The Christmas Shifts Podcasts 2


The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

Face The Music - (0:16) episode 155: June 12: 2021: Eric and Eric look at the song Long Time Gone from Zoom. George Harrison on slide guitar. “A very cheerful episode.” Thoughts from Troy. “What does Madeline think?” 

Tis The Podcast - December 24 2021: The guys read from the book the 12 terrors of Christmas by John Updike. Apparently this is a thing that they do each Christmas Eve?  

The Calm Christmas 
Podcast show notes 1

The Calm Christmas Podcast - (0:37) season 2 episode 8: December 2021: Beth offers advice to help with being able to relax, and take time out to celebrate Christmas.

The Calm Christmas 
Podcast show notes 2

Reel Film Reviewed - (0:35) December 23 2021: in a special bonus episode Kris gives his 12 favourite Christmas films. 

3 Minute Lesson - episode 183: December 2 2020: credit card debt spiral. 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:15) episode 152: May 22 2021: Eric and Eric are looking at the song Easy Money from Zoom. Ringo Starr on drums, with Jeff playing everything else. Archive of Jeff talking about the constant change and evolution of Electric Light Orchestra. Thoughts from Troy. “What does Madeline think?” I want that play! 

This Is Today - (0:10) December 22 2021: Russ is joined this time in a special episode by Rick Goldsmith, a historian for the company Rankin Bass, who made the fabulous claymation short films Rudolph the red nose reindeer, frosty the snowman, and Santa Claus is coming to town, as well as many more. Arthur Rankin and Jules Bass. 

Merry Britmas - (0:16) December 23 2021: special bonus episode where Adam looks at new festive songs that have come out this year. He shouts out Christmas Underground, a website for Christmas stuff. 

Merry Britmas show notes.

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 184: December 3 2020: credit scores 

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:15) episode 153: May 29 2021: Eric and Eric look at the song It Really Doesn’t Matter from Zoom. Archive of Jeff talking about its writing. Archive of Jeff talking about what his first forays were with music. Thoughts from Troy. “What does Madeline think?” 

This Is Today - (0:11) December 23 2021: Russ chats with Nathaniel Callan, a Captain from NORAD, who track Santa’s route. 

Season’s Eatings - (0:28) episode 9: January 25 2021: Glenn is looking at gingerbread. I wonder if Lebkuchen is actually an evolution of the name for Love Cake, but the name has possibly been altered over time? 

Phase Zero - (1:17) episode 50: December 22 2021: Brandon is joined by Adam Barnardt, & Jenna Anderson are joined by Alex Padovic.  Carlos Navarro, and Piotr Adomzik, all of whom are actors from the Hawkeye series. Jamie Jirak joins at around 35 minutes in. Talk goes to the Doctor Strange In The Multitude Of Madness teaser trailer. Full spoiler look at the Hawkeye season finale. Brandon, I too was disappointed by the post-credits scene in the finale! Also, that post credits scene just went on and on and on... #Yawn 

Seasons eatings - (0:25) episode 10: February 25 2021: this time Glenn is looking at a crispy cookie called pizelle. Contains trailers for the podcast show Christmas clatter and Christmas in the city.

Season’s Eatings show notes.

Comicbook Nation - (1:15) December 23 2021: Kofi, Matt & Janell. Uncharted movie second trailer. Matt - “why didn’t they start with this trailer?” Reactions to the film The Matrix Ressurections. Good point about film studios putting our information on films possibly early as a tangent subject. Around 0:16:35 they go into spoilers. Spider-Man No Way home has gone over $800m in ten days! Spoiler look at the Hawkeye season finale. Doctor Strange In The Multitude Of Madness first trailer. Comics. Matt has a copy of the forthcoming Marvel Zombies zombicide. Nice harmony at the end, Janell! 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) - episode 185: December 2 2020: the debt vs the deficit.

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:15) episode 154: June 5 2021: Eric and Eric look at the song Ordinary Dream from Zoom. Story of a much better mix of the song by a fan (from Two Sheds Jackson) who acquired the tracks before it’s release.  Thoughts from Troy. “What does Madeline think?” 

Christmas Alphabet - (0:27) episode C: December 24 2021: Christmas. Cards. Comedian and script writer Paul Kerensa joins Wayne to discuss comedy at Christmas. Paul is a writer for one of mine and Louise’s favourite sitcoms called Not Going Out. Christmas crackers. Paul has a book out about Christmas entitled “Hark, the biography of Christmas” and also does the podcast A British Broadcasting History. Some things that didn’t make it - Carols, A Christmas Carol, Cliff Richard, Chris Dingle, and Cake. To end is Wayne talking about the song “Christians Awake, Salute The Happy Morn” after he plays a recording of it. 

Merry Britmas - (0:08) - Christmas greetings from people at the many Christmas podcasts Christmas Creeps, A Cosy Christmas Podcast, Christmas Clatter, Tinsel Tunes, Snow At South Town, Kringle Talks Christmas, Lost Christmas, Planning For Christmas, Merry Britmas, The Sounds Of Christmas, The TGI Podcast, It’s a nineties Christmas podcast, Holly jolly, the total Christmas podcast, the Christmas time in the city, the warming glow at the calendar house, can’t wait for Christmas, the Christmas podcast, Netflix Miss, Feliz Christmas, listener Charmin, Wayne from The Christmas Alphabet, the elves from it’s a podcast, lift for Christmas, behind the bells, and season’s Eatings, totally rad Christmas.

The Night’s End - (0:22) season 2 episode 18: April 30 2021: description from show notes - “A violent mob descends on the farmhouse of a family accused of witchcraft. Joe, a reluctant participant in the proceedings, encounters one of the family members while trying to escape the violence.” For The Good Of The People written by Jay Adair.

3 Minute Lesson - episode 186: December 7 2020: hormones and acne. 


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