Saturday August 29 2021


Saturday August the 28th, 2021 -

The Blurb -

Got up at around 2pm, show ready for tomorrow other than placement of promos.

Trip to Morrison’s, and then started work at 5pm.

Busy night for calls and such, and some problems

on sites to report.

Alarm call in the one’s that took a while to get to. I have absolutely no sites anywhere near there, which is ironic when mobile one has sites that are close, as does the rarely mentioned mobile three. Oh well, mobile two responded. 

Bad signal for most of that, so no way to listen to anything but FM radio during that time. That made a change.  

A quarter to five in the morning, 15 minutes before my allotted finishing time, I got an alarm call to a site, which I arrived at at 10 past five.

Because of that I finished work at twenty past six. Nature of the beast 

Luckily with it being a Sunday, I could park at home after work, so I got home for 6:30am. 

The ‘casts -

(Notes taken by Siri - other AI’s are available).

Astroleague - (0:56) Bad Counsel Crossover part 2: July 29th 2021: The continuation of Matty’s chat with Greg from bad counsel. Gregg question to Matty. How much does Gregg hate the Baltimore football team? The place where whole of Fame quarterbacks go to die. The Melbourne Storm. Penn State University. Bangles/Bungles. The biggest controversy in Pittsburgh. The Pirates winning Major League Baseball. Television viewing suggestions. “Social science experiment.” Don’t forget Gregg & Tim’s other podcast Eclectic Company. 

No Fear Finance - (0:08) August 28th 2021: this time Sara is looking at how looking after your health can be better for your wallet or purse. Exercise frugality. Medical. Looking after your health more now helps to save money in the future. 

Something For Nothing: The Rush Fancast - (0:54) episode 42: June 15th 2020: starts with Lex doing the bass to Tom Sawyer. This is the first of their four part look at the album Moving Pictures. Four parts!!! Twitter poll responses. Email from their fan Dan mentions the similarity of Dave Brubeck’s Blue Rondo to a section of Natural Science. Anyway, Moving Pictures is my favourite Rush album. This was Steve’s introduction to brush, being the first album of theirs that he bought on a dodgy tape cassette copy. It is the best selling album in America, with sales leading to quadruple platinum in America alone. Over 4 million copies sold in America. Is this the album that broke the band? The album cover features a triple entendre. Bobby King features on this cover twice, as well as the album covers for 2112 and hemispheres. brush had to pay the $9000 themselves needed for the photo shoot for the album cover. No that is interesting, in that for those of us that know how these things work. Record company folks up money to pay for certain things that need paying for recording albums, manufacture, and everything else to do with the making of an album and the promotion of the album. However, what happens then is the direct your company will take all of that out of the money from sales of the records, and then after that, the band or artist will receive a percentage of the sales, and the record company will get the rest for themselves. The pictures inside the album sleeve mean that it’s actually a quadruple entendre. Song one is of course the absolute classic Tom Sawyer. They mention the song battle scar by Max Webster, possibly because the lyricist for that van was pie Dubois, to co-wrote the lyrics for Tom Sawyer I believe? Louis the lawyer. Early take of Tom Sawyer. Gerry has never seen the Sopranos, which features Tom Sawyer in one of the episodes. Nickel And Dime by Journey. 

Tabletop Genesis - (2:13) episode 23: October 6th 2017: Mike, Ellie, Simon, Stacy, and Tom are talking about the album Calling All Stations, the only album to feature Ray Wilson on lead vocals. Wow, when they were doing a tour for this the ticket sellers were told to tell people that they no longer featured Phil Collins in the band. This is why they didn’t sell as many tickets as they would have liked, so the American tour was cancelled. They are right in saying that this album is one that Garners oh shoot response from Genesis fans, with opinion being divided so much. It is a tough album to get through in my own opinion, and I too have tried to listen to the album a number of Times over the years, and there are things that I like on the album, but he doesn’t flow. The opening song is the title track, calling all stations. Song number two is Congo. As an aside I think people need to go onto my friend and John Beagley’s SoundCloud page and check out his cover version of this song, because that shows what could’ve been done with this song! Stacey - “what is this, happy Biko?” Song three is Shipwrecked. Song four is An Alien Afternoon. Song Five is one of the two or three songs that they cowrote with Ray, not about us. They started talking about the whole thing of them auditioning for singers, including Kevin Gilbert and David Longdon. Song six is if that’s what you need. Song seven is the dividing line. My favourite song on the album with the great music. Song eight is Uncertain Weather. Simon mentioned something that mirrors my thoughts-album bloat. I think this album would’ve been better if the running order was different, and if there was less on there, because a lot of it is very similar. Also, and you can say this about a lot of artist, there were some bloody good songs on the B-sides that could’ve been on the album. Interesting aside - it is the only album that you can’t stream by Genesis. Song nine is Small Talk, another co-write with Ray. It’s a funny behind-the-scenes sort of thing when Simon says that he will have fun editing the music into the show with Mike vocalising the riffs. The mike Lord remix. Song number 10, yawn, is there must be some other way. Yeah :-/ ha ha ha, did Simon just edit in Mike singing the words Smalltalk while playing this song? Song eleven is One Man’s Fool. Is that a co-write with Ray as well? Far too many steady tempo plodders, and here they are ending with one! There were other eight songs recorded, seven of which were b-sides. I love Simon’s B-side Bros theme. First up is the non b-side Nowhere To Turn. Song two is Sign Your Life Away. Song three is Pappy Said (The Banjo Song). Song four is Phret. Song five is Banjo Man. Song six is Anything Now. Song seven is 7/8. Song eight is Run Out Of Time. Personal favourite songs. “Tom shows you his poll!” Apparently there is another Genesis podcast, all the wars in 2017 when this came out, called Philling up on Genesis with Mike & Joe. 

Watchlist - (0:48) episode 35: August 12 2021: great pause! Preview of what’s coming soon. I’ve heard what Ben says as well - media in the US close for three months over summer and just put out repeats/reruns. First up is The White Lotus. Jennifer Coolidge on holiday pretending to be twins dating two separate men. Steve Coogan drama Steven about Steven Lawrence, where Steve plays the lead police investigator. Final season of The Walking Dead coming to Disney+. McCartney 321 (Star on Disney+). Only Strangers In The Vehicle(Star on Disney+). Lord Of The Rings series on Amazon Prime in September… … 2022! 9 Perfect Strangers (Amazon Prime). Kevin Can F*** Himself (Amazon Prime). Scenes From A Marriage (Now TV). The Chair (Netflix). 

The Old Man In The Boat - (0:11) episode 8: August 29th 2021: this time the old man in the boat is having a chat with the sun. A fascinating look at sun facts. 

Something For Nothing: The Rush Fancast - (0:56) episode 43: June 2020: the second part of Steve and Gerry’s look at Moving Pictures. Starts with Lex playing Red Barchetta on bass. Intro. Twitter poll. Email from listener Steve Laurent. Song two then is Red Barchetta. Recorded in one take. Based on a short story called A Nice Morning Drive by Richard S Foster, based in a near future where cars are banned. Film titled The Last Chase starring Lee Majors and Burgess Meredith. I agree with Steve & Gerry that recording this in one take including the guitar solo proves that Alex Lifeson deserves to be seen as one of the greatest guitarists. Song three is the incredible YYZ. I pronounce it wrongly for my country? It’s an airport call sign. The sound of windchimes being smacked into a piece of 2 x 4, as opposed to what even I thought was glass smashing. Started as Geddy & Neil going in, writing the bass and drums, then putting it down, before Alex came back from his appointment, heard it, and put his parts down there and then. I’m looking forward to hearing what 100 songs are in Steve’s top ten Rush songs! 

Yes Music Podcast - Kevin is looking at the Levin Torn White album with producer Scott Schorr. Social network posts. Charlie Watts tribute from Alan White. Roger Dean news. Forthcoming Yes album reviews looking good. Scott’s credits are so cool. MySpace. Originally it was going to be Levin Lifeson White, but Alex was too busy with Rush. After the fascinating chat, Kevin thanked the ptoducers 

Buried On The Tundra - March 7th 2021: this time B Nicole is looking at the Ida “Girlie” Aguchak. First a warning about the sensitive nature with it being a child murder. Quinahawk population details. March 15 2020, ten year old Ida sent her last text message. March 22nd Ida was killed. 

Podtastic Audio - (0:19) episode 31: August 27th 2021: Chris talks about how to get great audio with basic equipment and not the best spaces. I had microphone bleeding problem with guests I had previously. Downloads and stats. Chartable. Chris suggests using the free service from ListenNotes, who can give you all details. 


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