Thursday June 24 2021


Thursday June the 24th 2021 -

The Blurb

After eventually getting to sleep after 8am, I was woken at 2pm, and did a bit of sorting. It’s like it never ends!

We have a lot don’t we.

Work from 7pm until 8am, so in bed for about half past eight in the morning. 

Relatively easy going shift, with a bit of phone chit chat with Andy on another mobile job.

The ‘casts -

Something For Nothing - episode 95 Power Windows Redux Part 3 June 21 2021: Steve & Jerry looking at the songs Territories and Middletown Dreams from Power Windows. They are joined by author Skip Daily to chat about Territories.  Documentary Rush: Time Stand Still video director Miller looks at Middletown Dreams with them. 

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - s2 e18 Feb 15th 2021: Nick, Rob & Joe are looking at The Marquis Pts 1&2 episodes 20 and 21 of season 2. At the beginning there is a great chat about television programmes that last for multiple seasons. 

Phase Zero - Episode 24 June 23 2021: Brandon, Jenna, Aaron & Jim. Marvel news. Avengers campus. Black Widow film spoiler free reactions from Brandon & Jim. Jim Starlin quote. Jim Viscardi’s question - “what’s the best needle drop in the MCU?” Huge talk about Loki episode 3. At 34:50 Jamie Jirak joins the group to chat about Loki. 

The Delta Flyers Season One Episode 17 August 3 2021: Garrett and Robbie looking at the Star Trek Voyager Season One episode Jetrel. Great general chat including patreon details, journeys here and there, and much more. After that they watch the film and then chat about it.

Mundane Madness - June 24 2021: annual summer battle royale part 2: Chase & Cooper fighting out the burger bar debate, and where to get the best fries. 

Astroleague Podcast June 21 2021: Matty C continues letting us know the rules behind fantasy league NFL. 

Subspace Transmissions - June 21 2021: Cam Smith (also of Spyhards and Arniegeddon) & Tyler Orton are joined by guest Patrick Johnston to look at the Star Trek The Next Generation episode Darmok. 


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