Friday July 30 2021


Friday July the 30th, 2021 -

The Blurb -

I got in from work at about twenty to nine, in bed for about nine, and up at half past three in the afternoon.

Got up, made drinks, paid bills on a banking app, and prepared myself for another night of work. 

Interesting video from critic Grace Randolph about the Scarlett Johansson and Disney legal battle that also includes information about the UK government suing Netflix - 

Another night that was relatively steady, albeit being a night that once again dragged.

I got a message from Mike at Tabletop Genesis to say that he will contact me at some point with regard to them appearing as guests on Pods Like Us, who I’ve wanted to since I started the show, because I love Genesis, and their show is great.

The ‘Casts -

This Week In Marvel - chaotic neutral. Benedict Cumberbatch birthday. Clip of stunt double for Scarlett Johansson. Large scale Galactus figure. Marvel’s Wastelanders Old Man Starlord details - I need to get listening to that dramatic podcast. Lorraine interviews Kasra Farahani. There’s then an interview from Lorraine, chatting with Loki series costume designer Christine Wada. The third and final interview is Ryan speaking with Loki soundtrack composer Natalie Holt. Question of the week. After this there are messages and questions from listeners. Throg’s pigs! 

Comicbook Nation - July 27 2021: Kofi Outlaw, Matt Aguilar, Janell Wheeler, and Evan Valentine. Ice Cube shout out. He-Man, GI Joe & Transformers series is like the late eighties early nineties are coming back! HBO Batgirl chat. Snake Eyes response from Kofi. #StormShadowsBellyButton #TheGroans Masters Of The Universe Revelation from Kevin Smith. Transformers: The War For Cybertron. Comics - Moon Knight (“Dark Hawk”), Superman (Janell’s hotness meter), Captain Marvel. Fear Street Trilogy reactions from Kofi. Ted Lasso season two response from Janell. As they were finishing the program there was some breaking news in the shape of the title for the forthcoming Dragonball film.

Things We Said Today - Ken, Darren & Allan are looking at the documentary McCartney 321. News - Ringo’s birthday, ATMP, The Beatles And Us, Jimmy McCulloch biography, Beatles 100 book, Take A Sad Song: The Emotional Currency Of Hey Jude by James Campion, Julian Lennon receives award, Peter Asher returning to the stage, and more. Allan asked why Rick Rubin was chosen as the person Paul was speaking with, and my answer is that Rick could go more into detail in the musical elements as a producer and musician. 

Phase Zero - episode 29: Brandon, Jamie, Jenna, and Aaron. So, is Vincent D’Onoforio really in Spider-Man or not? Does him liking a post about it mean it’s true? Michaela Cole officially cast in Black Panther 2. Wow, that scene in GOTG where Starlord is out in space and rescues Gamora, it was filmed underwater. Black Widow out on physical form in September! “You have to watch Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special to pick up on bits in GOTG3. Jamie leaving early to interview Hugh Jackman. Midnight Man in Moon Knight. Select bits from listener’s mailbag - 1. great explanation at how they all ended up working for #ReleaseTheBDCut  2. Any big announcement you’ve been given that you couldn’t announce. 3. Anything you would change in the MCU? [after Jamie leaves, Jim Viscardi joins in the show] 4. Which MCU project could surprise? That is an interesting point Jim came up with about moon night... We seem to know more about that than we do about the film internals which is coming out very soon. Perhaps they are keeping things guarded about internals because there will be quite a few surprises in there? 5. First big interview each. 

ESPN Baseball Tonight - Trade Deadline Special July 30 2021: presented by Buster Olney, produced by Nathan Garcia. Guests are Sarah Lang, reporter from and David Shornville from ESPN. Ten all star trades. 

Tabletop Genesis - first up Mike announces that this episode is the first anniversary of their first recording. Ellie, Tom. Stacey, & Simon. This episode they are talking about the difficult album And Then There Were Three, the first album with the Banks/Collins/Rutherford threesome. Song one is Down & Out. I love that rhythm in this song. Song two is Undertow. Song three is Ballad Of Big. Song four is Snowbound. Song five is Burning Rope. Song six is Deep In The Motherlode, which is very Mike & The Mechanics sounding to me. That could just be my thought? It’s very Mike Rutherford sounding! Song seven is Many Too Many. Never played live even though the video is of them playing it on a stage. Song eight is Scenes From A Night’s Dream - “Bonkers disco Prog!” Song nine is Say It’s Alright Joe. “Stacy’s eye rolls”. The only song they couldn’t find the original tape for to remix it in 2006. Song ten is The Lady Lies. When they mention about Peter Gabriel joining them onstage in 1978, I also didn’t know about that actually until earlier in this shift because I caught a photo of him onstage with them at that concert. Song eleven is the Mike Rutherford composed Follow You Follow Me, a hit single. Mike & Ellie had this as their first dance at their wedding reception. The only Genesis song that I’ve recorded a cover version of. Two non-album songs - Vancouver and The Day The Light Went Out. They then choose their favourite from the album. 


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