Thursday November 25 2021


Thursday  November 25th 2021

The Blurb -

I watched around half an hour or so of the new three part Get Back documentary about The Beatles, and compiled (directed) by Peter Jackson.

I got a fair nunber of podcasts listened to, which included listening through the episode of Pods Like Us with Greg & Russ, that I recorded on Wednesday night!

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 048: May 27 2020: The last actual case of smallpox. 

The Bright Sessions - agent plum. The order. “I’m the new director.” 

ars Paradoxica - (0:28) season 2 episode 11 - Jailbreak: February 1 2017: Sally fills us in on what’s going on. How many Petras? “Wheelchair bound crypto fascist.” 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 049: May 28 2020: “the smallpox Cold War”. 

Phase Zero - (0:56) episode 46: November 24 2021: Brandon, Jenna, Jamie & Aaron. Spider-Man No Way Home tv trailers. I still think a surprise is that a lot of the Doctor Strange footage is Mysterio, and towards the end there’ll be a scene of two Doctor Strange’s duking it out. The Eternals. “He’s adopted.” The song “Agatha All Along” nominated for a Grammy. Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania has wrapped filming 18 months before it’s due. Update on the Guardians Of The Galaxy theme ride. At 22:40ish they come back after a break with spoiler filled discussion of the first two Hawkeye episodes that have been released. I’m with Jamie in that I’m happy that they have followed the Matt Fraction  and David Aja series of stories. At 49:34 they go to an interview that Brandon had with Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld from Hawkeye. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:12) December 25 2019: For a change Eric Paul Johnson talks about the film Xanadu, which featured songs written and recorded by ELO, including the title song with lead vocal by the film’s star Olivia Newton-John. The film also stars Gene Kelly. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 50: May 29 2020: Weaponised smallpox.

Christmas Past - (0:14) November 25 2021: an announcement at the beginning about the forthcoming tie-in book coming next autumn/fall. A look at the history of Christmas made for tv movies. Back in Victorian times it was usually Christmas ghost stories and tragic stories. Brandon Grey and Alonso Diraldi quotes. The history of the Hallmark channel. The Christmas Card film. Christmas Under Wraps.  “The predictability of it all is comfy…” Listener Andi from London tells a Christmas memory. Thank you Brian Earl for another great fun episode. 

This Week In Marvel - (1:11) November 19 2021: Ryan, Lorraine & James. Spider-Man No Way Home trailer. Marvel Studios Hawkeye. Shang Chi in IMAX (apparently I can’t get the IMAX version in the U.K.) Marvel’s Hit Monkey. “So good and so wrong!” Games news. Avengers comic #8 has Modok on the cover, and Ryan is in the announcement video. Defenders #1 on Marvel Unlimited by Al Ewing and Javier Rodgriguez. Marvel’s Wastelanders Hawkeye. The podcast Winter Is Coming apparently had Ryan & Lorraine on as guests. Interview with Josh Gordon and Will Speck, who are the creatives behind Hit Monkey. Interview with wrestler Big E. “Slap meat with Apocalypse!” Ruby Bridges. “What are you thankful for from Marvel this year?” Outro - “special thanks to It’s Jeff…” 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) June 1 2020: Mutual intelligibility. 

We Were On a Break - (0:37) season 2 episode 2: August 18 2021: Geraldine and Chris. Scorpions. Response to my Instagram and other messages. Times when kids can be difficult. Boundaries in relationships. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:14) episode 085: December 28 2019: Eric and Eric look at the song I’m Alive from the soundtrack album Xanadu. “What’s that song all about?” “Was it a hit?” - it got into the top twenty in many countries. Troy White’s thoughts. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 52: June 2 2020: Language revival; bringing back languages that haven’t been used for centuries. 

This Is Today - (0:02) date: This time Russ speaks about the history and traditions of Thanksgiving, as well as other things about the day including birthdays. I wonder if he’ll mention my birthday today (November 26th)? 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:14) episode 086: Drum Dreams from the film Xanadu, which was a b-side to I’m Alive and All Over The World. “That disco laser sound!” #PewPew  Troy White’s thoughts. Archive - Jeff talking about making a film soundtrack. “What does Madeline think?”

3 Minute Lesson- (0:03) episode 54: June 4 2020: The Hardest Language To Learn.

This Is Today - (0:02) November 23 2021: More on events of the day from Russ. National eat a cranberry day. National Cashew Day. Jukebox. Cellphone. Billy The Kid. Celebrity birthdays. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:14) episode 087: January 11 2020: Eric and Eric are looking at the song The Fall from Xanadu. That’s voiceover for the Jeff Lynne sounds familiar. Troy White’s thoughts. Archive - Jeff talking about orchestration and how he approaches recording albums. “What does Madeline think?” 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 53: June 3 2020which language is the fastest to write?

This Is Today (0:02) November 24?2021: National Jukebox Day. Tie one on day. Sardines Day. Birthdays. 

Dangerous Amusements - (0:49) October 27 2020: presented by Stu Arrowsmith. This time he is chatting with author Mark Billingham, who was on Mastermind with the specialised subject of Elvis Costello. Dangerous Amusements playlist choices. That quote from Elvis about Morrissey, lol. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 55: June 5 2020: Esperanto language. What it is, the history of it, and who uses it.


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