Saturday October 30 2021


Saturday October 30th 2021

The Blurb -

Better sleep than usual I suppose, probably around five hours all in.

Still trying to sort stuff out.

Work from 5pm to 5am including the clocks going back an hour, so we are now out of BST (British Summer Time), and are into GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

We Were On a Break - (0:34) episode 39: May 5th 2021: Geraldine and Chris. Geraldine has been out for a trip with her “lame” younger sisters to the zoo. Real sex is nothing like the movies. “How many divorces have been caused by Fifty Shades Of Grey”? It’s not easy to find the time time to get together. Intimacy without sex works. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:10) episode 043: January 26 2019: Wric and Eric are looking at the song Waterfall from the album Face The Music. Song snippet. “What’s that song all about?” Chatter. Archive - interview with Bev Bevan. “What does Madeline think?” 

The Bright Sessions - (0:23) season 3 episode 8: Friday, studio time w/the gang: January 11 2019: Chloe recording a journal. Sam pops by. Caleb & Adam turn up. The fourth dimension. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 2: March 24 2020: There are certain names that are not allowed for children in different areas of the world. 

ars Paradoxica - (0:31) season 1 episode 7: Exile: Nov 1 2015: “previously on ars Paradoxica…” a change of circumstances for the team.” 

Yes Music Podcast - (0:25) episode 506: what did they do next pt 26a Steve Howe: October 29 2021: Kevin & Mark. News includes a Toyah gig that Kevin is going to. Have a great time, Kevin. They are looking at the time around 2004 to 2006, when the band play essentially on hiatus, and finding out what Steve Howe was up to during this time. description. His album Spectrum. Dylan Howe on drums, Virgil Howe and Oliver Wakeman on keyboards, and Tony Levin on bass/stick bass. Competition. 

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - (1:37) episode 48: October 25 2021: Rob, Nick & Joe. “A proud affiliate of the Odd Pods Network.” DC Fandome. Black Adam. Shazam. The Flash. “ a bat boner!” The Batman. “Never rub another man’s rhubarb!” Michael Jordan. History Of The World pt 2 from Mel Brooks. Star Trek connection in Spaceballs. New album from Tremonti. White Lotus. Foundation. Toy Time With Joe (Lego house from Home Alone. DC Multiverse and The Batman toys. New album coming from Limp Bizkit. Timeblaster Toys. Merman. The first episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine they are looking at this week is Body Parts. Nana Visitor’s pregnancy. Nick-picking. “Necessary Evil!” So many Limp Bizkit puns this week! WTF? Second episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine is Broken Link. DS9 Seinfeld crossover. Kate Upton. Ooh, I’m looking forward to Joe finding out what happens at the end of the whole series with Rom. After discussing the two episodes, they discuss how they felt about the season as a whole. What does the future for KUWTC hold? 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:15) episode 044: February 2 2019: Eric and Eric are looking at the song Evil Woman from the album Face The Music. Song snippet. “What’s that song all about?” Recorded in three locations - basic track at De Lane Lea in London, orchestra at Musicland in Munich, and female backing vocals at Record Plant LA. Written in fifteen minutes as they needed one song for the album. “What’s that noise?” I think it’s a clavinet. “Was it a hit or was it [poop]?” Yes it was. So many cover versions! Archive - “What does Madeline think?” 

The Bright Sessions - (0:20) season 3 episode 9: Damian, September: January 25 2019: Damian & Mark. Damian comes back from shopping to find that he left his phone behind. Damian reveals his real name. Woah, what the hell did Mark do to Damian? “What you want doesn’t matter…”

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (1:27) episode 176: October 25 2021: Jamie, Richard & Chris. Intro. Fab fact - a 1969 film titled Crossplot / Robert S Baker / Roger Moore. Messages from listeners. News. More messages. First part of a two-part interview with Jules De Jongh. “Butter my butt, and call me a biscuit.” Jules does a podcast for 5-9 year olds called Tales and Tea For Nanny Bea. More messages. Randomiser with Chris - the Captain Scarlett episode Spectrum Strikes Back. Innuendos and double entendres. More messages. Outro. Post show banter - “merriment”. 

The Corona Diaries - (1:07) Chapter 78: October 25 2021: Ant & H. Ant asks H to tell people let people know what message he left on Ant’s voicemail. The question about Fish again. H went to see No Time To Die. How ridiculous... H got a fine at the cinema because the bond film was longer than the cinemas car park allows for. WTF? Listener’s messages. “It is quality checked…” I can back that up. Ant is a great editor, as I know from him being on PLU.” On to the delayed discussion about the album Radiation. I like the idea of them looking at the Wikipedia page of the album to fact check it. “The biscuit equivalent of a hobnob!” “I have really good ideas that nobody else seems to agree with…” “Woolworth’s synthesiser”. Diary - Brazil. Surprise Father’s Day gifts left in his tour cases. Castro’s Park, Guyana. Student interview. Weird Brazilian soundcheck very suspicious electrics in the shower, eek. Shoe repair. Vocal trouble. “Horror film death trap device.” Something like a Munich nightclub in the poverty of Brazil. “And we’re back…” “yeah, here we are.” Ant asks questions from the diary “Not like going to Timpsons.” One section written in the moment. New Sontronics microphones. “At least I got my phone back!” The hamster story! 😮 crooncast includes a fabulous deep Beatles cover snippet. 

The Sip List - (1:09) season 2 sipisode 12: October 8th 2021: story before the intro music - I’ve heard about the actor Burt Ward having to use tablets to minimise his personage. Intro music. Presented by Amanda joined by occasional guest Chris Cole. Vacation stories. Van Gogh exhibit. Airplane reference! What are they drinking? We can’t get Federalist Cabernet wine over here. The sip libs… The choice of subject this week is the five worst sequels of all time. “Robocop gets wings!” Chris, I completely disagree with you, because I think that Alien3 is a f*ing great claustrophobic sci-fi thriller. I don’t like the ending though. The film Staying Alive shouldn’t have been born! Don’t judge every dick by its cover. “We’re doing a public service.” 

3 Minute Lesson - episode 3: Passport Power: March 25 2021: This episode talked us through passports, house they are provided in different countries, which countries acknowledge certain countries passports, and everything else to do with passports and travelling rights.

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:12) episode 045: February 2 2019: Eric and Eric are looking at the song Nightrider from the album Face The Music. Song snippet. “What’s that song all about?” Recorded again at 3 studios, the same as Evil Woman. I co-lead vocal with Kelly Groucutt. Nothing to do with David Hasseloff. A noticeably bad edit for the single. Archive is Jeff Lynne talking about using a section of this song reversed in Evil Woman. “What does Madeline think?” 


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