Thursday April 29 2021


Thursday April 29th 2021 - 

The blurb -

We watched some more of The Killing on Disney+, and made it a relaxed day, including me getting a good soak in the bath. 

Normally it’s a quick shower, because of the time thing. 

It was a choice of editing Sunday’s show or a bath.  I chose the bath.  I could have done both if it was a shower, but I needed the chill.

It wasn’t that chilled...

There I was thinking that even on a supposed break I’ve not got a bonus episode ready.  What I should possibly do is just say “screw it”, and have a break while I release absolutely nothing at all for the next couple of weeks.

There is the danger of losing listeners, but I don’t think there’s that many to lose anyway.  

Crappy back-up vehicle at work without Apple CarPlay, so it was listening through the earpiece for the night. 

Alarm call later on in the shift, and not a clue what set it off. Perhaps something left dangling from a ceiling or on the wall had caught a breeze, and then activate a motion sensor.

That happens a lot - promotional shtick in doctor’s surgeries or businesses, artwork in schools. All sorts can set these things off. 

Andy on the other mobile job was chatty again on the phone, and I can’t be rude saying “I’m listening to podcasts here damn it!”

As much as I want to be someone who says “I’m doing this to put something out there,” it’s bloody tempting to go all out and just say to people “here’s my patreon if you want to give me some money so that I can fuck work off and make podcasting my job!”

Message to self - “stop moaning, Marv. People don’t like that shit!”

Also message to self - “you’ve use two naughty words here, Marv!”

Thursday April 29th 2021 -

The ‘casts -

When They Was Fab - I listened to an episode a few days before it’s release. Ed asked me to listen to it, and I think it’s great! Really interesting general chat with his new co-host Jon Stone, a great musician from Texas. Subjects covered include Jon’s history as a lover of The Beatles, his opinions on the solo Beatles, Wings, McCartney III, and so much more. John’s song Heart Of Hearts at the end is great as an introduction to Jon.

Nothing More Annoying - Trailer for a U.K. based on what annoys you. It seems a bit similar to Grumble Goat, but I’m sure that all people are annoyed about something! 

Phase Zero - episode 15. Brandon, Jenna, Aaron & Jamie. News - Shang Chi trailer, Secret Wars cast updates, Russell Crowe got a telling off by Kevin Feige for giving information away about Thor Love & Thunder, Alfred Molina also gave away that he’s in the next Spider-Man as Dr Octopus again. Shooting on Hawkeye finished with promise of more Clint Barton. Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special. Falcon & The Winter Soldier finale reactions. 

2 Legs - Tom and Andy discussing Oobu Joobu, a radio show that Paul McCartney did that included song snippets, studio outtakes, studio chatter, music he loves, and other stuff. Special guest is Ethan Alexanian. Episode starts with the three of them discussing what’s going on in the world of Macca at the moment. They mentioned the fabulous Bob Dylan’s Radio Theme Hour show. 

 Comicbook Nation - Kofi, Matt, Janell & Mark Dechamps. Mortal Kombat film spoiler discussion. Mark leaves after the chat about Mortal Kombat. Godzilla V Kong leading onto more films in a monsterverse. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale reactions.  Comic releases. The game Outriders. Finally they talk about what they’re enjoying at the moment. 

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - Nick, Rob & Joe discussing the Deep Space Nine episodes Invasive Procedures, Cardassians, Melora and Rules Of Acquisition. First up is now out of date news about American Football! They’re picking two of the four (Invasive Procedures & Cardassians) to have major discussions about, and two (Melora & Rules Of Acquisition) to just go into in a small way. When they discuss the “new” thing about less episodes per season, I think about the fact that we’ve done that in the UK for decades! 28:57 - Nick gets the obligatory Battlestar Galactica mention in! 

Watchlist - Ben & Tom. First up is talking about food venues reopening. Mare Of East Town starring Kate Winslett. Frank Of Ireland starring the Gleason brothers. Ted Lasso season two trailer. Apparently between the weekly episodes of Watchlist a super league of football (soccer) was announced and then cancelled. So, with that Tom & Ben try to pick the 12 super league TV shows. There are only three of the twelve that I have seen any of! I also think that Ben & Tom are quite possibly not fans of science fiction, because there was no mention of anything related to that whatsoever, which I think is a big gap in the choices. 

This Week In Marvel - Shang Chi news. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 5 reaction. Aliens Aftermath comic issue one (comic came up as “call Mick” by the way). Guardians Of The Galaxy comic. Modok tv series. Marvel Superheroes on Disney+. Interview with editor of Women Of Marvel #1 and more, Sarah Brunstad. Feedback from listeners. 


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