Saturday November 27 2021


Saturday November 27th 2021

The Blurb -

Not much sleep on Saturday again, as per usual.

Got the episode of Pods Like Us with Greg & Russ ready for Sunday release, albeit still needing the promos putting into place.  

I got those promos on the work file ready to put into place on Sunday to come out on Sunday.

Busy at work with an extra job on, but of course I won’t mention specific jobs here. 

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

The Bright Sessions - (0:52) season 5 episode 1: July 16 2018: Dr Bright is speaking with a patient named Myra. Astral projection. Roadside altercation. The library. Drug references. Suicidal mentions. 2 to 4%. “Better a witch than a pitchfork wielding villager.” Message on Sarah’s desk. “Welcome to the monkey house.” 

Things We Said Today - (3:52) episode 355: the guys are speaking with director Peter Jackson. I love the fact that Peter explains what the beeps are about on the Nagra Reels. Hey Jude video. Dennis O’Dell. The Magic Christian. Free time at Twickenham as it’s connected to The Magic Christian. Saville Row. Magic Alex. New sound filtering technique named MAL after Mal Evans and HAL from 2001 A Space Odyssey. The January 29 1969 version of the Let It Be album. Fight myth busted! Great evidence of how sound has been cleaned up, and also of how some bits recorded on the reels aren’t on film, using synched tech. Nigel Oliver. 40 nagra reels still missing. I’m fascinated in Peter’s detective work into wanting to find out about photographs showing The Beatles recording at Saville Row in February or March of ‘69. I like how Peter said that Get Back is a sort of behind the scenes of the making of Let It Be, and they tried to avoid using scenes that were also in that film for the most part. Another good point in that if he had stuck with two and a half hours it would have meant two to three minutes of footage for each day.

Ken, Darren & Allan from Things We Said Today
chatting with the great Peter Jackson.

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03)  episode 64: answering the ridiculous question of if babies feel pain. Of course they do. 

When They Was Fab - (0:57) November 22 2021: Ed & Jon. First up there are details of what has been issued at that point towards the Get Back documentary. This episode’s main topic is the original 1970 film Let It Be. After that they go into the subject of what happened in the interim between these sessions and Abbey Road. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra - (0:15) episode 092: February 22 2020: Eric and Eric are looking at the song Prologue from the album Time. Archive of Jeff. Cylinder voice. EPJ’s parody - yuck. A thought from Troy. Archive of Bev talking about the way that ELO works. The story of Bruce. “What does Madeline think?” 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 65: June 19 2020: Interesting milestones in childhood. Separation anxiety. Cognitive development.

When They Was Fab - (0:50) Ed is joined by Nick from Winter Of Discontent in this first look at the three-part documentary get back. It’s fascinating having Nick on this episode with his incredible knowledge of the sessions. The story of I Me Mine. “Please use the ashtrays!” “This is an anvil!” 

This Is Today - (0:02) November 28 2021: Mickey Mouse’s birthday. The Great American Smokeout. National Oral health day. National Princess day. Birthdays. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 66: June 22 2020: Spelling bees and dictionary contests. 

Talk More Talk - (1:31) episode 87: November 27 2021: the first of two special shows where they’re looking at the theee part Get Back documentary, with this episode hosted by Kit O’Toole, Tom Hunyady, Joe Mayo and Ken Womack. Tom said something that I actually thought about after listening to the interview with Peter Jackson on the things we said today podcast, where they could separate the different instruments on the early Beatles albums that were recorded in mono, and then do incredible stereo mixes? That intro - I watched with Louise, who doesn’t know the facts about The Beatles, and she was okay with that. The truth about Mal Evans. George Harrison’s irritation. Dick James. Yoko and Linda. Michael Lindsay Hogg “does his own stunts.” Microphone in a flower pot. Titanic analogy. “The sixth paperboy…” Big surprise is that Paul co-wrote John’s song Gimme Some Truth. “50 Ways To Find Your Mojo…” 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:16) episode 093: February 29 2020: Twilight from the album Time. Archive of Jeff. Classic three minute Jeff pop song. Baba O’Riley mention. Good sonic assault. Was it a hit? Definitely in the U.K. Troy White’s thoughts. “What does Madeline think?” The continuing story of Bruce.

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 67: June 23 2020: There are actually lumberjack competitions! 

Deck The Hallmark - (0:25)  November 26 2021: Bran, Panda, and Dane are looking at the Hallmark Christmas film A Kiss Before Christmas. The episode starts with the guys talking about what they got up to for Thanksgiving. Description. A detailed look. “The Janice Project”. THEY SING!!!!!! 

Three minute lesson - episode 68: June 24, 2020: the Ironman triathlon.


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