The Pod Files - Monday November 21 2022


The ‘casts -

(Notes spoken to Siri, and edited later if I remember)

The Gerry Anderson Podcast - (1:10) pod 232: November 21 2022: intro. Chat brought to us from the children’s tv broom cupboard. Fun fact - a scientific fact. Listeners feedback. News. “From intergalactic rescuers to bargain hunters.” Listener’s feedback. Interview - part one of Jamie’s chat with Ellen Rose. Listeners feedback. Randomiser - Chris reacts to the Four Feather Falls episode Land Grabbers. Chat. Outro. Post show banter - #FessFacts 

The Daily Quiz Show - (0:05) November 21 2022: sports 

Merriam Webster’s Word of The Day - (0:02) November 21: temerity

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) November 21 2022: Rehearsing Monteverdi and Reich 

Daily Shower Thoughts - (0:06) November 20 2022 

Grammar  Girl - (0:05) episode 82: November 9 2007: Daylight Saving Time 

The Lost Christmas Podcast - (0:28) August 6 2021: Jeff is back, and his time he’s looking at the history of snowmen. “Apologies about the sound quality on this episode, my voice sounds canned almost. I wasn't able to fix it in this episode but will for Part 3 of this series! In today's episode we explore the history of snowmen in art, politics, and expression. We also briefly touch on the Yeti, shallowly diving in to the origins and history. Lastly, we conclude with Part 2 of our Lost Years of Santa Claus story. I hope you enjoy!”

Sleigh Bells And Mistletoe Christmas - (0:42) July 24 2020: Starts with news from Mary, that includes the Christmas Mart at Salt Lake city had been cancelled because of covid. After he new Rikki is joined by Rick Goldschmidt to talk about the animation company Rankin Bass, who was brought into the company by Arthur Rankin himself. There are so many things that they made. And I think their Christmas material isn’t as known here in the U.K. I wish it was! Mind you, I work every Christmas, so it makes no difference to me. They did Thundercats! 

One Minute Movie Reviews - (0:04) November 21 2022: Mikey reacts to the Hulu series The Bear. 

Good Morning Podcasters - (0:06) episode 2: November 2 2022: Sounder.FM is shutting down 

Create Magic - (0:03) episode 93: July 7 2022: “It's wet and froggy weather this morning, which got me thinking about these colorful little amphibians. There's magic in the rocks and roots if ya know how to find it.” 

Lidia’s Booktastic Podcast - (0:07) episode 29: April 2022: this time Lidia and her dad Ken review the book Wolfstongue by Sam Thompson. Hahaha, it makes me laugh when Ken makes Lidia irritated, lol. 

The Tom Petty Project - (0:17) season 5 episode 5: September 21 2022: Kev looks at the song Change Of heart. I love how Kev explains what a flam on a drum is. 

The MasterCast - (0:03) episode 29: November 22 2022: Marie introduces us to the great show Science Diction, a newsletter turned podcast describing science behind words and terms.  

The Lost Christmas Podcast - (0:33) October 14 2022: new feature at the beginning is a recommendation for Christmas. This time it is the movie It happened On Fifth Avenue. Tv series episode from Home improvement season two episode 12 called I’m Scheming of A white Christmas. Book recommendation is A Boy Named Christmas. The main topic this episode is the Russian Santa Claus, known as Grandfather Frost. “In this episode we kick off the Christmas season (the -ber months) first with a new feature! I'm giving a Christmas movie recommendation, a TV episode/special recommendation and a Christmas book recommendation at the start of each episode, please commend and email us with how you think the recommendation went! Next, we take a look into the Russian Santa Claus: Ded Moroz, also known as Grandfather Frost. With a deep history going back well before Saint Nicholas and many Western Christmas figures, this magical man has a fascinating history and a great story as well. We also talk about some related Eastern European characters and finish with part 3 of the story of Santa Claus and how he knows so many languages, how did he learn them and why?” 

Christmas Past Podcast - (0:35) November 21 2022: in this very special episode Brian introduces us to 7 songs by independent artists, which are Christmas songs, that we may not know. Dream about Christmas by Frank and friends. Lonely December by Lunar Spirit. The Sweaterettes song Ugly Sweater Time. Amanda Falange song Christmas lights through car windows. The Predaguts song Christmas Carols. Cover of Joy To The World by Amanda Opelt. Ver of Silent Night by Scapes And Scenes. 

Beatles Books - (0:35) episode 21: April 22 2021: Joe is joined by author Steve Turner to discuss his book ‘Beatles 66 The Revolutionary Year.’ The Beatles began 1966 as hysteria-inducing pop stars playing to audiences of screaming teenage fans and ended it as musical sages considered responsible for ushering in a new era. Steve’s book describes this transformative year by slowing down the action to investigate in detail the enormous changes that took place in the Beatles’ lives and work during 1966.” 

Sleigh Bells And Mistletoe Christmas - (0:17) October 16 2021: first up is Mary giving us the news that includes the first film made by Food Network film Candy Coated Christmas that has Ree Drummond in it. After this Rikki is joined by Chris from Yuletide TV to discuss the history of ghost stories at Christmas. Chris mentions where ghost stories are the big thing in episodes of tv. 

Beauty Unlocked - (0:09) October 24 2022: Begone Satan! The Earling Possession “Come, sit down, and let me tell you the story of Anna Ecklund. Ecklund's case, which is sometimes referred to as the “Earling Possession,” is considered to be one of the most well-documented cases of possession in the 20th century.” 

Womanica - (0:07) season 1 episode 43: July 31 2019: dreamers - Shirley Temple 

The Slowdown - (0:06) [encore] 662: November 18 2022: Today's poem is To Be in Love by Gwendolyn Brooks. This episode was originally released on April 27, 2022.

TEDx Shorts - (0:07) October 7 2021: How I overcame decision paralysis

Daily Dad Jokes - (0:06) November 22 2022 

Our Cynic Culture - (0:22) episode 36: November 4 2022: Matt, Jason and Jeff “have the most expensive bourbon you’ll never try.” Willett Family Reserve. Matt in his own fantasy world missing what Jeff and Jason are saying. 70% alcohol. 140 proof! Matt coughs. 

Audio Poem of the Day - (0:04) episode 1006: Private And Profane by Marie Ponsot. 

Vintage Rock Pod - (0:05) November 22 2022: Paul looks at events and celebrity birthdays from this day in history. The topic this time is based on the passing of INXS frontman Michael Hutchence on this day 25 years ago. Paul chats with band mate and school friend of Michael’s, the great Andrew Farriss. 

Sanjida Sayz - (0:05) August 29 2022: why do your ideas change every week? “I'll be answering a question for today, from my own perspective.” 

Good Morning Podcasters - (0:07) episode 3: November 2 2022: The LInkedin Insight Tag and Why Your Podcast Needs it:

Merriam Webster’s Word of the Day - (0:02) November 22 2022: leonine 

Atlas Obscura - (0:11) March 22 2021: Lynmouth Flood Memorial Hall “A disaster in a seaside town got locals wondering about government conspiracies, weather control, and if human beings could actually, truly for real, make it rain” 

Christmas Prepper - (0:08) September 11 2022: A mini book review episode of Russel Ince's Santa Claus & The First Christmas Eve.

Neuverse Creative - (0:08) November 15 2022: Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero (Audio Short Story)

Composer’s Datebook - (0:02) November 22 2022: Roger Sessions' "The Kennedy Sonata"

This Goose Is Cooked - (0:09) episode 366: November 22 2022: We kick off Thanksgiving Week by reviewing the book "If Animals Gave Thanks" by Ann Whitford Paul.


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