The Pod Files - Saturday June 18 2022


The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)

The Comfortable Spot - (0:43) March 6 2022: Ken Sweeney chats with Dr Jennifer Cassidy, author and academic, about the history, rules, and future of diplomacy. Digital diplomacy. 

Daily Dad jokes - (0:04) June 18 2022 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:06) episode 208: March 31 2022: We review the book "The Bravest Fish" originally titled "Bright Stanley" by Matt Buckingham.

TEDx Shorts - (0:06) October 22 2020: crocodile conversations and alligator gossip 

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:05) episode 265: June 21 2014: the future of flooding in Britain 

More Or Less: Behind The Stats - (0:09) June 22 2018: how many words do you need to speak a language? 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) October 3 2021 

This Goose Is Cooked -  (0:08) episode 209: April 1 2022: review the book "Can I Be Your Dog?" Troy Cummings.

TEDx Shorts - (0:07) October 23 2020: exchanging Mozart for Mario Brothers 

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:07) episode 247: November 21 2013: a weather forecast, for the dinosaurs 🦕 🦖 

More Or Less: Behind The Stats - (0:10) June 29 2018: running at the World Cup 

The Naked Body - (0:04) episode 3: January 29 2021: fighting infection 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:03) October 3 2021

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:08) episode 210: April 2 2022: We review the celebrity book "When I Grow Up" by Al Yankovic.

TEDx Shorts - (0:07) October 26 2020: why most visual effects suck, but some don’t… 

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:18) episode 206: March 12 2013: what does DNA sequencing do for me? 

More Or Less: Behind The Stats - (0:09) July 6 2018: Are there more stars than greens of beach sand?

Keeping Up With The Cardassians - (1:22) episode 79: May 30 2022: after an advert for the new film about Elvis, the show starts with the Top Gun theme tune. Nick, Rob and Joe. “Have video games softened society?” Life lessons from Megaman. Nick’s top impersonating. Anson Mount. Strange New Worlds. Stranger Thibgs season four. Obi Wan Kenobi. JJ Abrams. David Letterman. Jay Leno. Phineas And Ferb. The first episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine is Profit And Lace. “Moogie is built!” Nick gave away the end of DS9! The second episode is Time’s Orphan. “What trauma make you forget some things?” Yes, because I remember virtually nothing of my life up until my twenties. 

This Week In Marvel - (1:00) episode 555: June 17 2022: Ryan in Ms Marvel and Lorraine’s universe 616 documentary. Episode 2 of Ms Marvel. Thor Love And Thunder. A more fun stuff version of Spider-Man no way home coming to cinemas to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Spider-Man character. New image from Spider-Man Across The Spiderverse. Dr strange in the multi-verse of madness coming to home release. Surprise Marvel character in the Chippendales rescue Rangers film. Hulking. Marvel Legends. Fortnite. Mr Negative. Penguin Collections Marvel. Official Marvel podcast merchandise. Marvel’s Wastelanders Wolverine (a show I’ve already started listening to). Interview with actor/comedian/podcaster Oscar Montoya. Listener communications. “Sloth baby productions.” 

Daily Dad jokes - (0:03) October 4 2021 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:09) episode 211: April 4 2022: We review the book "Goo on my Shoe" Jacqui Shepherd.

TEDx Shorts - (0:08) October 27 2020: democratise AI now. 

Naked Scientists In Short - (0:06) episode 239: September 17 2013: ancient parasites treat allergies 

More Or Less: Behind The Stats - (0:09) July 20 2018: how to cycle really fast. 

Daily Dad jokes - (0:02) October 5 2021 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:07) episode 212: April 6 2022: We review the book "Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site" by Sherri Duskey Rinker.

TEDx Shorts - (0:07) October 28 2020: a short lesson in political speak 

More Or Less: Behind The Stats - (0:10) July 23 2018: should we have smaller families to save the planet? 

The Naked Body - (0:04) episode 4: February 5 2021: our sense of smell

Dating Will Be The Death Of Me - (0:18) September 19 2021: Amanda starts by giving an update on her recent dating. How can that guy blame her for crashing his car rushing to get to the date? A positive date that ended up not so great. The surprise. Walking away with 400 bucks! 

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) October 6 2021 

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:07) episode 213: April 7 2022: We review the book "April Foolishness" by Teresa Bateman.

TEDx Shorts - (0:11) October 29 2020: what your sleep patterns say about your relationship.

Trimming The Musical Fat - (0:17) episode 60: May 26: Stephen and Paul are joined by guests Ross Braidwood & Bryan Borthwick to look at the cover version of the song Everlasting Love by U2. 

More Or Less: Behind The Stats - (0:09) July 27: 2018: getting creative with statistics 

Campfire: Tales of the strange and unsettling - (0:40) January 14 2022: Jordan and Fyan chat with Karly of The Haunted Housewives podcast. Karly has the same favourite tv show as Darwin. 


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