Tuesday April 27 2021


Tuesday April 27th 2021.

I got in from work at about 8:30am, went to bed for a short sleep around 9am, and then woke up at about 1pm.

When I got up I finished the previous blog, played some Angry Birds on my phone, and tried to play it on my laptop, only to find that it was a different Angry Birds. I know, I’m old school with my gaming, hence why we have a PlayStation 2, and nothing newer than that console wise.

I had a quick rush out into town to get a card, took it back home for Louise to write out, and then went to post it.

Then I came back home and had a great chat with Pat Gaughin, known to podcasters on Instagram as “Podcastagram”. That’s five episodes recorded for Season Three of Pods Like Us so far, ready for it coming back in the middle of May. It was a great chat, and Pat is a really nice guy, who is incredibly honest with his opinions on podcasting, but helpful at the same time. To paraphrase from memory, he loves podcasts, and wants people to do well with them, so all of his advice is aimed at helping people.

That night we watched the final episode of The Falcon & The Winter Soldier, which apparently is leading into the newly announced Captain America 4 film!

We then watched the baseball game between the New York Yankees and Baltimore Oreoles

Well, I went to bed before the game finished because I was having trouble staying awake!

Take care and stay safe.


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