The Pod Files - Sunday April 24 2022
Once again it was a case of me listening to shows to keep up with some regulars, because I was just working two shifts and then having three nights off. Longer if I win the lottery jackpot!
The ‘casts -
(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)!
Film Sack - (1:39) episode 542: January 27 2022: I’m working on getting back to listening to this great show, which was my introduction to podcasts back in the late noughties! Presented by Scott Johnson (who also does so many more podcasts that including The Morning Stream, Skim, and Current Geek), Brian Ibbot (who also does the excellent music podcast Coverville), Randy Jordan, and Brian dunaway (who used to make a great comic book based podcast). Mark Wahlberg. Brian D sees Batman Begins similarities, Randy has three rules, and Brian I sees more tropes than a little. “a film based on a video game that is based on films...” Dunaway loves Ludacris! Ludabias. What’s in Ibbot’s sandwich? Being The Ricardos. Die Hard. John Wick. Lethal Weapon. Dick Wank - what an unfortunate name. Mila Kunis. Timothy Olyphant. Nelly Furtado. Chris O’Donnell. “10 seconds of boobies, just like marriage...” The film contains a stinger after the credits. Olga Kurylenko. The return of Law & Order. Beau Bridges. What’s the worst rated film on Rotten Tomatoes?
Daily Dad Jokes - (0:03) April 22 2022
Face The Music: An Electric Light Orchestra Podcast - (0:16) episode 197: April 23 2022: Eric and Eric look at the song One More Time. Intro. “What’s that song all about?” WKRP. Don O’s take. Archive of artist discussing the creation of the Electric Light Orchestra logo. “What does Madeline think?”
This Goose Is Cooked - (0:04) episode 25: July 14 2022: We review the book "At Night" by Jonathan Bean.
Phantom Jukebox - (0:01) trailer
The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (1:21) pod 201: April 28 2022: live episode with audience at a Gerry Anderson convention. Intro. Jamie & Richard are joined in person by Chris Dale, Wayne Forrester (Captain Scarlett), and Lee Sullivan. Chat. Fab facts - confession facts. Questions for Wayne & Lee. News. “Cello gate.” Emails. Questions for Wayne & Lee. Messages. Live randomiser- Torchy The Battery Boy episode Evil Begins, the first ever episode. I’m not sure that is such a wonderful idea really! I’d question nowadays why someone like the professor would want all of those children on his garden? Audience questions. Chat. Outro.
Daily Dad Jokes - (0:03) April 23 2022
The Tom Petty Project - (0:16) season 3 11: April 20 2022: Kev is looking at the song Louisiana Rain. Too much information about Kev’s turbot mouth. A re-recording and rewrite of a song not used from the first album. Trivia - I got the previous wrong. Not a clue about this episode’s question. The two different choruses is a trick that I’ve used on my own songs a couple of times, with When I Was With You being one I can think of, even though I’m embarrassed that I issued that with mistakes.
This Goose Is Cooked - (0:04) episode 26: July 15 2021: We review the book "The Princess And The Pit Stop" by Tom Angleberger.
The Short Shorts - (0:04) February 1 2022: Along Came A Spider - “The story we all though we knew, you can trust the spider, but it can never trust you...”
Buried On The Tundra - (0:06) April 24 2022: “Akiak, Alaska - December 2014, Three Akiak residents leave a friends house in Kwethluk to return home on the Ice Road but never return to Akiak.”
Beauty Unlocked - (0:14) bonus episode: April 22 2022: Carissa is looking at the very family unfriendly subject of hairy scrotums. Educational of course! I think it has important information, and I always love Carissa’s opinion of choosing how you look for who you are, and not what the “world” tells you that you should be like!
Daily Dad Jokes - (0:03) April 24 2022
This Week In Marvel - (1:16) April 22 2022: Ryan & Lorraine. “Squirrel time!” Marvel’s Squirrel Girl The Unbeatable Radio Show. Thor Love & Thunder teaser trailer and merchandise. Ms Marvel. Moon Knight episode 4. Women Of Marvel podcast. marvel Multiverse role playing game Playtest. Game update - Marvel’s Avengers 2.5. Comics news. Interview with Ryan North. The Spider-Man baseball jacket that Ryan owned as a kid. Community. Benedict Cumberbatch to host SNL. “What about bananas, baby?”
The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (0:01) teaser trailer for pod wow
ComicBook Nation - (1:18) April 22 2022: Kofi, Matt & Janell. Moon Knight episode 4 reactions. Awkward love triangle. Jeff Lemire run. Halo episode 5 reactions. A look again at The Batman, now that it’s available to watch online. Past and future Kofi. Comics - Batman The Knight, Hulk, Catwoman, Nightwing. These guys want a Catwoman film with Michelle Pfeiffer in. Bring it on.
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(L-R) Kofi Outlaw, Janell Wheeler and Matt Aguilar on the great ComicBook Nation |
Naked Scientists In Short - (0:05) episode 647: January 15 2019: sleep quality and Alzheimer’s disease
The Short Shorts - (0:03) February 1 2022: Molly’s Place - “This short story is dedicated to a very special girl named Molly Steinsapir and her wonder life. She was a dreamer and a light. She was taken to soon, but will be loved and remembered forever. Please support her cause #TeamMolly”
Daily Dad Jokes - (0:04) April 25 2022
The Corona Diaries - (0:55) chapter 202: April 18 2022: shaving with a microphone. Welcome to Grammarcast. Ant’s bat phone. Marillion weekend in Poland. Lords Of The Backstage is in old money - 13/6. H uses face grout. Promises to aliens. What would you give for H’s Fender Telecaster semi-acoustic. Diary reading 1 - Amsterdam. Porcupine Tree were “like a mini Pink Floyd.” Working the crowds. Tired Ian in Strasbourg - the music blaster passenger. Ian Dury autobiography. Semi-acoustic tele bought on impulse when only going for a tambourine. I’ve done the same! Robin Boult. “And we’re back…” the story behind the line “crashing your car in Amsterdam.” The Who.
More Or Less: Behind The Stats - (0:09) July 24 2021: the rise of Delta
When They Was Fab - (1:06) April 25 2022: news about the Dad Grass product authorised by the Harrison estate. All Things Must Grass. Ed and Jon disagree in some ways about this product. The tour for the anniversary of Rubber Soul and Revolver continues more dates added. The main subject that Ed and Jon are taking about is the Magical Mystery Tour film. Ultimate resolution version. Around an hour or unused footage. I actually went on a mystery trip as a child on a train, with friends, and it is the strangest thing not knowing where you are going, although in saying that I sometimes go to cinema trips where they don’t tell you what film you’re going to see, and that is interesting. Doctor Strangelove footage. Ed is trying to make sense of things that don’t make any sense. “You have a dirty mind…” who is Roger Dykins? Magical Mystical Boy. Bonzo Dog Band with Death Cab For Cutie.
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