The Pod Files - Friday April 29 2022

The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - Intro. Chat. Jamie is very tired from everything that he’s been doing lately. Fab fact in reference to deep faking in new documentary. Listeners feedback. News. Listeners feedback. Clip from a chat with the actor Roly Hyde, to discuss how are you was used to deep fake the late Gerry Anderson.. Listen this feedback. Random miser - the episode Winged Assassin from Captain Scarlett. Chat. Post show banter story reading. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:03) April 29 2022

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:05) episode 31: July 22 2021: We review the book "Clark the Shark" by Bruce Hale.

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:08) episode 947: April 29 2022: dog and dingo DNA Sequences 

The Short Shorts - (0:05) February 1 2022: They - “They are the biggest enemy. They are what we make up in order to point the finger. They are all of us, they are you and me. If you want to find they, look in the mirror. They will exist until we stop hating.” 

Short Stories For Kids - (0:09) March 11 2021: “Derek The Donkey and the Spaceship.” What a sweet story. 

Bill Reads Bad Reviews - (0:30) episode 35: April 15 2022: Bill reads bad reviews about the film Mad Max: Fury Road. Good review about this pod read out before Bill reads the bad reviews about the film in question. After this Bill gives us his take on the film. Bill badmouths the original film in comparison. I actually fell asleep during Fury Road. For what Max says in the film. It could just be called Fury Road without the Mad Max bit, but then it wouldn’t have got the interest when it came out. M

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:05) June 13 2021 

3 Minute Lesson - (0:03) episode 445: April 29 2022: glycogen storage disease 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:05) episode 32: July 23 2021: We review the book "5 Little Ducks" by Denise Fleming.

The Daily Quiz Show - (0:05) March 2 2022: music 

Short Stories For Kids - (0:10) March 11 2021: Jason & The Robot 🧒 🤖 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) June 14 2021 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:05) episode 33: July 26 2021: We review the book Margret & H.A. Rey's "Curious George Goes to the Zoo" written by Cynthia Platt.

The Daily Quiz Show - (0:05) March 4 2022: movies, tv and celebrities 

The Short Shorts - (0:05) February 1 2022: Taken - “Based on the tragic story of Morgan Renee Patten. She was killed, and yet those who are responsible for her dead are still walking around free. And the Onslow Sheriff’s Department is not doing their job. Please support Steve Patten as he fights for his daughter.” 

Short Stories For Kids - (0:10) March 11 2021: Timmy and the hiccuping dinosaur 🦕 

Presenting Hitchcock - (0:11) March 1 2019: an introduction to the presenters Corey and Aaron. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) June 15 2021

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:04) episode 34: July 27 2021: We review the book "Pigs, Pigs, Pigs" by Leslea Newman.

The Daily Quiz Show - (0:05) March 6 2022: arts and literature 

Short Stories For Kids - (0:11) March 11 2021: The Wolf and the Candy King  

Escaping Denver - (0:20) season 2 episode 3: April 25 2022: The Interrogation - “In an identity crisis ensues as Noah and Sara must decide how far they are willing to go to get the answers they need from the soldier they’re holding captive. For them to escape, intel is needed, but it comes at a cost, and are they willing to pay it?” 

The 80’s Movie Podcast - (0:37) episode 74: March 14 2022: presenter Edward Havens talks us to rough baseball films from the 1980’s. Great background on other films about baseball from previous decades. He suggests the film The Bingo Long starring Billy Dee Williams and James Earl Jones. John Ritter in The Comeback Kid, with a pre-fame Patrick Swayze. Lou Gosset Jr in Don’t Look Back. Blue Skies Again (a pre-fame Andy Garcia). Tiger Town. The Slugger’s Wife has a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Brewster’s Millions. A Winner Never Quits. Long Gone. Amazing Grace & Chuck. Trading Hearts starring Raul Julia and Beverly D’Angelo. Bull Durham. Eight Men Out. Stealing Home. The Naked Gun. Major League. Field Of Dreams made a lot of changes from the book. Night Game starring Roy Scheider. 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) June 16 2021 

Film Sack - (1:07) episode 537: December 12 2021: Scott, Brian, Brian and Randy look at the film Better Watch Out, starring Virginia Madsen, and filmed in Australia to look like America. Truth or dare. 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:04) episode 35: July 28 2021: We review the book "See Me Run" by Paul Meisel.

Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:13) episode 198: April 30 2022: Eric and Eric look at the song Sci Fi Woman. Song snippet. “What’s that song all about?” Archive of Jeff talking about lyric ideas. Thoughts from Troy. “What does Madeline think?” 

The Daily Quiz Show - (0:05) March 8 2022: History

The Icarus Complex - (0:36) season 6 episode 6: February 22 2022: Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Liverpudlians - “Liam still tries to deal with the fall out from the India / Claire incident and resorts to type in order fix the damage done to his reputation. A visit to Jongleurs with the football team provides an opportunity unheard of and a new outlook.“ 


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