getting a guy. Jack rustling his paperwork. Good shout from Gregg about Adam Ant’s music video for Goody Two Shoes. Hot For Teacher. 5. Stone wants to know about about the women not being funny thing. Gregg just keeps on digging that hole! Jack digs alongside him!  6. Lady had stomach problems and used the boyfriend’s parents toilet while at a party, and let the boyfriend’s brother get the blame for blocking the system so much that poop was flowing four out of the bathroom. Should she admit or leave it be? Gregg suggests a game of Scoop The Poop! 🤣 💩 🚽 #scoopthepoop 7. Embarrassing father in law. Responses include confusing nitroglycerin for lube. 8. Tyler’s wife’s younger sister staying over and money seems to be missing. I love how Tim describes Tyler’s in-laws... What has he married into? 9. Wife mentions her previous marriage’s sexual antics. 

The Gerry Anderson Podcast (1:19) - Jamie, Richard & Chris. Talk about what happened for Gerry Anderson Day. Fab fact - Captain Scarlet Robot Fact. Emails from fans. News - 1. Gerry Anderson Day catch-up and thanks. 2. What can people suggest for next year? 3. Lost first episode of something directed by Gerry Anderson found on 35mm negatives. Facebook page updates include someone mentioning about an Andersonverse reference from H on The Corona Diaries. Second part of Richard’s interview with actress/comedian/writer Lubna Kerr. Love what Lubna said - “life is about taking risks!” Randomiser - Captain Scarlett episode Seek & Destroy. Captain Black with shades. It still makes me giggle that the voice actor for Scarlett is doing a Cary Grant impression. Cafe De Latte. Chris is a member of the Melody fan club. More messages from listeners. Post show banter 😂 

The Gerry Anderson Podcast (0:01) - another trailer.

Out Of The Blank (1:05) - Robbie chatting with Mike Ferrando again. Shooting at Fed-Ex building was where Mike used to work, and he had picked his son up half an hour before that shooting! They then talk about the shooter. “You have to take a test to drive a car, but you don’t have to test to be a parent!” The thing about Mr Rogers. These two make me laugh when they get together. 

Keeping Up With The Cardassians (1:36) - Nick, Rob & Joe are looking at the first three episodes of season two of Deep Space Nine. Joe is still officially a guest and unofficially a co-host. Since the previous episode spot, Joe has watched the first four episodes of Season One. Seven minutes in and Nick gets a Battlestar Galactica reference in the episode! They discuss Rick & Morty, Community, F Is For Family, The Goldberg’s, Fresh Off The Boat, That 70’s Show, Growing Pains, Home Improvement (Nick & Joe fancied Patricia Heaton, who Tim Allen didn’t get on with), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Days Of Thunder, Black AF, video stores. “I hate getting the clap!” At 31:10 they start talking about the episodes in question. First three part story with The Homecoming, The Circle, and The Siege, which all carry on from the Season One ending. A supposed dead Bajoran hero is found to be alive in a Cardassian prison, brought back, replaces Kira as Sisko’s Bajoran advisor, and Cardassia is secretly giving weapons to a Bajoran terrorist group. Frank Langella is uncredited in this. The guys are right saying that the show is believable in that after the Cardassians had controlled Bajor for over seventy years, then of course they’re going to be having problems politically. Renaming characters as rappers - Cisco, The Notorious D.A.X, Gul Tupac... I agree about the scene where Kira is trying to get ready to leave and everybody keeps coming to ask her something work based is so great. “Try being useless for once!” Great threesome hosting the show!

iTunes shuffle -

The Band - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

Steven Wilson - King Ghost

A-ha - Foot Of The Mountain

Paul McCartney - No More Lonely Nights (one of his best, and one hell of a David Gilmour solo).


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