Saturday May 29 2021


Saturday  May the 29th, 2021 - 

The blurb -

From getting in late from the Friday night shift, it took me hours to drop off. I remember the bells for 9:30am, and nothing past them until I suddenly woke up at 2:15 for no reason. 

I needed to get some stuff done anyway, so I basically got up and made me and Louise a drink, and I had a bowl of cereal. 

I had another 45 minutes of editing time, and luckily only need a very short time on Sunday to have episode ready for the world.

Talk about cutting it thin!

Steady shift at work, but I think the note taking is slowing me down.

I decided before listening to the Tabletop Genesis podcast episode about Peter Gabriel’s third self-titled album, that I would give it a listen.

That was so much fun.  Possibly my favourite album of Pete’s.

Saturday  May 29th 2021 -

The ‘casts -

Tabletop Genesis - (1:58) Ep9 Dec 13 2015: 3 (Melt) by Peter Gabriel. Mike, Ellie, Stacey, Simon & Tom. My favourite of Pete’s albums. First song is Intruder with Phil Collins on drums using the drum sound that would be the sound of the eighties, which is called gated drums. Gates are utilised in mixing to cut out some sounds that are unintended, but in this case it’s exaggerated to get that sound. It’s a great call comparing this lyrically to Phil’s own song Through These Walls. Wow, I never realised that this album got him dropped by Atlantic records in America. Ahmed Artegan apparently said that it was one of the biggest mistakes that Atlantic records ever made! Song two is No Self Control. The awesome vibraphone playing by Jerry Marotta. They are right saying that it’s very claustrophobic. One of two songs featuring Kate Bush. Start a song three, which is a very short instrumental in leading basically to the following song. Song for is the great song I Don’t Remember. First album featuring David Rhodes. Song five is Family Snapshot, which features some gorgeous fretless bass by John Giblin. Based on a thing called An Assassin’s diary written by Arthur Bremner.  Song six is And Through The Wire. Song seven is Games Without Frontiers, the other song with Kate Bush featured. “We piss on the goons in the jungle!” Song eight is Not One Of Us. After playing the clip from the song, they all do what they call the Peter Gabriel meeting call! LOL Great guitar by Dave Gregory from XTC on this song. Song nine is Lead A Normal Life. A short quiet emotional piece. The tenth and final song is Biko. Phil Collins is playing a Surdo, which is an African drum that Phil bought in Morocco. Good point that it’s a good bookend with the rhythmic stance on the opening song Intruder. Tracks around but not used - Bully For You (with Tom Robinson), I Go Swimming, We Do What We’re Told, and Shosalosa. 

2 Legs A Paul McCartney Podcast - (1:27) Ep128 May 15 2021: Tom Hunyady and Andy Nicholes are discussing the album McGear by Mike “McGear” McCartney, which is unofficially a Wings album, since they are the backing band for the whole album. Guest on this episode is Tony Graduardo from Fab 4 Free For All). News. First experiences of the album. Background to Mike’s career. Jimmy McCulloch playing before he was officially in Wings, as a session player. Going through the album song by song. I love what Tony said where he mentioned the back of his radio days are used to very often play space oddity by David Bowie, and then follow that with the Man U found God on the Moon by Mike “McGear” McCartney. Message to Tony-you haven’t influenced me to buy the album, because I already own that really is! Whipped cream and other delights-how can you call that a waste of time, when it was an important album back in the day for quite a few teenage boys!

Independent Thought - (1:07) May 25 2021: Desmond Price is looking at the subject of human trafficking, as the final episode of season three. Desmond starts the show by introducing himself, and mentioning what the subject is about, as well as how long he has been working on this subject. He then mentioned that if it’s a difficult subject for people to listen to, Danny understands if people want to skip it, but does suggest that when people are ready to listen that it would be good to actually listen to it because it’s very important. After this he then goes on to describe what he means by human trafficking, and the reasons that people on both sides are involved. Fifteen year old known to this show as Princess was forced into prostitution. Interview footage included of victims talking about their treatment and what they had to do. Good that there are sounds and beds for the show. Advertising in the show. He gives the sources for his information after this advertisement break, apologising that he hadn’t done it at the opening of the show. Great clip of Ashton Kutcher speaking to the US Congress about Thorn, which is software to target and combat human trafficking. 

The Mindbuzz - (1:45) May 27 2021: Damn, Gill got Bill from The Way and Bryan from Concerts That Made Us.  Hold on, I thought that Gill wasn’t going to turn up. Bill mentions Shroom Kid. Does this technically count as listening to three podcasts in one go? :-) Bill asking if LSD use has given Gill some multiple personalities. LOL Bill didn’t get a reference to the song break on through by the doors. Bill likes alcohol. Irish government. California government. Guys, all governments are fucked! MK Ultra. Midnight Climax. Cardi B. Spoiler alert for Breaking Bad! Accidentally ingest LSD. Was Gill an inspiration for Fast & Furious? Bryan’s knowledge about the Kennedy assassination is so good! 

Something For Nothing - (0:42) ep13 November 18 2019: Steve & Jerry, bass intro was Ghost Rider, played by Lex. Intro. Twitter polls. Song five is The Stars Look Down. Based on a book by the same name by AJ Cronyn, that was made into a film. Song six is How It Is. The album The Wind by Warren Zevon is mentioned. Song seven is Vapor Trail. Neil quote. Song eight is Secret Touch. Jerry mentions a video of Primus playing a Rush song. Outro. 

No Fear Finance - May 29 2021: The weekly weekend frugal tip. After a conversation with her dad Blaine, Sara is discussing the potential for jobs at restaurants, bars and eateries. 

The Rock Guys - episode 22: Bobby is looking at legends of metal, UFO. The family tree for this band would be enormous, considering what ex-band members ended up doing! 

From A To Ziggy - February 13 2016: this time they are talking about the song After All from the album The Man Who Saved The World. Dissection of the lyrics. It uses a stylophone just like Space Oddity. Tori Amos has recorded a cover version of it. They mention the White Album by The Beatles. 

Saturday May 29th 2021.

Music Listening -

Peter Gabriel - 3 (Melt)


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