Just two days at work


Photo from here - https://wanderingthenorth.com/driving-the-country-lanes-at-night/

I had booked some time off work, but didn’t get what I’d intended to have, because there isn’t the staff to cover.

That’s why I had Thursday and Friday off, but it was supposed to be longer than that. I had booked a run off, which would be Thursday to Monday as holidays, to give me nine days off work.

As it turned out, it ended up being four nights off, two nights at work, and then three nights off. 

So, working Saturday and Sunday. 

Saturday April 23rd, 2022 -

I absolutely loved being a guest on an episode of When They Was Fab before going to work.

I went straight from the office to an alarm call, which wasn’t anything untoward. 

I think that all weekend I was pissed off because essentially I should have been off, if I didn’t work under a rubbish operations manager, who doesn’t know how to manage operations. 

It was a busy night because of that fairly distant alarm.

I’ve put the details elsewhere, but a lot of my podcast listening on Saturday night was going through the recording of my chat with the guys from the Aussie NFL Fantasy Show, in readiness for getting it prepared for release. It was recorded on Zoom instead of Zencastr, because Talor uses a phone and not a computer.

I think that I got home for about ten past six in the morning, but I got a terrible sleep.

Sunday April 24th, 2022 - 

I think it was after 7 before I got to sleep, and I initially woke at about 11:15am, then didn’t get back to sleep for about another 20 minutes, and then woke again at about midday, unable to get back to sleep.

Work was incredibly busy, and marred by trying to sort out people not turning up for work.

I was supposed to finish at 5:30am, but instead it was after 6, and I got home for about a quarter past seven in the morning.

Another three nights off now then. 


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