Thursday February 24 2022


Thursday February 24 2022 -

The Blurb -

I woke up at 11am, which is late for me after recent months, but is a better time when considering my working on Thursday night shifts.

I spent the next few hours sorting the music out on Louise’s MP3 player, adding new songs to it, and changing the format of others that weren’t playing. 

Late on I went to Aldi for the weekly shopping trip, then got ready, and went to work.

Work was pretty much the same as always with nothing much to speak of.

Got in from work at 8:30 after leaving work at around 7:40am. 

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 385: November 5 2021: diabetes risk

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) March 15 2021

ars Paradoxica - (0:35) season 3 episode 14: June 6 2018: chapter 36 - Release “The final confrontation. An end, possibly a beginning.” Final episode. 

The Bright Sessions - (0:21) season 6 episode 13: June 9 2021: Ghosts “The AM Archives | No supply for deadly demands as Helen's games go unchecked.”

The Short Shorts - (0:03) October 13 2020: Awaken - “SciFi: By the year 2245, we have finally reached Utopia.”

This Is Today - (0:11) February 22 2022: Russ tells us all we need to know about the day, looking at events from the past and celebrity birthdays. The podcast of the day is ‘140 Characters’. More than we needed to know about Russ’s lifestyle choices? 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 386: November 8 2021: Machu Picchu

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) March 16 2021

Ashwood - (0:21) season 2 episode 14: July 20 2021: Blundered - Andrew is visiting the big city for a friend’s wedding and meets a woman that he falls in love with, that he takes to the wedding with him…

Haunted UK Podcast - (0:28) episode 2: June 16 2021: Borley Rectory. So many podcast recommendations at the end of the episode, where they named over a dozen shows! 

AnimeShoshin - (0:56) episode 4: October 8 2021: Merve and Blake are looking at the first seven episodes of Stein’s Gate. 

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (1:38) pod 193: February 21 2022: intro. Chat. Fab fact- rescues yet to be enacted. Jamie asks for people to contact with ideas for where rescues could be based in Thunderbirds stories. Listener’s feedback. News. Listener’s feedback. Interview with filmmaker Samuel Clemens. Listener’s feedback. Randomiser is the episode Crash Landing from Supercar. Chat. Outro. Post show banter. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 387: November 10 2021: Troy

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) March 17 2021

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:05) episode 934: February 23 2022: Magnetic fields guide migratory birds 

Grumble Goat - (0:16) February 21 2022: Mat hates roommates. Their money helps, but sharing things doesn’t work. Very windy outside where they are recording. Mat’s book Zak The Human available on Audible read by Mat himself. 

This Is Today - (0:11) February 22 2022: recording live on YouTube. Russ tells us all we need to know about the day, looking at events and celebrity birthdays. Podcast of the day is Capes On The Couch. 

The Short Shorts - (0:03) October 14 2020: Ethernia - “SciFi: What if you could live forever? Would you get tired of living?” 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 388: November 12 2021: the Terracotta Army 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) March 18 2021

Simple Civics - (0:16) February 22 2022: Derek Lewis speaks with Jason Zacher from the Greenville chamber of Commerce. 

Greek Mythology: Short Stories - (0:02) August 19 2021: Shane with the story of ‘Hestia And The Gift Of Fire’. 

On Point - (0:09) February 24 2022: Alex chats with news media group Blacklock’s Managing Editor Tom Korski to get the gist of what’s happening. 

Ashwood - (0:13) season 2 episode 14: August 5 2021: Requited - “A monster bent on world destruction thinks back to his early life, and how he became what he is.”

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 389: November 15 2021: tutankhamum’s tomb

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) March 19 2021

The Prog Report - (0:31) episode 304: February 22 2022: Roie chats with Ross Jennings, Nick D’Virgilio and Neil Morse about their album Troika. 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 639: November 17 2021: the Rosetta Stone

The Short Shorts - (0:05) October 17 2020: The Usmar - “SciFi: There is a species that has existed along side men since millennia, but were forced to lived deep in the abyss of the ocean.” 

She Loves You - (0:44) episode 14: February 8 2022: this time Natalia is speaking about Barbara Bach, wife of Ringo Starr. Actress and Bond girl. Note to Natalia - I hope you’re doing better after getting covid. Natalia, I am actually a fan of the film Give My Regards To Broadstreet, mainly because of sort of music videos therein.


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