Friday November 26 2021


Friday November 26th 2021

The Blurb -

Happy birthday to me…

Some birthday when you get in from work at half past eight in the morning, knowing that you have to leave for work at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

I set the alarm clock for 3pm, but was awoken by Louise receiving a phone call from her sister, who had  not long got out from a hip operation.  I could joke and say “hip hop-eration”, but first of all it’s not really something I should probably joke about, plus it’s not Sally’s sort of music.  Sally and Dave (her husband) love the music of Status Quo, and have seen them live probably around forty times I would guess. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration either! 

So that call was from around twenty to two until twenty to three, and the main bedroom is the only place you can talk on the phone without sounding like you’re either an old broadband dial up tone, or a phasing in and out robot.

I decided it was useless trying to grab back that hour, because I don’t want to just get up and go to work from waking up.

Tired all night as always. 

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

The Bright Sessions - Dr Bright moving. Mark has got himself a job as a rock photographer. Agent Green has a proposition for Dr Bright. Chloe visits Dr Bright. The Order. Caleb helps with moving things. Caleb’s sister Alice. Dr Bright receives a very nice gift from Sam. “The elephant in the room…” message from writer/director/voice actor Lauren Shippen at the end. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 56: June 8 2020: the hygiene hypothesis. The idea is that sanitisation has made it that humans have less immunity. 

This Is Today - (0:02) 22 November 2021: national cranberry relish day. JFK assassinated. Birthdays. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:17) episode 088: January 18 2020: Eric and Eric are looking at the song Don’t Walk Away from the Xanadu soundtrack. Styx in 1981 released a song called The Best Of Times where the chorus sounds very much like Don’t Walk Away. Styx and cocaine… A thought from Troy White. Message for Troy - Jeff Lynne and Elton John were musicians on George Harrison’s album Cloud Nine. “What does Madeline think?” 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 57: June 9 2020: Birth month and allergy development. 

The Win Place Show - (0:27) episode 32: November 24 2021: Matthew is joined by handicapper Sara Elbadwi to look at forthcoming races. 

ars Paradoxica - (0:17) season 2 episode 12: The Recorder of Dr Nikhil Sharma: February 15 2017: The recordings of the Doctor. Matteo Moralis. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 58: June 10 2020: How Israel Beat Peanut Allergies. 

ComicBook Nation hijinks 

This Is Today - (0:02) 26 November 2021:  Black Friday. National American Heritage Day. National day of listener. National cake day. National flossing day. Giving day. Special facts about the weekend days as well. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:18) episode 089: Eric and Eric looking at the song All Over The World from the Xanadu soundtrack. Jeff quote. Shard End, Birmingham. David Scott Morgan. “Too much gating on the drums at the beginning…” Another shitty Andrew Whiteside review, who is in charge of the official ELO fanzine! Was it a hit? - Yes! Thought from Troy. Out of interest, that music in the background sounds like it’s going to go into Singin’ In The Rain! “What does Madeline think?” 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 59: June 11 2020: an allergy to the sun. Solar eudacharea. 

Featured comics in this episode of ComicBook Nation 

ComicBook Nation - (1:09) November 26 2021: “WHAT UP?!?!l” Kofi, Matt & Janell. Because of dissagreements in the main group about the character of Hawkeye, Kofi has brought in his friend Rob Keyes from Screenrant to argue the side of Clint Barton. Matt sings at 25:10. Cowboy Bebop. Hit Monkey. #MonkeyHate Star Trek Discovery. First one of the 14 announced special Paramount Plus South Park films released. Saved By The Bell season 2. Comics - Hulk (Janell live comic reading). Black Panther. Death Of Doctor Strange. Hawkeye Kate Bishop. 

Awfully Irish Podcast - (0:10) November 21 2021: the guys are joined by Evan Holyfield, son of Evander Holyfield, to discuss his future in boxing. The episode stops midflow. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 60: June 12 2020: Epinephrine.

This Is Today - (0:02) November 19 2021: National Play Monopoly Day. Substitute Educator Day. Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day. Birthdays. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:16) episode 090: 2020: Eric and Eric are looking at the song title song from the film Xanadu, featuring Olivia Newton-John on lead vocal. Great archive of Jeff. Nightmare of a recording according to Bev because of basing it around the out of time demo recording. Was it a hit? Hell yes, it was their only number one in the U.K.! Thought from Troy. “What does Madeline think?”

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 61: June 15 2020: are babies conscious? 

Cool For Cats - (1:29) November 19 2021: Amy chats with Kit O’Toole, author and co-host of  the podcast Talk More Talk, about the Squeeze compilation Singles 45’s And Under. Released in 1982. Song one (on side one) is Take Me I’m Yours. Song two is Goodnight Girl. Song three is Cool For Cats. That is interesting, in the the meter of the lyrics or melody is based on benny hill. Song four is up the junction. The videos for both this and cool for cats were recorded or filmed at Tittenhurst, the house of John Lennon. The great Top Of The Pops performance. Song five is Slap And Tickle. Inspired by Elvis Costello and Ian Dury. Song six is Another Nail In My Heart.  Song seven is Pulling Mussels From The Shell. Song eight is If I Didn’t Love You. The U.K. had Labelled With Love instead of If I Didn’t Love You. Song nine is Is That Love. Elvis Costello. Nick Lowe. John Lennon. Paul McCartney. Song ten is Tempted. Song eleven is Black Coffee In Bed. The music video. Motown, Paul Young, Temptations, Hall and Oates. Song twelve is Annie Get Your Gun. Hmm, it’s not actually Squeeze musically. 

Something For Nothing - (0:58) episode 83: March 29 2021: The third part of their look at the album snakes and arrows. They mentioned it as a rarity they are recording this episode in the morning, which is something that they don’t normally do. Email from a listener. Song eight is the instrumental Hope. Quote from Neil. Song nine is Faithless. Gerry’s email story. Song ten is Bravest Face. Neil quote. Song eleven is Good New First. Song twelve is Malignant Narcissism. Geddy quote. The title is from the film Team America: World Police. It lost the Grammy for best instrumental to Once Upon A Time In The West by Bruce Springsteen. Song thirteen is We Hold On. T S Eliot. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 62: June 16 2021: Sounds we stop hearing. Words and letters that sound difficult. Younger children can hear more sound than they can as they get older. 

This Is Today - (0:02) November 17 2021: National Homemade Bread Day. National Educational Support Day. National Take A Hike Day. National Baklava Day. National Butter Day. First US Congress session in Washington DC. Birthdays. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:18) episode 091: February 8 2020: Xanadu Overture. Not available anywhere but on the film. Not on the album Xanadu, or as a b-side, but from the film Xanadu. A thought from Troy. Archive - Jeff talking about stage set mishaps. “What does Madeline think?”

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 63: June 17 2020: The most common birthdays for people. 

She Loves You - (0:50) January 26 2021: this time in the show about the women in the lives of The Beatles, Natalia is looking at Cynthia Lennon. Born Cynthia Powell September 10 1939, parents Lillian and Charles, with brother Tony & Charles Jr. Cynthia’s father died around the same time as John’s mother had died. They had to hide that they were married. Not a forced marriage. LSD. Yoko Ono. Roberto Bassonini. Noel Charles. May Pang. She passed away from cancer in 2013. Suggested reading is the nine volume series about John Lennon by Jude Kessler.  Short film named Cyn came out in March. 


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