Sunday July 25 2021


Sunday July the 25th, 2021 -

The Blurb -

I woke up at about half past two in the afternoon, got on with editing the new episode of Pods Like Us, which was the chat with Steve & Gerry from Something For Nothing: The Rush Fancast, for which I had a guest co-host, in the shape of the very professional Gregg from Bad Counsel.

In the night at work I was told about problems with the sound, so took it down, and then corrected on Monday - more on that in the next blog, as that is a Monday thing.

Work was incredibly busy, including an alarm that was set off by the police trying a door that wasn’t closed properly.

Four alarms in total for me, and patrols on a fairly distant site that we don’t normally do.

Twelve hour shift turned into a thirteen and a half hour shift.

The ‘Casts -

We Were On a Break - back from their vacation in Portland. Playing catch with the kids. Sex. Needing to get away to be able to get close to each other, because life gets in the way. From me - remember what John Lennon said; “life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans!” Chris is always on nights. Same here! #FrogPump “what do you call your genitalia?” 

The Inner Monolog - Ricky, Marcus, Julio & Jose. At the beginning for a company selling watches and glasses. With special guest Lizz from You Should Have Ghosted. Woke math curriculum overall. Woman in Santa Ana got stuck between two buildings in an eight inch gap, which require the fire brigade to save her. She was also naked. “Talk about a sticky situation!” Great Harry Potter joke that I think was from Julio? Woman banned from flying after throwing her baby’s diaper into a toilet on the plane. She was told that it was a biohazard. Doesn’t that mean that anyone’s shit could be a biohazard? Get ready to hold it in while you’re flying to Australia from the U.K for 13 or 14 hours. She received a text as soon as she switched her phone on when landing to say that she was now placed on the flight risk list. Wow, a woman whose Mercedes car had been stolen, tracked it and followed it, taking matters into your own hands when the police didn’t respond, bye I’m going after the thieves herself! The restaurant burger incident. Victoria’s Secret story. WTF?!?!?! Another shopping mall incident - hate crime where another person’s child was hit and then blamed it on COVID-19! 

The Corona Diaries - episode 64 Books, Drugs & Manhattan. Ant & H. “Over a hundred hours of filth!” “Knee deep in WD40.” Books that have influenced songs. Great bit of H going through each song’s basic inspiration. “Them Jack Russells are a bugger to bone!” I agree with H on liking the writing of John Steinbeck. “Imagine finding an iPhone in 1960…” diary reading - New Haven. Toad’s Place. The war between the Croats and the Serbians. Free ticket for Mike Portnoy. Manhattan. Macy’s for Z14. Del Amitri (I’ve seen them live, and they were great). Poorly in Manhattan Followed by them picking up on bits from the diary reading. H channels his kinks fandom for this episode’s croon cast. 

Spyhards - episode 20: this episode is from Christmas, so Scott & Cam are watching the Shane Black written and Reny Marlin directed Christmas based film The Long Kiss Goodnight, starring Geena Davis and Samuel L Jackson. Shane Black got $3.5m for writing the script, and a producer position as well. #Spyratehards Thinking about it, I wonder if Shane Black made directing suggestions to Reny? Terminator 2 scene. “ why is that dog nibbling the old lady’s boobs?” “From Captain Marvel to Captain Boring…” towards the end of the show they make suggestion for people to listen to the podcast the Paul and Griff show. 

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - Nick introduced the show in a very William Shatner way, with… Plenty… Off… Horses! It’s funny how it says horses not pauses. Nick, Rob and Joe are looking at the two Star Trek Deep Space 9 episodes past tense parts one and two. Zootopia sloth. Captain America IV announced. I’m with Nick in that I thought that the penultimate episode of Falcon & The Winter Soldier was better than the finale. “She existed there!” Levar Burton doing Jeapordy. Ad for the podcast Hops Geek News. Nick sings at 31:40. “What the second Trump term could have looked like!” “A rabbit hole of politics!” Rob is so right, in that this episode, or two-part episode, is Star Trek to the core! past tense parts one and two tell a story that reflects what is happening around us, and in fact it’s probably closer ironically to where we are now than where we were in 1995 when this episode came out! I would like to see the guys from this show chat with Jonathan Frakes about directing part two of this two-parter, and other episodes that he is directed. Nick singing again at 1:05:40 and 1:06:20. Joes Halloween costume comes up in conversation again, where he is supposed to be dressing up as quark. Ad for Nerdy Bitches Podcast after the show.

It’s Funny You’d Say That - Travis Daw presenting. Great rant at the beginning. After the intro Travis explains the problem with recording shows on your phone, such as phone calls stopping them, and it doesn’t work on Airplane Mode. Gym conversation leads into a shirt story. He goes into talking about his weight, and I’m sorry that some vicious unworthy bastards put him down about it. F*** ‘em! I agree with Travis that people who are family and physical friends very often don’t support you with things like the podcasting or other stuff. I’ve made music before and released it on records and as downloads, but they all want it for free, when I’ve spent thousands recording it to a studio level in professional studios - I’m not talking about the free stuff on Soundcloud, but actual studio recorded albums and singles. Anyway…  the podcast gives Travis something to be excited about. #FindYourOwnPerfection “Doctors shouldn’t charge if they find nothing.” Travis hates modern country music. Finishes with an advert for Anchor. 

Total Nonsense with Josh and Bosch - episode 11: this time they are joined by a guest, Ben Sorensen, who is a comedian and voice over actor.  He calls The Simpsons the Nostradamus of our times. He worked at a comic-con type event with john Travolta. Ben to Bosch: “Is your wife a fan of spatchcock?” Bosch after a long pause: “I think she is. She’s a team player.”  He arranges the largest comedy festival in Australia. “ befuddled by the spatchcock!” All the shots and the tiger balm. Apple podcast review. 


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