Days Off


Tuesday October 25th 2021

The Blurb -

Got home for half past eight in the morning from work.

Things didn’t go to plan…


First up I planned to stay awake through to Tuesday night…

That didn’t work, because I decided at 9am to get to sleep until 11am.  I dropped off around half past nine, and woke up at 4pm, not even noticing that an alarm had gone off. 

I think I went to Morrison’s, but can’t remember what for. I listened to the podcast From The Swamp To The Swamp while I was there.

We got some viewing in, and what I remember of the viewing for both days will be put together later in the post (today was the Goldie Hawn film Deceived, and some episode of The World According To Jeff Goldblum. 

Around 5 in the morning I went to bed…

Wednesday October 26th 2021

The Blurb -

I woke up at about twenty past eight, and got up at 8:45am, at which point I used the time to insert the promos into the next episode of Pods Like Us, and get it set up to come out on Sunday.

I went back to bed at 1pm and fell asleep until around 3pm, went out at around 4:45pm to get Louise a card for her parent’s an anniversary card, and a few boxes from Bodycare.

I also got some bits for tacos, while listening to the podcast The Night’s End. 

Lovely tacos, and more of The World According To Jeff Goldblum. 

Yet again I went for another nap. 

More viewing on the tv. 

Bed at around 5am, but had trouble sleeping, so I got up, and shaved away the beard. Clean shaven Marv is back!

I got to sleep around about 8am.

Viewing during the time off included:

  1. Film - Disney+ - Deceived - Goldie Hawn, John Heard. 
  2. Programme - ITV Hub - Ashley Banjo programme
  3. Programme - Disney+ - The World Accorfing To Jeff Goldblum - Denim
  4. Programme - Disney+ - The World Accorfing To Jeff Goldblum - BBQ
  5. Programme - Disney+ - The World Accorfing To Jeff Goldblum - Video games
  6. Programme - Disney+ - The World Accorfing To Jeff Goldblum - Bicycles
  7. Programme - Disney+ - The World Accorfing To Jeff Goldblum - RV’s
  8. Programme - Disney+ - The World Accorfing To Jeff Goldblum - coffee
  9. Programme - Channel 4 - First Dates
  10. Film - Netflix - What’s Your Number? 

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

From The Swamp To The Swamp - (0:28) episode 72: October 26 2021: Matthew DeSantis is looking at the state of China politically, financially, and economically. The collapse of Evergrand. Significant debt. A reverse pyramid population with more elderly than young people. Hyper-sonic lower orbit nuclear weapon system. 

The Night’s End - (0:45) season two episode 16: 16 April 2021: The Elevator Game written by Brooke Mackenzie. 


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