Friday May 28 2021


Friday May the 28th, 2021 - 

The blurb -

I must have been seriously shattered when I got in from work, because when I did get in from work eventually at around a quarter to nine, I got into bed for about half past nine, fell asleep around 10am, and slept through the 3:30pm alarm. 

I woke up at 4:45pm!

Because of the time I got into work, I stayed until 6.30am, or I meant to...

I rang the day mobile once I realised that I had left my keys in the site patrol key box.  This meant that I left the office a little before seven.

I got home after a relatively easy night, albeit one that had a few phone calls again.

I split the night’s pods by listening to a couple of albums as well - the latest album by Field Music is a great album. 

I love the first album by Electric Light Orchestra, because there’s something very unique about it that is unlike any other album ever made in my opinion .

Friday May 28th 2021

The ‘casts -

Our Cynic Culture - (0:24) EP10: Easter eggs with stout in? Sweet! Bourbon County Brand Stout Easter Eggs. They’re from Chicago. Oh, not actually Easter eggs as in chocolate eggs, but limited edition pre-blends. Damn. “Do the different barrels really make a difference to the taste?” Absolutely! If you put a stout inside a barrel that previously had brandy in there, then it would be different to a barrel that once had port in whisky in there. Oak is different to pine as well with taste. That’s a good point - collecting different blends is like collecting Pokemon or baseball cards! 

Nothing More Annoying - (0:22) EP13: People who hang bags of poop on trees. Yes, people actually do this! Luke is joined by guest Matt from the podcast Straight From The Hot Tap. I love Matt mentioning council tax going up for someone in charge of the council for fifteen years on a “work when I can” basis. “A Shitmas Tree”! 


Comicbook Nation - (1:12) S3 E21: Kofi, Matt, Janell, Jim & Connor. That’s a full house! Trailer for Eternals, that Jim says “it’s a teaser!” The big debate about “where were the Eternals during all of these other events that they’ve not shown up for?” The brainwash device is indeed used a fair bit in the Eternals, and is also used in the Captain Marvel film. Amazon buying MGM. Matt & Jim mention the bad user interface on Amazon Prime, but I don’t think that the Disney+ UI is much better, because the search is pathetic! A Quiet Place Pt 2 spoiler free review. Army Of The Dead reactions. Modok responses. Matt talks through stand out comics. [Video from Instagram] Connor & Matt then go into wrestling. 

Podtastic Audio - (0:22) EP1: Hosted by Chris from the Kris & Kristine Show. This episode is basically an introduction to what the show is about. It’s already informative and thought provoking to me.

Winter of Discontent - (0:34) EP10: January 3rd 1969, second day of the Get Back sessions. Nick starts with the intro and tells us what’s happened so far. Podcast recommendation - Another Kind Of Mind. I love Nick’s description of what’s on the January 2nd episode of Top Of The Pops, and what was on the news that night. Nick describes what is in the news papers that The Beatles will wake up to reading. Tape starts with Paul and Ringo at the piano. Paul practices Adagio For Strings on the piano. Paul playing Tea For Two with Ringo tap dancing in the background. Paul plays Torchy The Battery Boy. George H arrives later. Interesting background of Michael Lindsay-Hogg. 

Adam & Craig’s Guilty Pleasure Cinema - May 11 2021: continuing the Season of the Nick, this time with them looking at the 2007 Nicolas Cage film Next. I saw this at the cinema, and wish that I hadn’t wasted my money! Intro description and lead up, followed by then going off to watch the film. Craig gives a very interesting description of what writing credits mean with regard to how the word “and” is described! Craig does a Keanu Cage voice? Simpsons mention by Craig. Julianne Moore, Jennifer Biel. 

Something For Nothing Ep12 Nov 11 2019: Part one of three about Vapor Trails. Start by mentioning the remix issues! Twitter poll responses. Backstory of the making and release of the album. First album since Caress Of Steel to contain no keyboards at all. That quote from Neil is so emotional. Song one - One Little Victory. Tarot cards on the cover art for each song. Song two - Ceiling Unlimited. I love how Jerry gets the lyrics all of the time. Song three - Ghost Rider. Song four - Peaceable Kingdom. So, it was intended to be an instrumental, but after 9/11, Neil wrote lyrics. Don’t they normally write songs around Neil’s lyrics rather than the other way around? Woah, Steve did the ending quote for the first time!

The Rock Guys - Ep21 Bob is talking about Saxon, who I myself saw live at Mansfield Leisure Centre. Wow, I didn’t know that the cover art for power and the glory was done by Ridley Scott, the director! I love Bobby’s excitement throughout! “Hey there, and thank you for sticking around!” “I think I hear Bobby!”

Friday May 28th 2021.

Music Listening -

Flat White Moon (album) - Field Music

Electric Light Orchestra (1970) - Electric Light Orchestra 


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