Saturday July 24 2021


Saturday July the 24th, 2021 -

The Blurb -

Woke up at twenty to three, after I had woken up around 11am and then at 1pm. 

I did some bits towards the Grumble Goat episode of Pods Like Us, trying to correct phasing issues, while editing my rambling questions into something that sounds like I know what I’m doing.

I still have a little more than an hour of in-show footage to go through of the Grumble Goat episode, and then there is the pre and post-show chat to edit for the post show music extras.

Edit - Funnily enough while listening to the episode that is actually going out next, I listened to the whole original recording, and that will have six edits in total, and one of those is to get rid of an F bomb, although I’m still questioning doing that. Other than that, I think it’s actually really good, and flows nicely.

I did nip to Morrison’s again to get some bits before work, of course. 

During the night someone reminded me of this unreleased song from Paul McCartney that I think is a fun song from an entire album he mothballed in the 1980’s -

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again…. Sir Paul McCartney will re-release the 1986 album Press To Play as a deluxe set, and one of those extra discs will be that mothballed album.

I started the shift by listening to the original full feed of the episode of Pods Like Us that I recorded with Steve & Gerry from Something For Nothing: The Rush Podcast as guests, and Gregg from Bad Counsel as a co-host. 

That was a good show to record, made more so by the fact that’s Gregg was a great co-host, and that both Steve & Gerry were fun to chat with.  It made a great change to have a co-host, and I hope to be able to do that more often.

I’ve decided to make that the next episode, and make Grumble Goat the following episode.  That might change however, because all of that footage still scares me, as well as the phasing from their two mics picking each other up. 

Almost as soon as I started at work I got a call to check out a site, only to get there and find that it was staff on there doing some overnight repair work.

I had another alarm later, which was a site that I had not had before.

Other than that I got all of my work done, albeit with me finishing half an hour late out of choice to get that work done. Unpaid, but it felt wrong to leave it like that when I could easily get it done.

The ‘Casts -

Watchlist - (0:52) July 20 2021: Ben & Tom. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to this show, and I’ve missed it! Tom using a Dyson fan in the background. Ben is back from the bin. They start by talking about For All Mankind, which Ben compares to Mad Men. Emmy nominations reactions. At 26:40 Tom’s lovely dog barking in the background. “Best sung theme tune.” Ben on Only Fans, lol. 

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (1:17) episode 162 July 19 2021: I still think this show has one of the e most appropriate theme tunes! Intro. Jamie, Richard & Chris. Fab fact is a Space 1999 based fact. Email responses. News. Six Degrees of Anderson responses. Interview with Weta’s Richard Taylor. Facebook page posts. Chris’s randomiser picks the Captain Scarlett episode Model Spy. Ooh, Scarlett & Symphony. Show outro after more messages from listeners. Post show. I hope that Richard had a nice holiday. 

No Fear Finance - (0:06) July 24 2021: Sara is talking about the fact that a packed lunch is always more cost effective. 

Something For Nothing - (0:50) episode 25 February 17 2020: part two of Steve and Gerry looking at the Rush album Roll The Bones. I think over the last couple of days I’ve heard Steve & Gerry more than my Louise, as I listened earlier to their appearance on Pods Like Us, which will now be the next episode coming out as I took notes of where the six or seven couple of seconds each edits need doing! Lex’s bass intro was Dreamline. Message from Lex who does the bass playing intros, followed by Twitter poll responses. Talk of the cover art. Song six is Big Wheel. Albert Einstein quote from Gerry. Gerry wants to know what Joe Jackson is similar in sound to The Big Wheel. Song seven on Roll The Bones is Heresy. Interesting fact about he Berlin Wall from Gerry. Gerry doesn’t like the use of the word “crap” in “all the crap we have to take”, but wouldn’t like the word “shit” either. It’s a tricky quandary, because the lesser word would be “stuff”, which would soften the impact. Song eight is Ghost Of A Chance, which I used to have on 7” single. Song nine is Neurotica. Song ten is You Bet Your Life, based on the title of a game show that had Groucho Marx as it’s presenter. Chuck D at a Rush show that Steve & Gerry went to. Steve & Gerry also talk about seeing them at Jones Beach - take note of that, as it’s mentioned in the new episode of Pods Like Us. I couldn’t find that exact performance by Primus that Gerry & Steve are talking about, but here’s a link to a later version of them playing it - 

Binge Bros - (0:45) bonus episode July 20 2021: bonus episode where Joey & Natty are reviewing Black Widow & Fast 9. They both thought that Black Widow was going to be terrible, but instead found it to be an incredible film. Natty is right by the way, Black Widow was supposed to come out in May of 2020, as it was completely finished and edited. Good point made about film etiquette. After this they then give a response to Fast 9, including a lot of impossible things. They go into a tangent about the James Bond franchise. 

The Delta Flyers - (0:35) S2 E8: Garrett and Robbie look at the Star Trek Voyager season two episode Persistence Of Vision. They both mention at the beginning that they both have to relax more during the day. Apparently Tim Russ used to have 15 minute naps whilst filming, which helped him a lot. “Someone’s walking on your grave” is a phrase that we still say in the U.K.  Captain Janeway’s first onscreen kiss, as well as her second. Also B’Elanna Torres’ first kiss as well. Vulcan “looks like Death Valley in LA!” Garrett mentions a TikTok video (Stop, don’t touch me there, this is my no no square). 


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