Sunday September 26 2021


Sunday September 26th 2021

The Blurb -

I had so much difficulty falling asleep again, eventually dropping off at around 9am, and then waking at 1:15pm to prepare to record an episode of Pods Like Us that I’ve been really looking forward to; chatting with the guys from the Inner Monolog podcast.

Two o’clock came, and it was hopefully not obvious, but I was very nervous.

Ricky, Jose & Marcus were so much fun, and it was unfortunate that Julio had already left for work.

I mean it wholeheartedly when I say that I’d be so up for a separate episode with Julio, or if he wanted to join in on a group chat at some point.

The talk went to so many places I had not expected, which is the magic of chat based podcasts in my opinion. 

I also succeeded in a first by sharing stories and video from my computer in the zoom chat. 

I think it’s going to be a great episode when it comes out, but also one with plenty of bad language, most of which I think was from me!

Subjects discussed included stupid things that Donald Trump has said, Joe Rogan being irresponsible, the rise of violence in political debate, a criminal being caught after leaving a photocopy of his face at the scene of a crime, a Russian police officer with a real gold bathroom being questioned for accepting bribes, and so much more. 

I got to work for the 5pm start to find that I was now changed to finishing at 7:30am, and not 5:30am. 

I don’t know why I listened to so little podcast wise, other than being busy. 

The ‘casts -

The Gerry Anderson podcast -(0:01) trailer

Mundane madness - (0:28) September 25, 2021: starts with a catch up, whereby they are asking people to get involved with their social networks, especially Instagram. Feedback about previous bouts. Found one - Tuesday versus Thursday.  Round two-the letter Q versus the letter U. These are the important debates of the modern world! U the favourite letter of Tony Hawk because it looks like a half pipe! Hahaha. Q words without a U - Qi, Qatar. Would you rather - eleven feet tall or nine inches tall? 

Out of the Blank - (1:57) episode 890: August 23rd 2021: Robbie is speaking with Jason Latona, arm wrestler and actor. Unicorn Bliss. South Park. Louder With Crowder. Captain Crunch. Damn, Jason will just go from one thing to another to another to another. Video of a guy hitting the mirror of a guy’s car for no reason. Power Rangers. You can’t tell people to lose weight in order to not get Covid, as that would be fat shaming them. Ass buffet. “that’s fucking Spider-Man!” LOL. Found him with a pen next to the bath. #GetMyViewsUp you’re a hero and a villain in your own life. What is success? You would rather listen to *NSYNC than my podcast? Microphone and sound problems. Predictions. The fear narrative. The world of the Demolition Man film is here now. Thanos snap. The vaccine question. I’m not touching that one! Girl who died falling off a Cliff for a TikTok video. Juji fruits. Robbie can’t even finish the joke. Jason’s cat Twinkle. Jason bringing up drugs. Bobby Brown. Chamois.  Would you rather…? Different entities. “Sucking dick.” Scientology. Tucker Carlson has a punchable face. Russian CIA. 100 year old man being tried for war crimes from World War II. Not wearing a mask. This will make enemies, but he‘s using scripture to give him reason not to get a vaccine, but ignoring the scripture in Leviticus telling you to wear face coverings when there’s a plague. 

Lost & Found & Rewound - (0:43) episode 1.11.5>>: September 26, 2021: Chris has a Bobby Z style haircut. Rick and Jim question Chris about any experiences regarding partying with Prince, which Chris says Asian unfortunately hadn’t partied at Paisley Park. Did Chris say “Wayan Pantries”? Disneyland smell generators. The Wife Trap. Once again Chris mentions the show’s inevitable end, which saddens me. I knew there was a set period, but it’s a great show. Rick - “I’m hanging from a noose on the ceiling after that introduction!” Rick about The Suicide Squad - “I was subjected to it!” Peter Capaldi as a bald headed man with electrodes, Sylvester Stallone, Spy Kids 3, Rambo. “My client will not answer that question!” Charlie Watts - “when should a band stop?” Rick announces the final film will be the French film Diva from 1981. Jim has now finally watched The Cat From Outer Space. Pink Floyd box set coming for Animals. Human Centipede 2. The last Leonard Cohen album. 

Reel Film Reviewed - (0:08) episode 5: August 18th 2021: Chris is looking at the film Beckett, which stars John David Washington. 

Tabletop Genesis - (1:20) episode 31: July 31st 2019: now that I’ve listened to them discussing the band’s studio albums, Ive decided to listen to their chat about the Genesis Live album from July 1973. At the start there’s an announcement from Simon to say that this would be Eli’s last episode, which I had wondered about from listening to more recent episodes. My question is “could they reissue this now as a double set?” Oh, Simon just mentioned that! The story of the loss of the tapes for the remix. I didn’t realise that the reissue included five bonus songs from the 1975 Lamb Lies Down On Broadway tour. Song one is Watcher Of The Skies. Awesome song. Song two is Get ‘Em Out By Friday. Mike Rutherford’s bass is amazing. Phil’s harmony vocal. Song three is The Return Of The Giant Hogweed. The Phil/Steve story. The guitar solo impression by Mike. Inspired by Day Of The Triffids and a news article about Giant Hogweed plants? Song four is The Musical Box. #UnaccompaniedBassPedals The final (fifth) song is The Knife. Mike is the Tabletop Genesis human beatbox. After going through the songs they then list their favourites. #TomShowsYouHisPoll Songs not included on the album. Richard McPhail. Scrapple.  

Binge Bros - (1:01) 24th of September 2021: natty and Joey. Shang Chi and the legend of the 10 rings is coming to Disney+ on November 12, which also happens to be what is called Disney+ day. SNL season 47 coming with some of the guest hosts announced. Netflix strikes a deal to acquire the Roald Dahl Story Company for $750. This perhaps changes the Willy Wonka prequel idea with Timothy Chalamet. IMAX CEO studios news. HBO. Eddie Murphy has signed a three picture deal with Amazon prime. Who else would be great choices for signing these contracts? New documentary on Netflix called Britney Vs Spears. Review of the film Cruella. Is it just me, or is it a thing these days to do precools for villains in films? Not that I’ve seen it, but I do understand that the joker film worked, so I’m guessing that this is just jumping on the bandwagon? Now then... Natty has brought something interesting up - Disney now making films to make a shitload of money. Let’s what happens now with the Marvel creators situation. It would be interesting to see if they bring this up in the next Binge Bros episode. Now it is time for natty to give his at long last reaction to seeing the film kung fu panda three for the first time. Natty, Joey is right in that chicken run is great from what I remember.  

The Great James Bond Car Robbery - (0:31) Episode 2 Under The Hammer: Friday June 27th 1986. Stephen J Greenberg. Auction at Sotheby’s. Greenberg vs Puglazi. Grundy Worldwide Insurance. Insurance payout was $4.2m - nearly $4 more than he paid for the car. Now onto how the car became iconic… Ian Fleming driving a khaki Standard Tourer. Author Simon Winder talks about Ian Fleming. Charles Frasier Smith. Lucy Fleming. Bentley. Bond novels fan Dr GRD Gibson suggested an Aston Martin. 

We Were On a Break - (0:37) episode 31: February 24th 2021: Geraldine and Chris. They are discussing what they thought the definition of marriage was when they first got together, and how that has changed during the years that they have been married. You can’t base what you think marriage is on fiction, i.e. literature, films, or TV, because that is pie in the sky, or more accurately romanticism. A lot of people who write books that are romantically inclined are looking at a dreamy interpretation that doesn’t mirror reality in any way whatsoever. 

Spy hard - (1:20) episode 28 the man with one red shoe: February 23, 2021: Scott and Cam are joined by Lorraine from the Once Upon A Nightmare podcast to look at the 1985 Tom Hanks spy comedy The Man With One Red Shoe. Horror film discussion. Scott’s knowledge of film is interesting. Dabney Coleman. Lori Singer. Jim Belushi. Carrie Fisher. Dresses. Scott gets people throwing coins at his bum showing in his shorts. #VerySexuallyRepressed I think cam has a very good point in that Tom Hanks is a comedy actor in this film, or an actor in a comedic role shall we say. Essentially what they are saying is the Tom Hanks needs to play a character, and in a case such as this film and they’ve asked him to do the Tom Hanks thing, which isn’t really a thing, because as I said he’s an actor in a comedic film. Interesting chat about other comedic actors of the time that could have done the Tom Hanks role. 

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