The Pod Files - Thursday July 28 2022

The ‘casts - (Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember) Your Next Fvourite Movie - (0:39) July 26 2022: Josh chats with Joe Russo, co-host of Post Mortem podcast. They are discussing Joe’s favourite film, Ghostbusters, a film that I saw when it came out at the cinema. Daily Dad Jokes - (0:02) November 26 2021 Naked Scientists: Question of the Week - (0:04) episode 37: November 3 2008: the speed of time TEDx Shorts - (0:12) March 26 2021: how doctors can help low income patients Naked Scientists In Short - (0:09) episode 230: September 10 2013: cosmic rays and technology Here, There And Everywhere - (0:02) episode 0: December 30 2021: a trailer for the show presented by Jack, who is the guy behind the great Beatles Earth Twitter account Daily Dad jokes - (0:02) November 27 2021 Naked Scientists: Question of the Week - (0:05) episode 38: November 10 2008: wiping away the human race TEDx Shorts - (0:08) March 29 2021: how j...