Friday March 25 2022


Friday March 25, 2022 -

The Blurb -

From the previous post - “ I got in from work at about twenty to nine in the morning, 25 and a half hours since waking up.”

And it took until after 10am for me to fall asleep, and then I woke up at 2:45 in readiness to leave for work around four o’clock, chancing whether I get to work on time or not. I’m getting sick of the shift turnaround on Friday, especially now after the move.

Pissed off all night with work. Constant money worries, and tired as hell!

Got home from work at about twenty to seven. 

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

Reboot Rewind - (0:50) season 5 episode 6: March 25 2022: This time Chris and Jordan are looking at the original 1960 film the magnificent seven, and the 2016 reboot. Actually, I thought that Star Wars was based on the Kurosawa film hidden fortress? The $20 subject - that is supposed to show that the seven are willing to help them, because the villagers are that poor, that is all that they can afford. This episode includes a spoiler to be Disney+ series Hawkeye. Guys, I’ve never seen any version of West side Story either, but I’ve seen various productions of Romeo and Juliet on stage. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) April 17 2021

The Short Shorts - (0:09) December 14 2020: The Family - “SciFi: What if tomorrow you wake up to a reality that is not yours, but it seems so real that you accept it as fact?” 

On Point - (0:11) March 23 2022: Angela Kokott is cover for Alex, and speaking with Richard Shimooka, a Sr. Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute about warnings from MP's that the NORAD Northern Warning System being outdated.

Ashwood - season 2 episode 3: March 25 2022: Virtuosity - “Tricia wants nothing more than to spend all her time making art. Sometimes, wishes do come true.” Welcome back Joey, I hope you’re okay, and that your family are well with all that’s been going on. Love from across the pond. 

The Tom Petty Project - (0:13) season 2 episode 8: January 5 2022: Kev looks at the song Listen To Her Heart. Great knowledge and trivia again. Kev does great research for his episodes. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) April 18 2021

The Short Shorts - (0:04) Fiction: An interpretation of my favorite song. A song that I have always related to given that I left my world to come here.

On Point - (0:12) March 24 2022: Guest Host Angela Kokott checks in with Managing Editor of Blacklock's Reporter Tom Korski. 

Beauty Unlocked - (0:18) episode 62: March 25 2022: hey there Carissa. This episode’s notes - “I'm going to rain on everyone's parade and tell you why it's never ok to comment on someone's body, but I'm focusing more on the 'revenge body' in this episode. You might have good intentions when praising someone's 'revenge body', but the term promotes a specific body type; the one that fits what society tells us we should look like, and trying to get a revenge body is the opposite of empowering!” Link Carissa suggested -

The  15 Minute Podcast - (0:12) episode 6: March 8 2022: Eric talks about “the importance of physically writing down your goals and how that can make your dreams realistic and achievable!” Mentions the book Green Lights by Matthew McConaughey. 

Flame Bearers - (0:21) season 2 episode 4: January 26 2022: Mialitiania Clerc from Madagascar doing slalom skiing. 

The Tom Petty Project - (0:12) season 2 episode 9: January 2022: Kev looks at the song No Second Thoughts, a song that I love. Kev mentions that the band were playing over a loop of the whole band playing percussion, a loop they left in the final mix. Some great mention of Warren Zane’s biography of Tom Petty. I cant answer this episode’s trivia as my knowledge of Tom petty is very basic. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) April 19 2021

The Short Shorts - (0:06) December 30 2020: Skip Ahead - “SciFi: Imagine if you could witness it all? If you were chosen to push ahead into the farest future, what would you see?” 

Bill Reads Bad Reviews - (0:25) episode 23: January 21 2022: Bill reads bad reviews about the film The princess Diaries, and then give us his own “BRBR review.” I wonder if the reviewers actually listen to the show? 

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:05) episode 354: March 15 2015: How can light transmit WiFi? 

Podcast Audio - (0:24) episode 53: March 25 2022: Chris is back to give us great advice for making out podcasts sound better. First up he explains his website through Google and their pod page site. This episode they talk about how they get great sound from their guests. Which I know is through using the Cleanfeed service , which we used when I recorded with Chris for Pods like Us. Change sound settings on zoom. 

 Bucket List Careers - (0:22) season 1 episode 21: June 9 2021: Christa chats with Mark Reid, who left Alabama to learn and then teach in Japan, then went to be a lawyer in New York, and after that went back to Japan to teach English to a Japanese children, and finally in 2019 decided to start a company who make Washi,  a traditional Japanese paper, that they take from growing the plant needed, all of the way to the paper stage. He also does the podcast Zen Sammich. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) April 20 2021

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:06) episode 739: January 21 2021: Motor Neuron Disease - a link to cholesterol. 

The Tom Petty Project - (0:14) season 2 episode 10: January 19 2022: Kev looks at the song Restless. Trivia question - how many of Tom’s songs feature a man’s name in the title? 

The Short Shorts - (0:03) January 5 2021: In The Clouds - “SciFi: What if they are up there? Not in space but in the clouds, watching our every move...”

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Song By Song Podcast - (0:45) February 3 2021: the Eric’s look at the offshoot band ELO Part 2, with some opinions from Don-O and Troy. First album self-titled. Second album was Moment Of Truth. 


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