Thursday August 26 2021


Thursday August the 26th, 2021 -

The Blurb -

Wednesday night was late getting to sleep, where we stayed up and watched some bits.

We had hoped to get some chats in after the chat with Eoghan, but it wasn’t to be.

When we went to bed at about 3am, we stayed awake until around 7 looking at properties.

Initially I woke up at ten to two, when I turned the radio on, got drinks, and had breakfast.

Louise wasn’t feeling great, and after a bit of social media stuff I cuddled up to a poorly Louise and eventually went back to sleep, until 4pm.

I started work on the forthcoming episodes, with the plan of being able to get the work done.

We shall see…

I started the night shift at 7pm by listening to what there is for the show with Bobby from The Rock Guys, which was a re-record. 

Shift was standard with not much happening. Andy called a few times from the other mobile, but I was selective about the listening to get some great shows in. 

Home at twenty five to nine, to find an ambulance at a neighbours who I got on with. Slightly worried, but too tired to stick around. 

The ‘casts -

(Notes taken by Siri - other AI’s are available).

Live Life Loud: The Decibolic Podcast - (0:19) August 24 2021: welcome back Dave. That great social networking joke! The gear in here section is about ART racks, specifically the Tube MP, leading to Dave’s own SCC. The Travel Time section sees Dave chatting with his daughter Serena again about a recent family trip including going through Indiana, Milwaukee, Iowa and Wisconsin. Illinois state park. 

The Queenpod - (0:18) mini episode 12: Ro, Suze, Simon & John talk about the Freddie Mercury written song Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy. #PlayQueenLoud song details. I love the re-recorded version as an alternative. I wish they would have issued that. I hear Drowse in my head after that finishes. #TeamDrowse 

Utterly Nonsense - (0:40) episode 80: cool classic video game sounding theme. The  guys are taking a deep dive at season one of Superman & Lois. Great sense of humour skipping forward admitting that the tangents went too far! Thanks for the Star Trek connection. They mentioned Brandon Routh’s Superman in passing, which to my mind is a shame, because that’s more down to the writers and director. The end music sounds like an old computer game version of the Superman theme.

Winter of Discontent - (0:52) episode 26: introduction and Nick bringing you up to date on what’s happened so far, after a microphone details correction and then a podcast suggestion - Screw It, We’re Just Gonna Talk About The Beatles looks at moments where The Beatles messed up. Run through of All Things Must Pass. Discussion about acoustic guitars live. John doing a pun on The Weight by The Band. Electric shock from a microphone. “F sharp Market Harborough.” Great podcast shout here where Nick suggests Sail On, which is about The Beach Boys. This is mentioned because of the mention on the 8 track recorder owned by EMI, that was loaned to The Beach Boys to record a live concert in London. 

Buried On The Tundra - B Nicole is Loki g at the murder of Brian Agwiak. Interesting population details about in Emonik. Details of the case. Outcome. 

Snapshots - (0:31) August 23 2021: new updates Amalfi Media website. First up is the current General Motors vs Ford court case. Aldi supermarket job applications in the US. Thurman University. Electric air taxis. A nursery rhyme? Keep It Simple phones. Follow up on the Polish/Belarus tensions. Laundry stress. The infrastructure bill. One family drove for nine hours because you can’t get quarters for washing machines.

Tabletop Genesis - (1:03) episode 22 August 16 2017: Mike, Ellie, Simon & Stacy introduce a conversation that Mike & Ellie had with ex-Genesis guitarist Anthony Phillips. He has bits and pieces that he can move around to create songs from, so is never really short of song ideas. I must remember the album Ahead Of The Field, which is one that I don’t have. Phil sang lead vocals on The Geese & The Ghost before being the lead singer in Genesis, while Peter was still the lead singer. Tom says that after recording this episode he is about to listen to The geese and the ghost for the first time. Now that it’s four years later, I have a question for Tom if he reads this blog. My question is “what did you think of it?” Also, I am incredibly envious because it’s the first time, and I remember the first time I had listened to the album myself, which was amazing. It is such a good album, and one that I would suggest to any people as a starting point for Ant. 

Frame By Frame: An Analysis of King Crimson- (0:51) episode 27 May 8th 2021: Ryan & Avery. Email from a German fan. This episode they’re looking at the last song on Larks Tongue In Aspic, which is Larks Tongue In Aspic part two. The Brian Eno/Robert Fripp collaboration No Pussyfooting was recorded around the same time. King Crimson cosplaying as Black Sabbath. 11/8,10/8, 7/8, 5/8, 5/4 & 4/4. Ryan used to prefer the 80’s live versions. All going into different life versions of this song, they mention the drummer Gavin Harrison, who was the drummer for Porcupine Tree, and is presently the drummer for The Pineapple Thief. Wouldn’t Gavin and Robert Fripp I have met when Mr Fripp guested on, I can’t remember the title, but a song on one of the Porcupine Tree albums? Ryan mentions the Dream Theater cover version. After what he says about it, I wonder if they lost fans? 

Adam & Craig’s Guilty Pleasure Cinema - (1:02) June 16 2021: this time the guys are looking at the film Highlander. Adam watching Loki, and Craig watching Awake. Craig’s mention of Live Aid based on events of the film Yesterday… George Harrison set up The Concert For Bangladesh, which was the first concert for charity, hence Live Aid 14 years earlier. Christopher Lambert was learning English as he was going along. Subway, The Shadow, Dark Man. Soundtrack by Queen. Bloody awful Sean Connery impression from Adam. “Back flip McGee.” How Adam got inspiration from this film. The crime of the whisky! Post credit announcement? 

The Old Man In The Boat - episode 6 August 23rd 2021: The old man starts talking to his own shadow, as well as the shadows of the worm and the seagull. “ what makes you happy?” 

Mundane Madness - (0:27) August 13 2021: Cooper Brock & Chase Pitman. Poll responses. 1 blinds vs curtains. Zebra Blinds. 2 Markers vs coloured pencils. Pet peeve 1 - people walking around with laces untied. 2 - people who suddenly bump into you while you’re walking. 


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