The Postponed Christmas


Me preparing to record a show in the temporary 

Tuesday December 28 2021

This was intended to be our replacement for me working on Christmas Day, but I woke up too late, sleeping past my 11:00am alarm, and instead waking at around 1:30pm by accident.

I had got in from work at around ten past six, and got to bed a little after 7am.

I started putting together bits I had for the second Christmas messages episode that will be coming out on Thursday, which will also be the final episode for season four of Pods Like Us, after which I will be taking a break from releasing episodes, but not from recording them.

I have actually already started recording for season five, which will commence on Sunday the 16th of January.

I rang my mum to see how she is dealing with the flu, finding out that she’s getting better. Not completely over it, but it’s positive.

I informed her of the passing of a friend of the family for nigh on thirty years, Eric Gamble, who I also worked with back in the day. 

Rest in peace Eric. Sending mine, Louise’s, and my whole family’s love and condolences to Pam, Ali, and the family. X

Louise made a superb homemade Broccoli and Stilton Soup for dinner, which made me happy. She is making food again, gradually getting back to her wonderful self.

Louise is the rock that keeps me going.

We watched the classic must see film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, which is one of our traditions. 

Another great thing that happened was that I had a 25 minute chat with Geraldine and Chris from We Were On A Break, an inspirational and honest podcast where they look at their relationship, and see what they can do to keep it going, after the difficulties they have been through, which is putting it mildly.

When they talk in their show I hear a couple who have an incredible bond, as well as a superb sense of humour that makes each other laugh. I hear two people who have something special. I think that they know that they have this, and they are dealing with it because of that.

When I spoke with them I was so happy that they were exactly as I imagined, and could tell that they are incredibly in love with each other, and have something very special. 

Geraldine and Chris from
We Were On A Break

I don’t mind giving away that other bits I have so far include a chat I had with the great Matty C from the Astroleague Podcast.

I also have clips from the shows ComicBook Nation, Trimming The Musical Fat, Spyhards, The Corona Diaries, The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour, No Fear Cooking, Christmas Alphabet, and Yes Music Podcast.

Wednesday December 29 2021

So today was our Christmas Day then, after the false start of yesterday.

Too much information I know, but we had very nice snuggles before being bothered to get out of bed.  Sometimes you just get that perfect comfortable snuggling place and don’t want to leave there.

Louise spent a good few hours getting the Christmas dinner absolutely right.  Veggie option of course, and it was delicious. Quorn meat free “ham style” roast with roast potatoes, roast parsnips, brussel sprouts, carrots, homemade stuffing (sage, onion and chestnut), and chestnuts.

Taken from Scrooge (1970)

Film wise we watched Elf and Scrooge (the one with Albert Finney from 1970). That’s not the end of our “Christmas” viewing, because we’ll carry it on to next week when I’m off again. I’m making up for not getting as much time off as everyone else does.

Taken from Scrooge (1970)

I recorded a full episode of Pods Like Us with B Nicole of Buried On The Tundra for season five, which will start to come out from around January 16th.  I also already have around half an episode in the can with Kris from Reel Film Reviewed. 

Later on in the night (1:15am) I recorded a quick chat with Nikki from Bats On The Brain to go towards the second and final episode of the Christmas Messages episodes. 

That will be the last of the episodes for season four by the way, which was finished and released the following afternoon.

There will be no more releases from Pods Like Us for another couple of weeks while there is a break between seasons. 

Very late night getting to sleep, because I wanted to make up for the time I’m not at home.


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