Friday October 29 2021


Friday October 29th 2021

The Blurb -

Still stressing over the move.  Nervous and excited at the same time.

I’m hoping that we’re settled relatively quickly, especially as I only have so many episodes in the can for Pods Like Us, so will need to get recording, and then I’ll have to see how that works with a mobile broadband box in a house, as opposed to the flat.

Steady night, albeit with me being a little bit slow.  Got some great shows listened to.

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

The Win Place Show - (0:38) episode 19: October 27 2021: Matthew is looking at Saturday’s races at Keeneland, giving us his picks for the three stakes races (Hagyard Fayette, Bryan Station, and Bowman Mill), as well as his insights into the horses, trainers and jockeys. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:12) episode 040: 29 December 2018: Eric and Eric are looking at the title song from Eldorado. Music snippet. “What’s that song all about?” Different vocal according to real and dream world. A very Roy Orbison sound. Bullshit backward masking debate.  “What does Madeline think?” 

The Bright Sessions - (0:26) season 3 episode 5: Sam, September 13th: December 14 2016: After Sam surprises Dr Bright by suddenly appearing at the reception. Sam mentioned the meeting in the past with Anthony from the podcast ars Paradoxica. 

On Point - (0:09) October 28 2021: Alex Pierson is speaking with Tom Korski about subjects such as Stephen Gilbeault, and Bill C-10. How ironic that different leaders from around the world are flying in jet planes to a meeting about climate change?! 

ars Paradoxica - (0:24) season 1 episode 4:  July 2015: “previously on…” the return of Wickman, a discussion, a road accident. Bottle of wine. Diary July 16 1945. A very important point in history. 

Ongoing History of New Music - (0:28) episode 294:  The Unsung Heroes Of Music pt 2: 2021: Allan Cross goes further into those unknowns. 1 Winter 1417 find of a thousand year old document. 2 hair. Jurgen Vollmer & Astrid Kirschner. 3 is two drummers from 1969 - Gregory Coleman (b-side from The Winstons - Amen Brother) used in 5,309 songs. Clyde Stubblefield on the James Brown song Funky Drummer has been used in over 1,700 songs. 4 Pamela Rook changed her name to Jordan Mooney, and invented the punk look. 5 Tina Bell: the 1983 Seattle rock band Bam Bam, who had Matt Cameron on drums, and basically created grunge. They also had Kurt Cobain as a roadie. 6 Carl Hines Brandenburg & Deiter Selter in 1985 created the mp3, and the first encoder came out in 1994. Rob Glaser - Real Audio. In 1881 Clement Adler showed the Teatraphone, which allowed music to distributed around. 

Reel Film Reviewed - (0:26) episode 30: October 28 2021: Kris is looking at the recently released film Dune, starring Timothy Chalomet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Jason Mamoa, Zendaya, and many others. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, based on the novel by Frank Herbert. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:09) episode 041: 2018: Eric and Eric are looking at Eldorado Finale from Eldorado. Music snippet. “What’s that song all about?” The Love Boat, two Dr Who actors. A variety of interpretations for this ending to the album. Archive of an interview with Jeff Lynne saying he has talent and isn’t a genius, with Bev Bevan saying otherwise. “What does Madeline think?” 

The Bright Sessions - (0:04) season 3 episode 6: Caleb 9/15: December 21 2016: Caleb and Adam having a discussion. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:01) Introduction: a trailer for the show.

ars Paradoxica - (0:33) season 1 episode 5: 04 Bullet: August 1 2015: previously… September 21 1945. Sally. Barlow. Tachyon Activity Projector. “Time detective…” Wickman. 

Comicbook Nation - (1:10) October 29 2021: Kofi, Matt, Janell, and Jim. Interview with Johannes Roberts, director of the film Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City brings singing from Matt. After this we find that three of the presenters of have seen Marvel’s Eternals, and this bit includes singing from Kofi. The question is “is it any good?” Guardians of the galaxy game is out now. Paranormal Activity: Next Of Kin. Southpark Thanksgiving. Army of thieves. Halo Infinite game. The Witcher season 2 trailer. Comics: 1 - DC vs Vampires, 2 - House of Slaughter, 3 - Batman The Long Halloween: Special. 

All Songs Considered - (0:41) October 29 2021: Bob Woolland. The guest this time is Giles Martin, speaking about the history of the final released album by The Beatles, Let It Be, and the newly released deluxe reissue. Three environments - Twickenham, Saville Row, and the rooftop. Billy Preston. Glyn Johns. Ten days after these sessions they started on the Abbey Road album recording I Want You (She’s So Heavy). They play the remix of The Long & Winding Road, which is a thing of beauty! 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:13) episode 042: January 19 2019: Eric and Eric are looking at the song Fire On High from The album. Song snippet. “What’s that song all about?” First song on an album to feature bassist/singer Kelly Groucutt. Backwards voice at the start is Bev Bevan. Another song that was used on the film Ecstasy In Blue. Wow, the 8 bit version of the song! Chatter. “What does Madeline think?”

The Bright Sessions - (0:24) season 3 episode 7: Friday 9/23/16: December episode28 2016: starts with a log from Agent Green. He uses Windows on his computer. Phone call to Miss Barnes (Sam). A chat with a subordinate (officer Decker). New patient arrives (Miss Rose Atkinson). Agent Green’s first name is supposedly Owen. Ooh, Rose’s power is so cool! Failed phone call to Dr Bright, who is with a patient. He then called her mobile phone. After that call Director Wadsworth called him. I think she was listening in to the Green/Bright call. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 1: Daylight Savings: March 23 2020: the truth behind daylight saving, who uses it, and who doesn’t. It was originally set to save energy. 

ars Paradoxica - (0:31) season 1 episode 6: Midnight: October 1 2015: “previously”December 21 1945. Sally has gone back a couple of hours to try and save everyone from a catastrophe, only to reappear in a  locked cleaning room. Christmas party. All fired. 

When They Was Fab - (1:05) October 25 2021: the first of many episodes where Ed & Jon are looking at the new deluxe reissue of the album Let It Be by The Beatles. “Why is the opening on the left hand side?” The book with the set isn’t the same was as in 1970 or the recently released Get Back book. First they are looking at the remixed album and the ‘EP. They discuss their first experience of the album, and it’s release history. Interesting what they are saying about the mix… now what they could’ve done is instead of the EP, they could actually have done a disk of the takes used and without any embellishments from the Phil Spector sessions of 1970, and then on the same desk, because there is space, they could actually I’ve done tracks that were just the Spector takes, without The Beatles in there. I wonder if either of them suggest that? How many musicians for the Phil Spector overdubs for Across The Universe?!?!?! The different Let It Be guitar solos. 


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