25 or 6 to 7

Tuesday 25th of May 2021

Monday night’s shift finished late.  I was due to finish at seven thirty in the morning, but an alarm call came in at six minutes past seven.  I have to respond to alarms up until 7:30am, as there is no day shift responder until the office staff turn up.

I got to the alarm to find that despite the Ops Manager saying that it was probably staff coming on, it wasn’t. It was a place that we have no key for, so I looked around that area to make sure that entrances and windows were all secure and undamaged. I figured that that was as much as I could do, as none of the five site contacts were answering their phones.

When I tried to set the alarm it went off within a few seconds of getting out. 

Obviously there was a problem, so once more I did a ring around.

Eventually I left 45 minutes after arriving on site, with the oncoming staff sorting it out.  I was able to get in there after getting the number for their key cabinet, and using the key to get in there, only to find an enormous silken sheet style spider web directly in front of the sensor in question. 

By the time I had gotten in there, the staff were arriving, so a lovely person was able to get into the cleaner’s area, and then clean it up.

I got home for a quarter past nine in the morning, then tried to stay awake, but couldn’t...

I slept from around 10:30 to midday, tidied some of my bits up, and posted notes to Josh Rohde and Mike Bosch for a chat with them later.

I tried to do the show from the bedroom, but because I stupidly had the zoom call on the full screen, I didn’t know that the laptop was running out of power quicker than I had realised.

It went blank, I ran into the living room, grabbed the power cable, plugged it in, and found that it was still recording me in the background with Reaper. Phew!

Embarrassing though...

Great chat with the two of them, and we went off into so many tangents, which should make for a fun listen.

We watched a few bits, and I particularly remember a reality programme about the British seaside resorts.  I did a little more work on the coming opening episode of Pods Like Us season three. 

I got to bed late (4am), and woke up early (6:30) on Wednesday...

Wednesday 26th of May 2021

So, we woke up at 6:30am to get the flat ready for an inspection by the landlord and a representative of their estate agent overseers.

We got the place to a fairly decent level, by hiding some bits in the bedroom while I pretended to be asleep in there.

“We’ll be coming between ten and two.”


They came a little after eleven o’clock, and as much as we tried, we couldn’t stay awake. we were both in bed for a nap at four o’clock, with the intention of getting up an hour later with an alarm. The alarm went off, and I fell back to sleep. Louise didn’t even stir, lol. 

I got more work done on episode one, and we watched another episode of that show about seaside resorts, as well as an episode of a programme about a possibly scammer on the BBC iPlayer.

The Yankees baseball game was postponed...

Got to bed late again, this time at four, and I woke up a little before seven.  

Thursday 27th of May 2021 daytime.

At 7:30am I got up and got us both a drink and got my breakfast.

Because of the inspection yesterday, they said that a workman would come to sort the problems out that were still outstanding, but they didn’t know what time he could turn up between 9am and 5pm.

Don’t you love workmen’s approximated times!

I got up to get Louise a drink, because I can easily just wake up at a moment’s notice, and Louise most certainly can’t do that.  It’s just natural to me after all of the years of security work.  I guess that my system is used to sending adrenaline to keep me going.

I got up, got the drinks and breakfast, responded to an email from Sarah at Radiodays Europe.  I was hoping to chat with Sarah today and put that out after some quick editing as episode one, as they have an online event targeted at Europe, Australia, and North America for Monday the seventh of June. 

Podcast Day 24 as it’s called looks pretty full on, so everyone is obviously incredibly busy, unable to even give me 45 minutes of Zoom time.  I get that, because I’ve sent the schedule on the website!

Sarah said that she would be happy to have a chat in mid June to discuss whatever I wanted to chat about, and I’m more than happy to do that, because Sarah’s background is fascinating.

After helping to clear areas ready for the work, I went back to bed at around 9:30am, only to wake up when I heard the workman arrive at around 10:50am.  I was in and out of consciousness, and heard him leave at around ten past eleven.  Twenty minutes to replace an inner in the kitchen sink, and replace the workings of a tap for the bathroom sink, as well as sort out the banging pipes that he had caused by loosening the water flow the previous time he came two months earlier saying he would “be back soon after getting parts.” 

I went back to sleep, waking at 2:30pm because of bits that needed doing.  I made both of us a coffee, then got ready, and went out to do some bits, while I listened to the episode of This Week In Marvel from last Friday, so that I am up to date.

More editing of the Pods Like Us episode for fifteen minutes. I’ll have to cut my sleep short tomorrow to finish it, because I really want two episodes ready for Sunday, so that I am ahead of the editing game!

Podcast listening:

This Week In Marvel - EP499: Ryan & Lorraine. Started with general chat. Next up was Modok news, which includes Ryan being a character in the show! Black Widow news. Another trailer for Loki.. Awards news. Black Panther and other comics. Other comic news. New Marvel range from Hasbro. Dramatic radio series Marvel’s Wastelanders: Old Man Starlord on Sirius XM and podcast providers. Awesomeness comes after this when they’re interviewing the writers and show runners of the fabulous and iconic 90’s X-Men: The Animated Series, which they have written a book about entitled “X-Men: The Art and Making of the Animated Series”.  “Chilli fries”, theme, character choices. Great interview.  After that they look at listeners communications, including their responses to the question of their favourite characters from X-Men The Animated Series. Outro. 


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