Three days off work


Monday April 25th 2022 - 

Asleep around 9am after the later finish than wanted at work, and then went to Tesco on the way home for bits that we didn’t get on our shop on Friday. I woke up at about 11:15am, and in the day found the time to finish editing the 2 hour and 12 minute ad free version of the NFL episode, which I then posted up onto my Patreon page -  

For dinner Louise made a lovely toad in the hole, which I think was served with lovely potatoes and peas. 

Our viewing included The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge (a programme that Louise is following where people make things for a doll’s house), and the most recent episode of Gogglebox. After this we watched the first ever episode of Gogglebox. 

Lights out at around 2am I think, and a terrible night’s sleep.

Stanley Tucci Searching For Italy 

Tuesday April 26, 2022 -

I think that I got up  at 11:15am, and was really tired from a terrible sleep.

Relaxedly got ready to go out food shopping, and do other bits while we’re out. 

Our viewing included Not Going Out (season 12 episode 5), and the fantastic Stanley Tucci Searching For Italy episodes 1 and 2 (Naples and Rome). 

We actually didn’t fall asleep until gone 4 in the morning, which meant another dreadful sleep.

Moon Knight episode 5

Wednesday April 27, 2022 - 

We woke up at about 10:40am.

Louise made a variation of an Eton Mess, but with mango instead of strawberries, and it was absolutely sublime. 

I got the final episode of season five of Pods Like Us onto Podbean ready for coming out on Sunday, with the trailers in place. It’s a bloody long episode! 

We got more episodes of Stanley Tucci Searching For Italy, this time with episodes three (Bologna), 4 (Milan) and 5 (Tuscany) 

As well as this we watched episode five of Moon Knight (I’ve not decided what I think of the episode, but the character may be becoming just another superhero, which he is far from in the comics) and episode 2 of the National Geographic series Wild Central America. 

It was another late night for us, sort of. 

We were watching something while in bed and we were both dropping off.

I suggested at around 1:30am that because we were enjoying the programme we were watching, that we have a nap, watch the rest, and then properly fall asleep for the night. 

At about 3am I woke up, got ready and switched everything off, and the lights went out.  Not a wonderful sleep, unfortunately. 


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