Sunday June 27 2021


Sunday June the 27th, 2021 -

The Blurb -

I woke up at half past midday, around about four hours since I got to sleep. 

I got some bits done online for what will be updates to my website - 

They will be viewable when they’re all done, and it’s embarrassing to me that the site is as badly out of date. It’s me doing all of these things - the show, editing, social media, blog and website. 

I also moved a car full of bits to the storage unit between going to Morrison’s and getting ready for work.

Work started at 5pm, and I got on with it.

No actual incidents in the night helped in a way, but the lack of sleep lately caught up with me. It suddenly hit me as I was coming onto the A1 from Sutton-on-Trent, and actually just left the brake on on the flow road, because my eyes closed and I couldn’t keep them open. 

I think I only had about two or three minutes, but it helped.

I carried on, and did well to get everything done, including a good few patrols on an extra site that’s a fair way away.

I even managed to fit in moving some more bits from the flat to the storage unit.

New episode of Pods Like Us came out during the day, where I chatted with Morgs from forthcoming podcast about The Simpsons, where he will go through every episode of the show with special guests, including voice actors from the show!

The ‘casts -

The Mindbuzz (1:18) ep42: Gill chatting with Jose from The Inner Monolog podcast. Stewardess gets two front teeth punched out, people messing with face masks, Jose’s family. Marcus had a solo podcast before suggesting the group show. The competition from Podcastagram. I got a mention! Gill wants someone else to host an episode of The Mindbuzz, pretending to be him. Jose’s daughter listening in to a zoom meeting. Hasbro we’re going to cancel Mr and Mrs potato head, and re-package them as plain old potato head without designations!? 

Something For Nothing - Ep16 (0:31): Steve & Gerry looking at the second side of the self titled debut album by Rush.

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - S2E19 (1:13): chit chat at the beginning includes talking about divorce after the news of Kanye West & Kim Kardashian were divorcing. The DS9 episodes that they’re looking at are The Wire and Crossover. 

Bad Counsel - (1:34) ep46: The Guy With The Taint Tattoo: Tim, Greg, Jack & Katy. Introductions include Jack’s date at a torture museum. Bong water bath. Feedback and shout outs. Flipper slap. Guy supplementing income by taking a meal a time from the restaurant that he works for. Taco face. Soccer mom porn. Is masturbation over porn cheating? Road head action?  Tim - I’ve never seen or read The World According To Garp! Oklahoma Jet Ski - I won’t explain it! Alternative cash cab. 

Robby The Robot’s Waiting - (1:28) S02 E02: Dave, Tanavi & Rich. Loki reactions. Sweet Tooth on Netflix. Lucifer season 6b. Deep dive into Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, with guest Rian Drinkwater  joining them. News - Jupiter Ascending cancelled, Wakanda series, Spider-Man rumours, Hugh Jackman film Reminiscent, Avengers campus, 

The Delta Flyers - (0:56) S1 E16: Garrett and Robbie chatting about the Star Trek Voyager episode Learning Curve. 

Out of the Blank - (1:05) episode 833: Robbie chatting with author/essayist/blogger Kristyn J Miller, who has a love of Germanic and medieval mythology. Interesting bit about the British Museum at the end, where it’s true that there is very little about British history in there. It is all about the money that they make, which I’m surprised that someone wouldn’t know. It’s London, so it’s all about the money and tourism!


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